The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1054: This battle is over!

Zhenwei City is thousands of miles away.

The fragmentation of space, like the fragmentation of cloth strips, is a terrible word.



At a high altitude, Jun Changxiao and Zhenwei Emperor are separated by hundreds of feet, and their swords gather around their bodies, showing a tit-for-tat trend.

Judging from the confrontation just now, it seems to be indistinguishable.

"Although the Emperor Zhenwei is also a Sword and Sword of the Sword and Martial Arts, from the point of view of using the sword posture, he still weakened the sovereign a little bit, and it should be forcibly promoted by some special secret method." He Wudi commented.


Night stars are silent.

This guy knows more than himself!

What is he doing and what is his identity?


Jun Changxiao is also promoted by various qualifications. He didn't even know Kendo during the whole process. Why didn't he feel that kind of imagination?

It's simple.

This product has a high level of plugins.

Emperor Zhenwei stretched his right hand slightly, and said coldly: "The monarch's kendo is extraordinary, which makes him admirable."

"Everyone, each other."

Although the two are blowing each other in business, they keep absolute focus on each other because the battle has just begun, and there are more fierce behind!

"call out!"

"call out!"

Sure enough, after a short conversation, the two sides once again turned into Jianguang and furiously competed in mid-air. The battle process was indescribable. The only way to judge the level is from the spreading ripples!

"My son!"

The puppeteer who has been hiding thousands of miles away is incapable of channeling: "The Jin Jiawu who claimed to be the emperor may be the one we are going to run to ... Emperor Zhenwei!"


Yuan Gongzi did not hold back and spurted out.

Not far from the sea, but before reaching his destination, I met Jun Chang with a smile and was even rescued by him. He finally regained his strength and decided to go to the ambitious Zhenwei Emperor. The guy and the others played a similar role. !!


Did you deliberately send Jun to laugh to torture me!

Still, no matter what I do in my life, Yuan Feng will be severely bullied and trampled by that guy. In the end, nothing will happen and he will always live in his shadow!


A bang came from a distance, the Emperor Zhenwei landed suddenly, and the golden armor on his chest showed a light sword mark.

Jun Changxiao stood proudly in the air, and said lightly, "You have been an unbeaten opponent for hundreds of moves since you came into contact with Kendo."

It's crazy!

Very arrogant!

"call out----"

The Emperor Zhenwei flew in, patted a little damaged to the armor, and sneered: "Surely there are people outside, there is sky outside."


He clenched the dragon's right sword and said, "Your emperor has a general understanding of your strength, and then you have to face death."


Raised with one hand, the sword gathered.


In the city, the soldiers shook their swords with their backs or grips, and flew uncontrollably.



One hundred thousand sharp swords flew together and hung over the city in the shape of a 'one', showing a magnificent trend!

Jun Chang smiled and frowned, "It's very similar to my Wanjian Guizong!"

With the strength of the sword and martial arts, and now exhibiting tiger-like sword tricks, is this a coincidence, or is there another secret?

The system hurriedly caught Jun Chang's brain, and said, "Swordmasters at this level are very common to gather countless swords. Please ask the host to put away bold ideas."


At this moment, the sharp sword hanging over the city disappeared out of thin air!

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

After the Emperor Zhenwei hovered behind, waves of water rippled, then transfigured the golden aperture, and the disappearing sharp sword gradually emerged from it, with a total number of 100,000, spreading throughout the entire sky. No matter from any lens, the picture is extremely spectacular !!


At the same time, the bursting wind screamed!

"Monarch Sovereign."

The Emperor Zhenwei looked up proudly, and said, "This Emperor's move is a dragon and sword dance. Maybe you are next?"

"Long Fei Sword Dance?"

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head with a smile: "It's a bit disappointing for a tyrant to show off such a poetic sword name."


Yulong asked Tian Jian to stand in front of her, her fingers stuck to her body, her black hair whistled and fluttered, and the sword around her body instantly diffused to the surrounding area.


Emperor Zhenwei frowned slightly, and said, "The sword that you released seems to be similar to the Emperor's Longfei Sword Dance. Could it also summon Wanjian?"

"Summon Wanjian?"

Jun Chang smiled indifferently, and said, "It's just the rest of the moves."

"Woohoo ————————”

While talking, the pouring sword fluttered towards the ground, and then shrouded stones, wooden blocks, branches, and leaves, causing them to fly on their own, all of which contained sharp potential.

Summoning a stalk sword is indeed the rest! Now that Jungou has released the sword, everything can be a sword!

The two levels, the verdict!


Stones and leaves shrouded in swords flew over, and then hung behind Jun Chang laughed, and the majestic confrontation with Emperor Zhenwei.


The pictures presented in the sight of everyone are all sword power and sword light!

"too terrifying!"

Lao Lao was trembling with horror, and hurriedly brought Yuan Gongzi back to a further distance, for fear that the two would fight against each other and endanger himself!

Li Qingyang and others also retreated.

Xiao Guiji even sacrificed his magic soldier Yunmengxia, facing away from Zhenwei City, like an indestructible mountain, providing absolute security for the residents in the city.


Ye Xingchen said lightly: "It's not the people of Qingyang County, so why take care so carefully."

Xiao sinned, "Because the suzerain did not want the children to fall."


Ye Xingchen secretly said, "I really think of myself as an incarnation of chivalry."


a long distance away.

Jun Changxiao and Zhenwei the Great are still confronting each other.

Converging swords and swords around the body are becoming more and more powerful. Obviously it is time for the sword to stretch out!

"Long Fei Sword Dance!"


The sharp sword in the golden aperture immediately dragged the streamer, and spun out like a sardine school. The outbreak of the sword momentum evolved into a lifelike golden dragon beast!


Jun Chang laughed and struck a finger.



Behind the dense Jianguang suddenly flew out!

They also gathered together, showing the sound of sardines, but when they rushed over, they looked like a fierce tiger shark!



The rain of arrows like dragons and sharks slammed into each other fiercely.

For a moment, the dark sky suddenly flickered with dazzling light dots, as if fireworks exploded instantly, and finally rendered the entire sky like daylight!

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

Boom Boom Boom Boom!

Jun Changxiao and Zhenwei Emperor stood proudly in the same place. As the converging swords collided into the fever, they stepped back involuntarily ~ ~ Yuan Gongzi and Lao Lao held their breath.

At this moment, the dazzling picture in the field of vision is too shocking!

If not, they are both holy, and they even suspect that the fighting at the imperial level may be the case!

"call out----"

When thousands of sword lights collided violently, Emperor Zhenwei flashed golden light all over, and the human sword rushed towards Jun Changxiao, and approached to a distance of more than ten feet in the blink of an eye!

"Monarch Sovereign!"

"This battle is over!"


The golden golden mangs were hot, and the space burst instantly!

Jun Chang raised his eyebrow with a smile, and gathered the swords around him to form a layer of defense enchantment.

At this moment, the Emperor Zhenwei raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and the sharp sprint of the original sprint was immediately shrouded in hot flames, yelling loudly: "Supreme fire, burn up the void!"

Jun Chang smiled as his pupils contracted, and said, "This guy is still a fire repairer!"

"Boom ————————"

A strong explosion suddenly appeared at high altitude, and a hot flame erupted, so the two swordsmans stopped colliding, and Qi Qi lost his power and dissipated.

"call out!"

Emperor Zhenwei flew out of the tide of flames with his hands hung in his original position, and a smile only on the face emerged from the winner.


"My son!"

Lao Lao said, "The battle is over!"

"How is the victory!" Yuan Gongzi hurriedly asked.

Looking at the flames covering the sky, more than half of the sky, Lao Lao solemnly said: "Jun often laughs and loses, I am afraid that he will die or be injured!"

Yuan Gongzi froze first, then covered his face, then laughed loudly with his head back.

Gradually, the laughter was sad and sad, and said frustrated: "This kind of rival can't be defeated in person, it is Yuan Mousheng's regret!"


PS, make up 1, owe 9

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