The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1070: We are lovers

Su Xiaomo is very depressed!

In such terrain-limiting battles, the speed can't be exerted at all, and it is very difficult to defeat this big dragon-like snake.

There is a true sun set in his space ring, and there are various equipment given by the lord.

However, the actual repair has been exposed at present, if you use these again, it will definitely make Xia Shuiyun even more jealous!

How to do!

what should I do!

Su Xiaomo, who has always been very stable, began to tangled, and always wondered why the spirit beast hidden in the deepest part of the Demon Dragon Cave suddenly rushed out!



At this moment, the big man opened his mouth to spit energy cannonballs.

Because the attack area has Xia Shuiyun, forcing Su Xiaomo to choose only hard resistance.

Originally limited by terrain restrictions, there was another wounded restraint, which made him very aggrieved.


"Boom boom!"

After a dazzling burst of explosive kicks, although various artillery shells were resolved, Su Xiaomo exploded again until he retreated to Xia Shuiyun and his face was sullen.

"Su Jintang!"

Xia Shuiyun's tears rolled around her eyes, and she said, "Let's go, I beg you!"

She knows that with the strength he just showed, he can escape the first time, and if he continues to fight with him, he will be obliterated sooner or later!

This cold-looking girl was finally melted by Su Xiaomo.

At this moment, she just wanted him to leave safely.

Su Xiaomo forced himself to calm down, observing the surrounding environment spiritually, thinking about how to escape safely without revealing more cards, and seriously said, "I won't leave you."

Undercover Taixuan Shengzong, he has been performing, but his feelings for Xia Shuiyun are also the most real.



The spirit beast squirmed and rushed over quickly, then opened its mouth wide with blood, and the strong air waves accompanied the stink.


Su Xiaomo shook her fist and secretly said, "To this day, the disciples can no longer hide!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Zhenyang battle armor is worn, and Zhenyang boots are worn on the feet.

The crimson cape was waving in the air, and the camera slowly turned away to give Su Xiaomo a close-up of his face, wearing a true sun mask on his face.

Xia Shuiyun narrowed her eyes.

The armor and boots all revealed a strong breath, making her instantly recognize that this must be a very high-level equipment!

Taixuan Shengzong also has a lot of weapons and equipment, but there is no such type at all, how can he have it? Is it ... it was given to him by Juntian?


Just then, the spirit beast rushed in crazy.


The sword of Zhenyang emerged from the sheath, the body of the wind and the boots of Zhenyang merged, and saw Su Xiaomo dragging the afterimage and rushing past.

This speed is so fast that Xia Shuiyun can hardly capture the real body!

"call out------"

Jianguang appeared out of thin air, as if tearing through the space, and then seeing blood splashing, there was a stink odor.


The dragon-like and snake-like spirit beast screamed in pain, and the opened mouth had been severely scratched by a striking sword mark!

"Brush!" Su Xiaomo, who rose to the back, rose up into the air, holding his hands on the hilt of the sword, psionic energy poured into the sword body, and yelled angrily: "Death to Laozi!"


Zhenyang sword stabbed into the beast of the spirit beast fiercely, and rammed into the cave immediately.

Su Xiaomo was too late to evade, and he was slammed into the wall again and again by the other side. The original injured body was getting worse.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Slightly, the spirit beast slumped to the ground.


Su Xiaomo jumped down with a sword, and a blood spurted out on her knees.

For the moment, it's a serious injury.

The problem is not big.

There is healing dandan, as long as you take it, you can recover immediately.

But this woman is still there. She can't be too pretentious. She has to pay attention ...

While Su Xiaomo was thinking, Xia Shuiyun rushed over, holding him full of scars, and cried like tears: "Why are you so stupid! Why should you save me!"


Su Xiaomo suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

He let go of Zhenyang sword, struggling to raise her arms to hold her back and smiled, "Because, you are the woman I care about the most."


Suddenly, applause came from afar.

Su Xiaomo looked up and found that Fang Lingyu and several inner door disciples appeared at the entrance of the tunnel, and frowned, "Why are you here?"

Xia Shuiyun hurriedly relaxed, keeping a distance with him, and his neck to cheeks became extremely red.

Getting out of danger and letting her aside and hold on to the past, but did not expect the same door will appear, it must be embarrassed.

"Su Jintang."

Fang Lingyu said coldly, "I didn't expect that you are so strong that you can kill a spirit beast that is about to reach its peak."

Xia Shuiyun calmed down quickly and turned around, "Sister Fang, let's leave quickly ..."

"Xia Shimei." Fang Lingyu interrupted: "I once told you to stay away from this guy. Instead of not listening, you have done something transcendent, which really disappoints me."

Xia Shuiyun lowered her head.


Su Xiaomo reached out, put it on her fragrant shoulder, and gently dragged it over, said lightly: "I and Shui Yun are already lovers. Isn't it normal to hug?"


Fang Lingyu looked at Xia Shuiyun with questioning eyes.


Xia Shuiyun fell into silence, and said a little, "Yes, we are lovers!"

She knows that Fang Lingyu doesn't like Su Jintang ~ ~ But at this time, if she denies it, it will definitely make him sad.


Su Xiaomo leaned over and kissed Xia Shuiyun's forehead gently, and said, "It hurts you."

This is provoking Fang Lingyu!

However, Xia Shuiyun's face turned redder, accompanied by a hot feeling, and then leaned on his shoulder like a weak girl.

Now that he has acknowledged his relationship, he has only acknowledged being bullied by him.

Fang Lingyu's gaze became intensely murderous.


She came step by step and said, "I said, you don't deserve Xia Shimei!"

Su Xiaomo asked Xia Shuiyun to stand up and said lightly, "Well worth it, are you good? How old are you?"

This woman must have witnessed the scene of her battle with the spirit. Now that her strength is known, there is no need to cover it up.

"Su Jintang!"

Four inner disciples followed, staring angrily: "How did you talk to Master Fang!"

Su Xiaomo said lightly: "A group of licking dogs."

"what did you say!"

"Courage to say more!"

The anger of the four eyes was even better, and the Emperor Wu Xiu Xiu broke out. Obviously, he planned to shoot at any time.

The scene of Su Xiaomo's killing of the spirit beast just now shocked them, but now they are not afraid. After all, the other party is seriously injured. As long as Sister Fang orders it, they will definitely take lessons.

"Licking dogs. Licking dogs."

Su Xiaomo said coldly: "Lick until you have nothing."

The words seemed to ignite the explosive depot in an instant, making the four of them angry.


Fang Lingyuhan said with a face: "Blatantly humiliate my brother, according to Taixuan Shengzong's rules ..."

"What kind of doctrine is ridiculed by Lao Tzu." Su Xiaomo drew Xia Shuiyun, and said extremely proudly: "If you want to fight, Lao Tzu will always be with you!"

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