The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1071: Are you not hurt? !!

Why are Fang Lingyu and four inner disciples here?

Why did the powerful spirit beast that originally lived in the depths of the Dragon Cave appear outside?

Su Xiaomo thinks for a moment, it feels that there must be a connection between the two, and he is likely to be set by them!

Anyway, Xiu Wei has also been exposed in front of people.

Since this woman is very suspicious, and now she is full of murder, then she will not pretend, then showdown!

This showdown is not to reveal the identity of Wan Guzong disciple, but to face Fang Lingyu, who is high above him, and the four inner door disciples, who follow his tail.

come on!

Fight a great battle!

Su Xiaomo was proud at this moment.

That is the momentum belonging to the Eternal Sect, that is the momentum of iron bones!

However, Fang Lingyu sneered: "Although your strength is strong, but you have been seriously injured now, what qualification is there to scream in front of me?"

Su Xiaomo proudly said: "Even if I am seriously injured, I can clean up your waste."



The two inner disciples were intolerable. Gathering psionic energy in the palm of their hands, he shouted, "Sister Xia, get out of the way quickly, brother to teach this guy who knows nothing!"

Xia Shuiyun naturally will not leave Su Xiaomo.

She wants to talk.

Let things not go so far as to fight with their peers.

However, when he was about to speak, he was pushed out and pushed back.


Su Xiaomo took a step forward and turned her back: "Stand still."

The four words express endless love, and they also have the meaning of order, which makes Xia Shuiyun stop talking, and then obediently stands behind.

"Master has taught me to be low-key in dealing with others and not to be competitive." Su Xiaomo held his mask in his hand, his eyes gradually became cold, and said, "But if others are too much, you don't have to bear it anymore!"



Two insider disciples banged over!

Without Xia Shuiyun by their side, they have nothing to worry about!

"Slap! Slap!"

Su Xiaomo grabbed the fists of the two and said coldly: "Wu Xiu Xiuwei also dare to shoot in front of Wu Huang, who gave you courage?"


Both palms filled the psionic energy, directly lifted the two inner disciples, and flung them out fiercely.

"Boom! Boom!"

Just at this moment, the other two stepped forward, and the psionic infusion fist banged on Su Xiaomo's chest, but also quickly rounded his eyes, because the other party stood in place, as solid as a rock!

This guy is seriously injured!

Why does it feel like you can continue to fight!


Su Xiaomo emerged with strong imperial power all over her, and her hands clasped her wrists in front of her chest, and flung to the left and right suddenly.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two inner disciples directly contacted the wall with their faces.

These disciples of the Taixuan Emperor's Sect were the key cultivating geniuses of the Zongmen who were previously designated to enter the Shiquan Spirit Royal Tower. Their strength was all at the level of Wu Wang, but Su Xiaomo was still vulnerable to injuries.


"Let's go together!"

The four disciples stood up, their eyes flickered with anger!

I've done everything while people are in danger, and I definitely don't care about playing more and less!



Psionic screams broke out, and various punch marks appeared.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Even though Su Xiaomo was seriously injured, he still broke all kinds of martial arts with gorgeous footwork, but because of the injury, his expression fell into a sloppy state again.

The struggle of the spirit beast before his death caused him a lot of damage. If he continued to fight, he would only make the injury worse.

The four insider disciples naturally saw in their eyes and continued to launch stronger attacks. They even deliberately avoided fighting with them and dragged on with a consuming strategy.

Under this offensive, Su Xiaomo's injuries are getting worse and worse, and psionic energy is also flowing away sharply.



Suddenly caught in the back!


Su Xiaomo's blood spewed out, and the pain from the meridians made him look astonished.

Xia Shuiyun saw a tingling in her heart.

She wanted to stop it, and she wanted to rush to protect this man who had repeatedly saved himself and the crisis.


He also said, let yourself stand still!

After some inner struggle, Xia Shuiyun chose to continue standing!

"Boom! Boom!"

Su Xiaomo was bombarded again, and his body took a few steps back, then he looked up hard, his eyes flickered with anger.

Fang Lingyu, who was always on the sidelines, signaled that the four of them should stop, and in a manner that resembled the Supreme Queen, said, "Since you have entered Taixuan Shengzong, you need to learn rules."

"Understand your rules?"


Su Xiaomo laughed sadly: "I was always suppressed by Lu Yan until I was deported, so I really thought of myself as the goddess of heaven?"

Xia Shuiyun's face changed greatly, and he secretly said, "Broken!"

Sister Fang's biggest taboo is not to allow others to face Lu Lu!


Fang Lingyu heard Su Xiaomo's words, and the murder contained in her eyes was even more intense, even to the point of not hiding it!

"What kind of garbage is abolished by the high-levels, what qualifications are comparable to me!" She said coldly, resting her right hand on the waist hilt and pulling the sword out of the sheath.


Su Xiaomo also started to kill.

Dare to humiliate Master Sister, I can't take you for a walk today!


Su Gou left Healing Dan out of the Space Ring without hesitation, and swallowed it.


When an insider disciple saw this, he dismissed: "It's useless to take an elixir because of your current injury!"

"Dare to mention the woman's name in front of Sister Fang, it's really tired of Lao Shouxing!"

There were jokes on the faces of the other three disciples, because they all knew that Sister Shi would never spare him.


Fang Lingyu suddenly wields a sword, the killing intention is unprecedentedly strong!

Several inner disciples' smiles were frozen on their faces, and they were shocked in their hearts: "Sister, this is to take his life, this is to play for real!"

Xia Shuiyun was also aware of Fang Lingyu's intention to kill, and discouraged discouragedly: "Sister Fang, we are the same door, and we must not kill each other, otherwise ..."


Just then ~ ~ Su Xiaomo has appeared in the area of ​​long sword swing.

His **** were lightly placed on the sword, and a strong imperial momentum broke out, saying, "Don't be ashamed of this strength."

Fang Lingyu said suddenly: "Are you not injured ?!"


Su Xiaomo poured psionic energy with two fingers, and the sword broke suddenly.

When the sword tip part fell off, her left hand was lifted lightly, and she flew over, flying out of Fang Lingyu's left face with great speed, causing her eyes to shrink suddenly.


The broken sword sinks into the far wall.

Fang Lingyu's delicate face gradually gathered slender sword marks, blood penetrated out, her eyes startled.


Su Xiaomo took a step forward, and the hilt part of his **** crossed in the opposite direction.

Fang Lingyu didn't have time to resist at all, and her left face rose with a slight pain, and a slender sword mark appeared again!

The whole process happened extremely fast.

Xia Shuiyun and the four inner disciples didn't see the movement at all, and saw Sister Fang's left face showing two sword marks out of thin air!

"call out!"

The Zhenyang sword inserted in the distance flew in.

Su Xiaomo grabbed it, and her sharp blade was attached to Fang Lingyu's neck. She took two steps forward and pushed her to the edge of the wall.

He leaned his head and leaned forward until he stopped at his ear, and then pressed his voice, "I will kill you as easily as an ant!"


Fang Lingyu was very angry, but because she was bound by a sharp sword, she could only stick to the wall and didn't dare to move.

"Sister Fang!"

Four insider disciples said in surprise.


At this moment, the coercion from the Emperor Wu burst out, as if hitting them with a hammer like a hammer, causing them to retreat on the spot, spraying blood while covering their chests.

Su Xiaomo leaned her head, Leng Sensen said: "You are no exception."

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