The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1076: We are destined not to start at 1

Inside the altar.

The high priest stood in front of the geophysical instrument, watching the beast tide outbreak area, his face collapsed and said, "How did the beast tide appear in Yangzhou, southwest!"

"to be exact!"

An old man solemnly said, "Still in Cheongyang-gun!"


The high priest was relieved and said, "There are eternal ancestors and monarchs, the problem should be small."

The previous beast tide also occurred in Cheongyang-gun.

Later, the whole world was in chaos, and the powerful men rushed over as fast as possible, and as a result, they reached the scene ... the herd was repelled.

The high priest would be very nervous if he changed to another place.

Only the beast tide appeared in Cheongyang-gun very reassured, because Jun Chang laughed that this person was not ordinary, and he could certainly solve it easily.


One stunned: "The herd is moving, it's heading for other states!"

The high priest hurriedly looked at the geophysical instrument, and it turned out that the warning point of the beast tide was rapidly moving, and he soon left the area of ​​Yangzhou in the southwest.

Where is this going?

"High priest!"

A warrior hurried in and said, "Just as soon as I got the news, the Suzerain of the Patriarchate is making troubles in Taixuan Shengzong!"

As the top sect of the mainland, the relevant departments will pay close attention to it, so if there is any trouble, news will be sent immediately.

The high priest's face changed slightly, then he subconsciously looked at the geophysical instrument, observed the movement of the warning point, and suddenly remembered something, and said, "This route ... the beast tide will not attack Taixuan Shengzong!"

"High priest!"

Another warrior came to report: "According to the information from Yangzhou, southwest, the disciples of Wanzong are riding a lot of fierce beasts, and they are on their way very fast!"

Too many things made it difficult for the high priest to understand and collapsed, "What the **** is this!"





Outside of Taixuan Shengzong, Jun Changxiao and Lan Jingting dragged the streamers, collided wildly at high altitude, and forced Yu Wei to squeeze the space, causing it to burst into large pieces.

The strength of the starry continent's space barriers is not as high as that of the plane battlefield. Withstanding this level of combat, it is definitely a catastrophic destruction!

Standing in front of the temporarily-maintained hall, the Taixuan Shengzong Sovereign and the top looked stunned and frightened!

Too elder.

Zongmen's strongest fighting power!

Jun Chang laughed and played with him for so long, he didn't fall into the wind at all!

Regarding this person, about the ancient ancestors, Taixuan Shengzong has long heard about it, but even if the other party won the Dragon Tiger Championship, they did not take it to heart. At best, it is just a new ancestor with great potential.


The battlefield of the Plane Battlefield has built its own base into a city scale by its own strength. The powerful battlefield players who have been killed have been embarrassed. Now they are comparable to the elder warfare. It feels like ... Suddenly, it is too unreal!

"I ... am I saying something wrong?"

Nestled in Su Xiaomo's arms, witnessing the earth-shattering rivalry, pain appeared on Xia Shuiyun's face.

Just now, if I agreed with the family, things should be resolved peacefully, but after mentioning Lu Yan, it suddenly evolved to an irrevocable level!

Su Xiaomo shook her head and said, "Master Sister is the first disciple to join Zong Men. It is very important in the Sovereign's heart. Even if he is expelled and revoked as something that happened before he didn't get started, he will not stop there."

"Do you mean Lu Yan?"


Xia Shuiyun remembered the woman who was colder than herself and asked subconsciously: "Sister Lu, is she doing well?"

Emperor Taixuan Shengzong focused on cultivating genius at that time. Disciples at home and abroad were all regarded as idols. She was no exception. She even had the courage to ask questions about martial arts.

"she's fine."

Su Xiaomo lowered her head and held her hand, "If you want to see her, I can take you to Wan Gu Zong."

The two powerful men above are shaking the ground. This product also has a heart-witted girl, who is indeed taught by Wei Lao himself.

Xia Shuiyun glared at him, then hurried to break away, and kept a distance from him, his expression cold, and said, "Your family is mainly demolishing our family's door, we are now enemies!"


Su Xiaomo covered her previously injured chest and said sadly: "This is something between them, we should not participate!"

Xia Shuiyun said: "From today on, you and I have nothing to do. The next time you meet, either you die or I live!"


Su Xiaomo's face was slightly haggard.


Suddenly, he rushed forward, holding Xia Shuiyun in his arms.

The latter was so angry that the gathering spirits could blast towards the chest.

"Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly bombarded by violent bombardment, Su Xiaomo took the woman to avoid the diffused Yu Wei, and then landed on a boulder in the distance, persuaded the inner body with psionic energy, and spewed out on the spot with ‘wow’.

Xia Shuiyun also realized at this moment that the other party was not deliberately taking advantage of himself, but was trying to save himself, so he panicked, "You ... are you all right?"

Su Xiaomo said palely, "Have you worked so hard, are you saying that is all right?"


Xia Shuiyun gathered tears in her eyes again.

This man is obviously a liar, obviously very abominable, but why he hit him but hurt his own heart.

Su Xiaomo said: "I ... if I'm beaten by you, I can only take care of you for the rest of my life."

Xia Shuiyun glared at him, letting the other side keep stunning without struggling.

Although this man's appearance has changed, the voice and intonation, and the breath that radiates through it, are not Su Jintang or Su Gouyu?


In this environment where the relationship between men and women is bursting, fierce battles are still going on at high altitudes, and Jun Changxiao and Lan Jingting are still inextricably linked.




The Taixuan Shengzong Sovereigns and seniors no longer patronized watching the war, and they all flew up and hung in the air, and burst into self-cultivation.

Jun Chang laughs to smash the field.

In order to protect the ancestral gate, they never care about playing more and less!

"Shui Yun."

Elder Xia Shen said: "Come back soon!"

Xia Shuiyun hurriedly broke free from Su Xiaomo's arms, and then went to Taixuan Shengzong.

But after a few steps, he stopped, turned his back to the man, and licked his thin lips. "We are not meant to be together anymore."

Su Xiaomo said: "Xia Shuiyun, remember! I Su Xiaomo cheated everyone in Taixuan Shengzong, but I didn't lie to you! I am sincere to you!"

Xia Shuiyun started to walk, tears could not stop flowing.

When she walked into the broken mountain gate, it meant that her and his emotions would always be buried in her heart.



Jun Changxiao and Lan Jingting fought a few more tricks at high altitude, and Chuanyin shouted: "Su Xiaomo, it is a man who takes his favorite woman away. This seat allows you to go high and fly!"


The voice just fell ~ ~ Su Xiaomo rushed forward and hugged Xia Shuiyun, who was crying to Zongmen, and flew out into a streamer.

"let me go……"

"No! I'll hold you forever until I grow old!"

"call out----------"

At this moment, the Purple King Demon King flew from a distance in a hurry, and saw the suzerain fighting a martial saint, and besieged by many strong men, he growled angrily: "Suzerain, I am coming! "


The clothes burst instantly!

The rags just happened to stick to Su Xiaomo's face flying by.

When he took it off, the high-ranking elders of Wanguzong rushed from a distance, and in that more distant area, hundreds of thousands of beasts ran wild and rolled up dust like waves!

"Boom boom!"

Zhong Yi, the head of the Wolf Riding Regiment, held up the blade of the dragon's teeth, and shouted, "Enter the first-level battle preparation!"



Thousands of members riding the hurricane wolf took out the dragon's tooth bow, and galloped as they drew their arrows to gather their arrows.

Followed by members of the army such as tigers, leopards, lions, etc., they sacrificed the blade of the dragon tooth.

The vision shifted into the sky, and the four strands seemed to be sprinting toward the Taixuan Shengzong at different speeds in different forms, showing the picture as if a fierce siege was about to begin!



Core disciples headed by Li Qingyang have also rushed over.

When they were sure that Su Xiaomo was okay, they went to the suzerain position.

Suddenly, Jun Chang, who originally seemed to be weak, laughed, and the positions behind him had gathered Zongmen's high-level, disciples and even huge herds and corps!

The Emperor Taixuan, who stood for thousands of years, is shrouded by the spirit of intense annihilation at this moment, as if shivering in the distance!


PS, make up 1, owe 6

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