The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1075: The Ultimate Protector Frenzy Goes Live

During Su Xiaomo's undercover, everything will be reported to Li Luoqiu, but only when she learned that Lu Yan was deprecated has been hidden.

At that time, the master sister went to practice in Quzhou, Northeast China, and was bullied by the Cryonics. The suzerain took someone directly to kill him, and almost destroyed him.

This time, things are more serious than last time.

The consequences would surely have been even more unimaginable if the lord became aware!

At that time, Su Xiaomo had a real feeling for Xia Shuiyun, so after thinking about it, he decided to hide it for the time being, and then find the opportunity to say it later.


Never counted.

Xia Shuiyun would vulture it out.


Jun Chang laughed very solemnly.

Su Xiaomo knew that she couldn't hide it now, so she only confessed: "Because she entered the Bingquan practice without authorization, she was not only expelled from the ancestral gate, but was also abolished."


Immediately after the words were spoken, a horrific killing broke out!

Su Xiaomo's blown hair fluttered, and she said in her heart, "I have no future with Shui Yun!"

With the character of the suzerain, he will definitely not give up, and the contradiction with the Taixuan Shengzong will only deepen, and even develop to an irreparable level!


Are gradually leaving me ...

The Taixuan Shengzong Sovereigns and seniors in front of the main hall felt the unmistakable murderous power, and the expression on his face suddenly changed!

Jun Chang, who stood on the gate of the mountain, raised his head, his eyes gradually turned red, and said, "Expulsion of my big disciple, this seat can bear it, and abandon her practice, it can't stand it!"

Taixuan Shengzong has his own rules. He expressed his understanding and was willing to give up his previous grudges for Su Xiaomo, but it was even revoked as a matter of this kind. That would be too fucking!

She is just a woman!

In this sinister world, wouldn't abolition of cultivation and expulsion equal her death?

Still, she committed a crime that is unreasonable, and must experience such a cruel thing than death!

At that moment, Jun Chang laughed as if he had the ability to go back to the past, and he was in the snow and he saw the weak and weak Lu Yan stepping down the Taixuan Shengzong step by step, how helpless and desolate his back was.


He roared angrily, and the power of the sword force burst out!

"Boom boom!"

The gate of the Emperor Taixuan Shengzong could not bear the manic force and collapsed on the spot. Fang Lingyu and Elder Qu were all flying out.

Su Xiaomo seemed to realize that something was going to happen in advance. She first picked up Xia Shuiyun and ran away quickly, until she fell far away, her brows frowned, "The suzerain went crazy!"


Killing whistling, sweeping around!

In front of the main hall, Taixuan Shengzong and the high-level witnessed the relentless destruction of the thousands of years-old mountain gate, but at this moment it is difficult to raise anger, because it has been dominated by fear!

The outbreak of Jianwu Shuangsheng's breath, which Jun Chang laughed at, has made them very frightened, and now he suddenly goes wild like a demon from Hell.


Jun Chang laughed and flew over!

Demolition of the mountain gate is just the beginning. He will tear down the hall of transparent hair and make the plaque engraved with "Tai Xuan Shengzong" into powder to vent the anger in his body and discuss the case for Lu Yan!

right now.

Dog left is not a marriage proposal.

He wants to demolish the highlands, demolish the crystals, demolish the front teeth, and demolish the base!

"Stop him!"

Taixuan Shengzong shouted loudly.

Although he often laughed at the violent Jun, he would keep the Zongmen Hall even if he tried his best. After all, this is a Zongmen foundation!


'brush! "

Immediately, dozens of elders flew out together.

Emperor Wu, Bansheng, and Wu Shengxiu broke out in an all-round way, gathered the mighty ocean waves, and often overwhelmed the mad monarch with a smile.

Top Zongmen top strength, Qi Qi shots to attack one person, this picture is simply not too spectacular, if the world watched the war, it must be remembered forever!


Jun Chang laughed and drank!

"Woohoo ——————"

The body of the Holy Flame and the body of the Five Elements erupted in full swing, the fierce and raging flames burned madly, and then turned into a flame-like fist.

Even if there were huge obstacles ahead, he could not suppress his desire to avenge Lu Yan, and even now it does not matter that he is against the entire world.

The ultimate protector madness, **** online!

"Boom boom!"

The fist prints of the raging flames were bombarded with various energies, and they were all cracked with unparalleled domineering potential.

Dozens of Taixuan Shengzong high-level executives slumped to the ground, their eyes startled.

So many of us shot together and were easily cracked by this guy. This strength is too scary.

Several elders of Taixuan Shengzong who have been to the battlefield of the Plane are not surprised at all. After all, they have witnessed the pictures of Jun Changxiao and the ghost of Tianzi battlefield!

"Monarch Sovereign!"

One shouted, "There is a misunderstanding, please calm down and talk!"


Jun Chang, who was shrouded by a dreadful flame, laughed as if he had turned into a fiery beast out of the melt, and said coldly, "Let ’s wait until I dismantle your ancestral hall first!

"call out-----"

The flames dragged, moving at top speed.

From the double coercion of Jianwu and the realm of fire, the entire Taixuan Shengzong seems to be in red, as if experiencing the end of the world!

"Child, wanton!"

Suddenly, an old voice came from the inner courtyard.

A blue light flew at a rapid speed, and then formed a weird pattern, covering the hall with the disciples and high-rises around it to avoid being eroded by the flames.

"Too elder!"

Tai Xuan Shengzong Sovereign rejoiced.

An old man with white hair and a blue robe floated outside the hall, his turbid eyes flashing with anger.

Blue Path Court.

Taixuan Shengzong is too elder.

Realm, Wu Sheng great success.

In order to pursue a higher realm, he no longer asks about the world. He has been shut down in Houshan all year round. If Jun always laughs and has the idea of ​​breaking the Taixuan Shengzong hall, he will definitely not break through.


Su Xiaomo realizes that the situation is not good ~ ~ He hurried to contact the nearest member of Yuyutang by sound transmission.



Li Luoqiu, who was busy, got information from members, and quickly got up. Chuan Yin Jiang Xie and others said: "The suzerain and Taixuan Shengzong fought! I will wait for speed to support!"

The news exploded instantly in the Zongmen Gate, and the high-ranking ancestors of Wanguzong flew up and hurried away at the fastest speed.

"That's the top pedigree, the overall strength is very strong!"

Xue Rengui immediately issued a combat order: "Notify the Wolf Riding Regiment, Leopard Riding Regiment, Tiger Riding Regiment, and Lion Riding Regiment, and rush to Taixuan Shengzong as fast as possible!"



"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

For a time, the roar of Tiegushan shook, and the earth shook violently.

"what's the situation?"

Residents of Tieguzhen look confused.

Xing Guangkun in Qingyang City also noticed a slight tremor on the ground, so the corners of his mouth twitched, "Willn't it be animal tide again?"

That's right!

It is indeed a beast tide!

The members of the Spirit Beast Hall headed by Niu Lao, manipulating hundreds of thousands of ferocious beasts, have followed the members of the Battle Rider to rush out of Iron Bone Mountain.

"High priest!"

Inside the altar, an old man panicked and said, "There is another beast tide in southwest Yangzhou!"

Yuan Gongzi, who was on the way to Taixuan Shengzong, had a terrible storm in his heart.

How strong is the strength of Wan Guzong, he already felt it when he was persuaded before. Today, due to the words of the drizzler, the entire sect's strength is all out, and the formation of the formation should not be too scary!

Suzerain fight, the whole family is dispatched!

The cohesion of a sect is revealed!

In contrast, when he was in charge of the Demon Gate, everything must be agreed with the elders before it can be executed, and even repeatedly denied!

"This is Zongmen!"

Yuan Gongzi said with emotion: "This is the teammate of the king!"

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