The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1040: Wealth, fame, power



内 In the super stormy area, thunder and lightning erupted wildly, and the power was stronger than once, and the sky was suddenly bright and dark.

In the cab, Luo Zhilong's hands trembled violently, his eyes flickered with shock and shock.

Outside, Li Qingyang stood up against the sky with his sword, and the lightning thundered wildly and made contact with the sword tip, which made the thunderbolt shine brightly.

I use a sword to lead mines, safe and sound.

Oh my God!

This is too scary!

Xiao Xiao, who was standing on the deck, was also stunned. Obviously, Li Qingyang could use the power of nature to store lightning for weapons!

This is the idea of ​​Jun Changxiao. When he saw the sky and thunder and lightning converge, he guessed, could he use it to recharge the Thunder Strike?

Sure enough.

It works!



The power of thunder and lightning in the sky is still being recklessly bombarded, and after contacting with the weapon, it instantly merges with it and is swallowed up, and is converted into pure thunder energy.

青 Li Qingyang's hot eyes said: "If you show your nirvana and cooperate with your body of thunder and punishment, the power will only be stronger!"

I may realize that the locked humans are a bit unusual. The dark clouds gathered over the sky are helplessly dispersed, and the sky is clear.


Luo Zhilong surprised.

Xun Jun often laughed and said silently: "It's over soon?"

He also thought that after the disciples' magic soldiers condensed the thunder and lightning, they would use their bodies to withstand the thunder and punishment.


Li Qingyang waved with one hand, and after many incubation, the anti-thunder lightning pattern was inclined, and the sword tip to the sword body lingered the thunderous luster, looking more powerful than before!


His eyes were hot: "The disciples have a feeling that if they use their nirvana, they may be able to kill the peak Wuhuang and even the semi-holy!"

"Not bad." Jun Chang smiled.

Luo Zhilong suddenly felt a little dizzy.

Dianfeng Wuhuang and Bansheng are the things that everyone looks up to, and the disciples of Wanzong have the feeling of killing. This is just too crazy!

Those who are near Zhu are red, those who are near Mo are black.

Although Li Qingyang can still abide by the precious goodwill, he still cannot avoid being a little bit biased by the dog leftovers.

Like just now.

If he changed to the previous one, he would just stride over to lift the sword and lead the thunder, but he would summon the tiansha thunder pattern from the space ring, and pull the sword out of the sheath by flicking his fingers.

Although the action does not have a strong pretense, but because it is too flowing and flowing, it is an example of invisible pretense!

You Mingming can be plain and simple, and you have to make whole flowers.

No doubt, it was infected by Jun Changxiao.

As soon as I first entered the Emperor Wuhuang, I dared to say mad words to kill the peak Emperor Wuhuang and Semi-Holy, and there was quite a bit of wind left!

Uh ...

The end of the super storm, the Tonggu warship once again flew towards the east.

Because the speed of the ship was so fast that the black clouds covering thousands of miles had not completely dissipated, they had already come out from the inside.

Luo Zhilong turned back to look at the fading clouds, and was shocked and calm in his heart: "The first natural disaster was so easy to break through!"

I encountered such bad weather for the first time in that year. He experienced a lifetime of nine deaths and even gave his life here.

One hell, one simple.

These are definitely two very stark extremes!

"Lao Luo."

Xun Jun often walked in with a smile, and said, "What disaster is behind?"

Luo Zhilong said: "The second natural disaster is called Rolling Stone, which is similar to the Super Storm, but it is not a thunderbolt, but a falling boulder. As long as it touches the hull, it will fall apart!"

Rain, snow, hail, and stones?

Xun Jun often smiled and bald and said, "Isn't there going to be a mountain of swords, a sea of ​​fire?"


"It's true that he meows!"

System said: "It's not unexpected! Not surprised!"

Uh ...


The ancient Tongchuan warship continued to advance in the sky, but because it has entered the deep sea, the danger can be described as heavy. Jun Changxiao slowed down a lot.

On the surface of the sea, one sailing ship can be seen one after another. Some are intact, and some decks are scorched black. It seems that they should have experienced a super storm and were attacked by lightning.


青 Li Qingyang pointed down at a dilapidated sailing ship and said calmly: "All the warriors above are dead."

Xun Jun often laughed and was puzzled: "These ships should all go to the East China Sea fishery. The road is obviously dangerous, why go to death?"

因为 "Because ..." Luo Zhilong said seriously: "Wealth, fame, power!"

Xun Jun often smiled slightly, and said, "Is the East China Sea hiding a big secret left by someone? Let many warriors like it?"

Luo Luozhi said: "There are many natural mineral veins in the East China Sea Yuzhou. This is a huge wealth. A few thousand years ago, a tidal wave of mining has formed. Today, it still attracts countless people."

"Natural veins?"

Xun Jun often laughs and his eyes light up.

"It's over."

The system secretly said: "The purpose of this guy's trip to Dongzhou Yuzhou is not to save Master Fan, but to focus on mining!"

"What about fame and power?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.

Luo Zhilong said, "Some decades ago, I lived in Yuzhou, East China Sea for a while, and learned that there are ten powerful empires in this country, and they have been fighting each other for years."

"If a good-looking warrior takes refuge in the empire and makes great achievements, he can increase his rank and enjoy reputation and power."

"So it is."

Fortune, fame, and power, Jun Changxiao still likes the former the most, and has no interest in the latter two.

The system added: "The host is not interested in beauty."

Luo Luozhi said: "A few decades ago, the Zhenwei empire in the East China Sea had a new emperor ascended the throne, reformed drastically, and declared war on other empires, which led to the formation of a unified Yuzhou state."

"There is no shortage of ambitious people everywhere."

Xun Jun often laughed at the topic and said, "Lao Luo, have you heard Master Fan?"

"Fan Yezi, a foundry master named Kyushu, Luo has heard of it." Luo Zhilong said.

"Fan Yezi?"

Xun Jun often remembered his world with a smile. The master sword-sword master from the end of the Spring and Autumn Period to the early Warring States Period couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Do all masters who are proficient in the art of casting like to name Yezi?"


Luo Zhilong shook his head and said, "Master Fan still followed Luo to the East China Sea Yuzhou, but now he has no idea."

"Going with you?" Jun Chang smiled and surprised.

Luo Luozhi said: "There are many casting masters who accompanied me. They learned from the conversation that they were invited by Zhenwei Emperor to taste a magical ore at Zhenwei Empire."

"Zhenwei the Great?"

Xiao Xiao, who was standing outside, heard the words, and the corners of his mouth suddenly appeared disdain.

As one of the top ten emperors of the star-stabilized continent ~ ~, both the self-proclaimed and the outer-named Emperor Ye, and the East China Sea Yuzhou, some people dared to name it after the emperor. Side by side with the sun!

"On the coast of Southeastern Shizhou, there is always a drift bottle brought by Master Fan. How can I know if I die?" Jun Chang laughed.

Luo Zhilong shook his head and said, "The southeast Shizhou and the East China Sea Yuzhou are extremely far apart. It can take decades for drifting bottles to float over."


Xi Jun often laughed and said secretly: "I almost missed this point."

如果 If there is an entity in the system, it must be immediately jumped out, pointed at him with his thighs, and growled, "What is almost negligence, you ya Mingming was reminded only by others!"

It takes a long time for the drift bottle to float.

In other words, Master Fan's request for help has to be advanced to decades ago. Now it is life or death, and he can only put a question mark first.

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