Master Fan?

The state teacher stood in the palace, and when he heard Jun Chang smile, his face suddenly changed.

Although secrets cannot be leaked, some strangers can rely on various means to carry out deductions to predict the future, and even when they are fierce, they will never survive.

The National division is not so capable at the moment, but immersed in deduction for hundreds of years, we can predict the future one-sidedly, and deduced simple misfortunes.

During this time, he was still working hard to study. Although he could not determine what the ominous omen was, he roughly understood that it was about Master Fan, and it was about one person.

Today, Jun often laughs at the brain and shakes the city, and asks the emperor to ask Master Fan, is not in line with all deductions, is not that person!

The state division had deduced that the Zhenwei empire had many troubles, and finally turned the danger under the power of the emperor.

But this crisis has never been stronger!

No matter how he divinates, the answer is dead!

Here comes the crisis! Disaster is here!

"Imperial!" Said the teacher in a hurry: "This man is an ominous omen that will ruin my empire!"


The vision of Emperor Zhenwei gradually cooled down, and he said coldly, "You are the enemy of this emperor."

Jun Chang smiled and saw that this guy wanted to fight, so he pointed away.

"go outside."

"call out------"

Space oscillated and disappeared out of thin air.

The system said silently: "Whether this is the host's home field or someone's home field? I'm afraid to affect innocent people and take the initiative to change places!"

"call out!"

The Emperor Zhenwei also disappeared out of thin air.

"Wu Sheng!"

He Wudi frowned.

Moreover, judging from the flowing clouds and shuttles in space, I am afraid that it is not an ordinary level, so I solemnly said, "This is probably a hostile enemy of the host."

Ye Xingchen said nothing and flew out of the city in a hurry.

It's no wonder that Emperor Zhenwei didn't look good, but he didn't take any action to teach himself. It turned out ...

Let's not talk about it, everyone is still a friend!

The teacher left in a hurry.

Whether God can resolve this crisis, he cannot know.

However, in order to be safe, you must bring Master Fan as soon as possible, and you may find life from the dead!


Zhenwei City is thousands of miles away, on a mountain range.

Jun Chang smiled arrogantly, and Yulong asked Tian Jian to flash a sharp light.

Emperor Zhenwei raised his right hand, the void gradually twisted, and a thick and heavy sword appeared, from the hilt to the body of the sword, all made of gold, and on it was carved a vivid dragon.

Dragon Power Sword.

After Emperor Zhenwei ascended the throne, he used a variety of ores to make weapons.

As he battled the battlefield and built his career, this sword was a strong witness to the Zhenwei Empire and a symbol of supreme power!


Jun Chang smiled and saw the handwriting carved on the hilt, saying lightly, "This sword should be made by Master Fan?"


The Emperor Zhenwei proudly said: "This Dragon Power Sword is the Emperor's painstaking search for nearly a hundred rare earth ore, mainly by Fan, supplemented by dozens of foundry masters. For three years, he cast it with the heart of the earth It is called the King of Swords! "

"Such a cow?"

Jun Chang shook his head with a smile and said, "If you know another nickname of this seat, you will not offer Master Fan's weapon."

Zhenwei the Great said: "What nickname?"

Jun Chang smiled and said earnestly: "Professional damage to the weapon cast by Master Fan for a hundred years is loved, blossomed, and Yushu Linfeng Xiaolangjun!"

You say your sword is so good, as a rising star in the world of pretense, how can you deal with the late predecessor without telling the nickname to the sky.

"Speaking like that," the Emperor Zhenwei said lightly, "Your weapon is stronger than a generation of foundry master Fan Yezi?"

Jun Chang laughed: "The weapon that Master Fan casts is in front of this weapon, and only the crushed ones."

The dog left is actually crazy.

When two madmen meet, there must be a spark of love.

The Emperor Zhenwei raised the sword of Dragon Power, and looked coldly: "This emperor is going to be taught today."


The sword emerged, deterring space.

"This person ..." He Wudi, who came over, saw this and was shocked: "Still Swordmaster!"

Jun Chang laughed very unexpectedly and said, "Are you Jianwu Shuangsheng?"

"Monarch Sovereign."

The Emperor Zhenwei smiled coldly: "In this world, it is not just you who practice sword and martial arts alone."

At first, Jun Chang smiled a little, and his face became serious. After all, for the first time since he was hung up, he encountered an equally powerful and powerful opponent.

This level is not the last big BOSS!

So soon, did the representative have arrived at the node that is about to clear the customs checkpoint in the East China Sea?

Looking back on the journey to this place, I didn't even fight the small boss, so I fought directly with the big boss, which was a bit fast.

"Jun always laughs!"

Emperor Zhenwei has a one-handed giant sword, and the majestic spirit can infiltrate it, and smiles coldly: "You are so young, you have such a practice, and you can count it as a first-class genius on the mainland. Why not help Zuo to build a career? "

Jun Chang smiled and said, "You are the second person to recruit this seat."

The first recruitment was still on the way of riding, a little distance from Zhenwei City.

"The results of it?"

"Autumn by myself."

If Yuan Gongzi was present, he would definitely tear his heart apart: "I didn't shut myself up, I'm cheering up again!"

The Emperor Zhenwei shook his head and said, "If talented people can't be used by the Emperor, the result is only ..."

"call out!"

Suddenly in front of Jun Changxiao, the dragon power sword carrying the majestic psionic energy directly tore the space and chopped it down, his voice sternly: "Death!"

The dead words and sword power are completely merged, and the king's momentum reaches the zenith, making the soldiers and the people in the city cheer!


The sound of crisp weapon collisions splattered in space with the fire!


Jun Chang laughed like a shell fell from top to bottom, his feet were steady on the ground, and the area of ​​hundreds of feet centered on him was instantly depressed.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Emperor Zhenwei from the sky waved his sword, the golden sword gas tearing down the space and immediately intertwined the Tianluodi net.

The might of Jian Wu is extremely vast!


He Wudi and Ye Xingchen watching from a distance frowning: "This guy who claims to be the emperor is really not a fuel-saving lamp!"


Standing underneath, Jun Chang laughed, and Ling Jianshenjue's word “Quiejue” was used. Countless swordsmanships appeared in the direction of Jianyu and blasted upward.

"Boom boom!"

Two powerful sword qi collided wildly in the hollow!

The spread of Jianwei's power severely cut the space, and in a short time it was like a complete thin cloth, torn into pieces!

"Imperial Dragon Sword Technique!"

The Emperor Zhenwei shouted angrily, the golden sword of the dragon power sword flickered, and the dragon carved on it seemed to be alive, and then the energy broke out and Zhang Yawu claws roared ~ ~ 嘭! "

Jun Chang smiled and stepped on the ground with both hands, holding the sword towards the sky, and the whole body was covered by the sword light, 咻 rushed up!

The two swords and martial arts sages started a fierce competition on the kendo. The funds used for special effects were burning every frame every second!


Above the sky, Jun Changxiao, who is a man-sword combination, rushed directly from the mouth of Jinlong Jianqi. A powerful explosion suddenly occurred, and waves of sword gas rippled wildly.

"So shocking!"

Li Qingyang and Xiao Gui were stunned.

Although Ye Xingchen and He Wudi can remain calm, from a professional point of view, the pictures brought by the two swords and martial arts twins are no less inferior to the top-level holy rivalry!

Zhenwei City soldiers and civilians stunned.

The Emperor Zhenwei is the strongest **** in their hearts.

Today, a warrior from the mainland can match his fanfare, which has never been dreamed of!

The monarch did not show his power!

The guy named Jun Changxiao will definitely lose the battle!



A few hundred miles away, Yuan Gongzi Lema stopped and saw the sword swinging from the sky in the distance, and was surprised: "What's the situation?"

"My son!"

Lao Lao stared, and said, "Yes, you always laugh!"


When Yuan Gongzi was struck by lightning, his hands clasped his head, and yelled sadly, helplessly, and desperately: "Where I go, why is he always there!"


At this moment, Lao Lao flew up and quickly came to him, holding his collar in one hand and backing wildly. As soon as the front feet were gone, the two horses on the back feet were directly unloaded by the sword power. !!

This is still a few hundred miles away.

In the dozens of miles where Jun Changxiao and Zhenwei the Great fought, the ground was not only sunken, but the towering trees and boulders had been torn apart and the scene was terrible!

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