The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1049: You can, I am convinced

Zhenzhen Weicheng.

Xun Jun often laughed and stood with four disciples on the wide street, watching a soldier wearing a battle suit passing by, all of them subconsciously wondering if he had entered the wrong way and entered the military camp heavily?

Until they heard a hawker calling, they were sure that this was indeed a city, not a barracks with a large army!

Well-armed soldiers can be seen everywhere in Tancheng Pond. This alertness is too exaggerated!

The thing that most left dogs crumble is.

Even if I went to the inn to stay, there were soldiers questioning at the door, and I was in a state of super alert.

If he did not see the residents on the streets buying and selling normally, talking in whispers, and being in harmony, he even wondered if someone had initiated a mutiny and martialized the city!


青 Li Qingyang said, "This Zhenwei city is on guard!"


Ye Ye snorted coldly.

他 In his opinion, only those who are afraid of death will make the city so serious.

This shows that the Emperor Zhenwei is only a soft bone, dare to use the name ‘Emperor’, that is, the red fruit is blaspheming!

As a genuine emperor of the Emperor Wu, Pei Aniu couldn't bear in mind that the Emperor Zhenwei had never met before. If conditions allowed, he didn't mind giving him a good lesson.

"Let's go."

Xun Jun often smiled after setting up the guest room, and said, "Go out and walk around."

He didn't go directly to the palace's highest forbidden area, but planned to check the situation in the city first.

I can't make an empire insulted by others into a contemporary overlord. The dog left will never question it. The Emperor Zhenwei has real power, so he will definitely not fool over the front unless he understands the details of the other party.


Li Qingyang said: "There are many people around!"


Xi Jun often waved with a smile and said, "Look over."

Twenty-five people leaned over and found that it was an official signboard with a small array of engravings on them, which was flashing a faint streamer.

"Image formation method?" Jun Chang smiled suddenly.

Is indeed a mapping matrix method, but the level is a bit low-level, so that for a while, the relevant data has not been transmitted.

"Although the Zhenwei Empire is strong, it cannot be compared with the mainland in some respects." Jun Chang smiled secretly.

"咻 ——————"

At this moment, on the flashing light curtain, the scene finally appeared, and everyone in the room stared with wide eyes.

Five different portraits are gradually appearing on the screen, with the three large characters of ‘Wanted Criminal’.

"It turned out to be a warrant."

"I thought there was something to announce."

"It's gone, it's gone."

Everyone left without realizing that the five people who had just come in from the back had disappeared at this moment, and the camera had naughtily given five empty imaginary special effects.

Uh ...

In the slightly dark alley, Li Qingyang nervously said, "Zongzhu, what we look like easy to look at, how can we become a wanted criminal!"

"Say it."

Ye Yexing said faintly: "Surely those five people have been found."

He He invincible said: "You can no longer use this identity, otherwise, the front foot will go out and the rear foot will be found by the soldiers."

"Restore what it was."

Jun Chang, who was sitting in front of the stairs, smirked.

However, just after the Yirong mask was removed here, a group of soldiers on a routine patrol suddenly appeared in the hutong mouth. When they saw that the five were a little sneaky, they said, "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, just chat!" Li Qingyang laughed.

"to chat with?"

The soldier's head came over, and said coldly, "Take out your ID."

"This one……"

青 Li Qingyang's expression is a bit wonderful.

He has proof of identity, but he is just a pretender. It must be exposed.

"take it out!"

"锵! 锵! 锵!"

Dozens of soldiers gathered around, sacrificed the weapons in their hands, and a bunch of fierce heads almost filled the camera.

"Official Grandpa!"

Li Qingyang said: "I forgot my ID!"

"Why didn't you forget to wear your pants?" The chief of the soldier yelled.

"This one……"

Li Qingyang was speechless for a while.

The night star standing next to him stood up, put a hand on his shoulder and pulled it back, then lowered his head and walked forward. This was just the beginning of talking, and Jun Chang smiled and pushed his head away, laughing: "Official Grandpa, Mo Xiu, Mo Xiu, have something to say. "

He raised his hand and offered the silver.


The soldier's boss sneered: "Are you bribing the general?"

"Careful, no respect!"

Xun Jun often laughed and talked, her fingers turned lightly, and the silver changed into gold instantly.

A strict law enforcement soldier frowned slightly, withdrew his weapon, quietly withdrew the gold, and said lightly: "There are rules in the city, you must bring your ID at all times, don't forget it next time!"


The walking dog said with a smile on his face.

This act of putting himself in a low position is enough to make Su Xiaomo, who was undercover at the beginning of Taixuan Shengzong, exclaimed shame.


The soldiers gathered their swords into their sheaths and turned to leave.


Night Ye Xingchen was rather annoyed: "You don't have to kill them, why bow down!"

If not pushed away, the soldier would have been dead.


The smile on his monarch's face dissipated, and he said earnestly, "You must remember that you should not do anything deliberately when you do anything, but you can't bear to do anything."


The night stars are silent.

"Master," Li Qingyang rejoiced, "Do you have any plans?"

Xun Jun often smiled back and said, "Not yet!"


The corners of the mouth twitched.

I feel that when I came to the East China Sea Yuzhou with my suzerain, I was just eating, drinking, and having fun.

Uh ...

Xun Jun often laughs without a perfect plan, but after being wanted, he realized that he had to mix his identities first, otherwise he would be arrested hundreds of times without even approaching the palace.

"Hijack several people outside the city, kill them and pretend to be complete without pretending." Ye Xingchen said.

He also suggested this before, but the suzerain's benevolent choice had poisoned five people, and as a result, it was not the case.

Dark night.

Everyone gathered in the small hutong again, this time with experience, hiding themselves in advance.

"This seat has been investigated clearly, the women in the Fengyue place do not need identification, you can pretend, then drunk the guests, and get some useful information." Jun Chang laughed in a low voice.

Xiao Xiao sins himself: "..."

Night Stars: "..."

He He invincible: "..."

青 Li Qingyang collapsed and said, "Want men to dress as women?"

Xi Jun often patted his shoulder with a smile ~ ~ and said, "You guys are pretty and eye-catching, dress up a bit, and you definitely don't see any flaws, you must be gorgeous!"

"I oppose!" Ye Xingchen said.

The grand emperor Wudi, even going to dress as a woman, might as well drink wine all day!

Li Qingyang was calmer and said, "Sect master, do you?"

"This seat is behind the scenes to coordinate everything!" Jun Chang smiled and sorted out his collar.


Wu Hedi said earnestly: "It's all up to the disciples to coordinate the whole thing. It's more appropriate for you to take your brothers to dress up as men!"

"Do not!"

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "You can, I am convinced!"

Everyone rolled their eyes.

System said: "Let the disciples wear women's clothing, the host is sure to inquire information, is not to satisfy their own bad taste?"

"You do not understand."

Xun Jun always smiled and said seriously: "This is also a practice, a practice!"


PS, make up 1, owe 11.

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