The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1050: Make a big noise!



Just as Jun Changxiao discussed the plan, there was a sudden flash of light over the alley, a faint matrix formation appeared, and then the visible ripples spread across the city.

"What the **** is this?"

"咻! 咻!"

Twenty-five people were unavoidably swept by, and then the whole body flashed red.

Xun Jun often laughed at his brain and said, "Muff, is it a matrix method that locks in a certain type?"

"Unknown person is in Zhenwei City!"

"Catch it!"

"咻! 咻! 咻!"

The calm city suddenly became lively. A soldier wearing armor was flying out of the tower and walls, and rushed across the alley with five lights.

哪 Where's the catch, it's just running for life.

I dare to break into the city, or have no identification, the ending is a dead end.


Xun Jun often laughed and collapsed: "This array method also has the function of detecting identity?"

Ye Ye Xingchen and He Wudi felt a joy in their hearts.

Now that you are found in the city, you can start to do it directly. The men and women's dresses previously suggested by the lord of the priests to gather information are no longer necessary!


青 Li Qingyang turned his head and frowned, "We are exposed, what now ..."

Speaking of this, I took a step back in shock.

Xun Jun often laughed at the hairstyle without knowing when to comb her big back, with dazzling sunglasses, mouth cigar, said: "That's just hit!"

The system crashed: "So this guy said earlier, don't take any pride in doing anything, you can't help but make a big deal, you are just flickering!"



The night star burst out to repair and set off in the air!

"咻 ——————"

The three-foot sword was unsheathed and flew out, and the sky's shadow instantly rippled over the dark city.



Xu Jianguang passed by, blood fluttered.


The night sky stars floated on the roof, and more than ten drops of blood gathered at the tip of the sword.

"噗通! 噗通!"

More than a dozen soldiers rushed from a distance, crooked their heads and fell to the ground in despair.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't see what the streamer was, they felt that their neck was cold, and their brain and body were disconnected instantly.

Against the moonlight, Ye Xingchen proudly said, "Take care of the garbage, just kill it. It's stupid to play a woman in a flowery manner!"



Suddenly, dozens of soldiers on the left and right rushed over, and all kinds of energy gathered.



The night the stars can spread, the spirits can spread, and two gossip patterns like a mirror appear.

"咻咻 咻!"

A variety of energy came from the side seats, instantly blended into the pattern, and then transferred to other directions, banging on the street.


Xiao Xiao sinned with his hands and suddenly snapped together.

"咻! 咻!"

Suddenly the damaged street suddenly cracked, and one side of the soil pillars sprang up, and then all the soldiers who attacked Ye Xingchen were blown out.

After a brief fight, the soldiers who arrived rushed to realize the strength of the unknown, so they stopped, and the psionic energy gathered in their hands. A long bow with a mighty power appeared out of thin air, and then took the characteristic arrow.


When preparing to pull the string, there was a gust of wind from the sudden side.

He He invincible hung nearby, sloping hands, and smiled: "Dark arrows hurt people, they are not heroes."

"Bold Thief!"


Two soldier chiefs who reached the peak of King Wu's strength flew from a distance, and the tomahawk in their hands suddenly chopped down.



Two powerful sword lights cut from top to bottom.

He He Wutian always smiled, until Daoguang immediately touched the center of his eyebrows, and then he was calm and his black hair was gradually blown away.

"Be human."

"The most important thing is to be happy."

"嘭 嘭!"

The stabbing gas on his face was broken, and the two soldiers who were down were suddenly shocked.

He He's invincible spread out with his hands, and the seven Xuanxia lights burst out at high speed, directly hitting the soldiers with bows on the ground.


In the city tower, dozens of heavily armed Pegasus beasts fluttered their wings, and the soldiers riding on them were all warriors!

"咻 ——————"

The night stars dragged the streamer and flew at high speed, killing them instantly.

Wu Jianguang passed, his head, body, and limbs flew randomly, and blood even splashed on the lens.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

A large number of soldiers emerged from the ramparts, the city, and even many courtyards, marching toward the battle area, and the number of people expanded from hundreds to thousands or even tens of thousands!

俯视 Looking down from high altitude.

The four disciples of Wanguzong seem to start the unparalleled mode, and start the crazy mowing and killing in Changan City!


"Woohoo ---"

When all kinds of energy broke out, a soldier and warhorse flew in all directions in slow motion.

This kind of battle scene like CG animation is extremely bloody, and it has been proven again that the strongest ancestor of all ages is the **** fan, which was only accidentally classified as funny fan!


At the highest point of Gaocheng Tower, Jun Chang smiled and sat on the top, saying: "The people who live here are so powerful, why don't the people living here come out to watch the fun?"

"唰 唰 刷!"

He was wearing a real sun suit, and the red robe danced with the wind to produce the special effects of the return of the Great Saint.

Under the dark of night, the pretense realm has been raised many layers.

"and also……"

Xun Jun often smiled and looked straight ahead, as if the palace was forbidden by a certain force, and he was puzzled: "The Emperor Zhenwei is sleeping with his concubine?"



At this moment, the streamer flickered outside the palace!

A light and shadow appeared behind Ye Xingchen at a rapid speed, waved and clawed over, saying, "Child, suffer!"

"Boom ————————"

能量 The energy exploded over the streets.


The night the stars fell on the ruins of a fragmented building, his eyes flickered with anger.

The old man's face shot with amazement, because he not only missed the target, but was stopped by a young man wearing armor.

"old man."

Xun Jun often laughed and buckled on his wrist, gazing coldly: "You want to kill this disciple, you are dreaming crazy!"


The sacred breath of Wu Jian and Wu Shuang suddenly erupted, as if two wild beasts broke out from the body.

The half-sacred powerhouse saw this, his scalp cracked!

"Do not……"


Jun Chang burst into a punch with a smile, carried the fist of the supreme love from the lord, and slammed it on the old man's chest. The whole man flew from the city out of the city like a cannonball, and finally hit the mountain with his head crooked on the spot. die.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

流 Outside the palace, the streamers flickered frequently.

Suddenly, twenty warriors at the semi-sacred level appeared out of thin air. They were slightly different from the previous elders, their eyes flashed red, and their faces did not have any expression.

The same thing is that the overall strength seems to be relatively vacant. It should be forcibly promoted instead of down-to-earth cultivation.


Xun Jun often frowns with a smile.



后 ~ ~ Li Qingyang and Xiao Xinji and others did not stop, and continued to bless Wusong with Shu Han Wu Yong, harvesting attacking soldiers frantically.

Uh ...

"My son."

The old Tao, who was rushing through the night, said: "I heard that Zhenwei City is heavily guarded. Can we mix in with this identity?"

"no problem."

公 Yuan Gongzi proudly said.

Then she looked in the direction of Zhenwei City, and looked forward to it: "This city will definitely make me rise again and I will be successful!"

"Jun always laughs, he always laughs."

"You made me lose a gate of the Emperor, but gave a future that can have a high weight status, how can I thank you?"

Uh ...

Under the night.

Xiaozhen Weicheng is a small half of the city.

Under the unscrupulous battle of the four Li Qingyang, they have been severely damaged, and the scope of the spread is still spreading to other regions!

At the pace of Yuan Gongzi and Lao Lao, the fighting did not stop during the period, um ... when they arrived at their destination, they should still be able to see the ruins of a completed city.


Ps, make up 1, owe 10

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