The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1051: Get up and even dare to tear down your home!

The system is very depressed now.

Because the host said at the beginning that it should be low-key, when it was found, it fought directly in Zhenwei City. After all, this is not a normal person!

Xun Jun often laughed. The initial strategy was low-key, but the security in Zhenwei was too strict. At night, there was a formation method to detect the identity. Since you can't hide it, just fight it.

He possesses the sword unparalleled sacred practice, he is not afraid of Zhenwei Emperor whose strength is unknown.

Now, seeing the emergence from the imperial palace is nothing more than a semi-holy forcible ascension, let alone look at it.

However, what puzzles dogs is that.

My disciples are so fierce in the city. There may be other reasons for the failure of the Emperor Zhenwei, but there is a martial saint who is good at guarding the city. Why not come out?


The method of forcibly upgrading cultivation can only improve the semi-holy level. In fact, Zhenwei Empire does not have a martial arts powerhouse?

Systematicly said: "Calculated from the strength of the overall heaven and earth attributes in Yuzhou, the East China Sea, the probability of being able to conceive a strong Wusheng class is only one in ten million."

"How did you figure it out?"

"Colonel KI."

‘Oh, you ’re poisonous! What is the probability that Yangzhou in southwestern China will conceive a strong martial artist? "

"At least one billionth."


The system added: "After all these years, after my analysis, excluding two large states that have not been abroad, the lowest probability of Wu Xingsheng is in Southwest Yangzhou."

Xi Jun often laughed and held her chest and said, "What do you want to say, where I live, there is no worst, only worse?"



The silent blade struck the heart again.

不过 "But ..." The system spokesman changed his path: "The arrival of the host has greatly increased the probability of Yangzhou in southwestern China breaking through the martial arts. According to disciple Xiu, the probability will increase steadily!"

This is a kind of human speech, which makes Jun Chang smile a little warm.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

During the conversation, the eyes of the 20 sages flashed red and rushed from the left and right sides, and various psionic powers broke out unscrupulously.

Xun Jun often smiles and frowns slightly.

There are many residents in Tancheng Pond, and they do it on their own, and deliberately suppressed it so as not to affect innocent people, and they started to make no reservations.

System said: "The flint hammer!"


Xun Jun often spreads his hands with a smile, and the flames of the sky are blooming like fireworks in the air, and then turned into two big palms of flames, catching all kinds of energy coming in and crushing them easily!

"These people's eyes flashed red, and it should be passed on by the emperor."

所以 "So, they quickly get repaired, and the equivalent exchange is controlled and loses self-awareness!"

那么 "The controller is Emperor Zhenwei."


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

When Jun Renjie communicated with Xi Yuanfang, people had already flashed in front of several semi-sages, and under the fist of fire broke out, they flew directly out of the city, so that the energy generated by the landing would not affect innocent people !!

"咻! 咻!"

Contrary to his benevolence, he was the semi-sacred of the Zhenwei Empire. They once again condensed powerful moves. They did not understand suppression at all. The psionic power roared instantly and shattered the rows of houses below.

This kind of crazy outburst behavior that ignores the people, takes life seriously.

"Boom boom boom boom ——————"

Xun Jun often laughed and rushed over with his flames. His fists frequently bombarded in mid-air, and a semi-sacred **** flew out like a cannonball, and finally all fell out of the city.




There are more soldiers appearing in all directions in the city, they are riding on Pegasus or galloping, gathered in the streets.

Outside the Tancheng Pond, more soldiers rushed over like tide water, completely blocking the four gates of the north, south, east and west.


With the waving of General Long ’s sword, one hundred thousand soldiers outside the city were arranged in a ‘one’ shape. They raised their strong bows, and arrows flickered with arrows to stretch the strings.

俯视 Looking down from above, Zhenwei City has hundreds of thousands of troops inside and outside. Jun Changxiao and four disciples are like being trapped in the Tianluodi net.



Xiao Xiao sinned like a wild cow. After hitting dozens of Pegasus beasts and soldiers, he thought about sweeping 100,000 archers outside the city, and said suddenly, "Aren't they afraid of hurting the city?"


Li Qingyang said: "A group of lunatics!"

Those streamer arrows must have some explosive power.

无 The unscrupulous use of in his own place, even if it hurts the enemy, will it not bring irreparable damage?

There are many ancient buildings in Zhenzhen Weicheng, which are wonderfully ingenious.

If it is destroyed in chaos, it is really a loss of the world and a loss of the construction industry!

"I really don't believe this seat. These people are fierce and dare to tear down their own home!" Jun Chang smiled lightly.

"A thief is in danger and endangers the palace!"

Outside the city, a general wearing a heavy armor rode on a Pegasus beast, pulled his sword out of the sheath, and shouted, "All of God's Bow Camp is ready!"


With 100,000 soldiers raising their bows, the arrows converge more and more brightly. Obviously, the arrows are on the strings, and they have to go to the point!


Xi Jun often laughed and said, "Do they dare to play?"

The soldiers who were going to kill the soldiers in Qiongcheng retreated back after hearing the general shouting.

Suddenly, the picture presented was that Jun Changxiao, Li Qingyang and others were hanging over a certain urban area of ​​Zhenwei City. There was no enemy army around, and the densely populated residential area was below.

杀 The air of killing is revealed in the air!

The camera turned to the outside of the city again. One hundred thousand soldiers were lined up in a row, and their eyes flickered coldly. They did not care that once the arrow was thrown, it would hurt a lot of buildings and residents in the city.

Xun Jun often laughed indifferently: "Since you dare to play, come on."

人 Everyone does not know that he is distressed, and an outsider naturally does not care.


The general finally ordered!

There is no emotion in his voice, as if in his eyes, as long as the enemy who endangers the palace is destroyed, it doesn't matter what the price is!

"咻! 咻! 咻!"

"咻! 咻! 咻!"

With 100,000 arrows, burst out.

Because the rhythm of the arrow is the same, it is like a long sword light dragging across the galaxy Jiuxiao.

The power of a single arrow may be average, but the power of 100,000 arrows explodes abnormally!


Xi Jun often laughs and sees that once a person becomes fierce, he really dares to tear down his own home!


At the Imperial Palace, sky-high streamers flickered, forming a rather thick defensive enchantment.

Xun Jun often smiled and gave a thumbs up, and said, "Protect the palace and take the subjects as targets. It would be better for me to lose the world and to let the world lose me!"

"咻咻 咻咻 咻!"

The arrow rain came, and it was huge!

青 Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji are not attentive, because they have many ways to avoid the arrow rain attack.

I was at this juncture, and the room below was pushed open. Several children of different ages rushed out and stood crying in front of the room that had been turned into ruins: "Daddy, mother!"

Their mother was dying. The debris such as bricks and beams squeezed the body, but they guarded the baby still in their arms.


Jun Chang smiled like a stab, then fell down, squatted in front of the crying child, put his hands on their little heads, and smiled tenderly like the elder brother next door: "Little guys ~ ~ Nothing will happen. "


The rubble rubble gradually suspended.

青 Li Qingyang's brightest smile appeared on his face, because he didn't expect that the suzerain would rescue the couple who was not related to him.

Do not!

Su Zongzhu has kindness!

He just keeps pretending to be cold!


Xiao Xiao fell down, stepped on the ground with one foot, and his hands suddenly spread out. The soil properties and the power of the Great Wilderness broke out in the palm of his hand and shot on the ground suddenly.

"Boom boom!"

The well-developed streets quickly cracked, and a series of earth walls protruded. They flew up to the sky and connected in series, blocking the area of ​​100,000 arrows flying like the Great Wall.

Floating gravel.

Jun Chang laughed with his hands on his head.

Xiao Xiaoji, who broke out the defense force.

The puppet hangs in the middle of the earth to resist the streamer arrows.

画面 The picture presented in the lens is very warm!

At this moment, Zhenwei City soldiers became fierce and even dare to tear down their own home, and all ancient disciples became fierce and even dare to protect their opponent's house!

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