The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1077: Hostile to the world

Very short time.

Taixuan Shengzong has been surrounded by the eternal ancestors. This is really a suzerain and the whole family is dispatched.

Especially the Purple King Demon King, as the strength second only to the existence of the Sovereign, first burst through the clothes and rushed over, and could not help but converge the demon qi and the fist, which was blasting towards the Taixuan Shengzong Sovereign and others!



Purple fist prints are like missiles, dragging streamers from the outside.

"Open the guardian formation!"

Tai Xuan Shengzong growled: "Quick! Quick! Quick!"



Suddenly, the substantive matrix formation realm emerged out of thin air, shrouded the broken mountain gate and the entire Taixuan Shengzong, and built a sufficiently strong defense system.

It is normal for the top ancestors to have a large ward, but they are always closed. After all, no one has the courage to dare to attack in the starfall continent.

But it was this oversight that allowed Jun Changxiao to break in easily and destroy the mountain gate.

of course.

With dog left strength.

Even if the guardian formation is opened, it only needs one or two punches to solve it. There is no way to change the ending of the mountain gate!


"Boom boom!"

The moment the defensive enchantment was opened, the purple fist prints relentlessly blasted on it, and the violent demons burst out instantly, shockingly, the senior officials of Taixuan Shengzong agreed that this guy is not a human!

"If King remembered me correctly!"

The Purple King Demon King flew near the enchantment, and was full of anger: "At that time, there were five Wusheng Seal Kings in Beimozhou, and you were too Taixuan Shengzong!"

Northern Desert State?

Five martial arts seals?

The faces of the Emperor Taixuan Shengzong and the high-level people changed again and again, exclaiming in unison: "The Purple Demon King! This guy is the Purple Demon King who broke the seal!"

The master of Zitang raised his hands, the vast demon filled the sky, and his eyes were flushed: "Lao Tzu is here to take revenge!"




The purple demon's fist prints turned into a meteor from top to bottom, and the original solid formation immediately began to tremble violently after receiving heavy bombardment.


"Hurry up!"

Taixuan Shengzong Lord roared.

The array mages of the Zhenfa Church have spread out, standing in the eyes of Quan respectively, incorporating spiritual thoughts for blessing and stabilization!

The situation is now.

Jun Chang laughed fiercely in the air and Lan Jingting.

Taixuan Shengzong's high-ranking all shrank in Huzong's large array to resist the bombardment of the Purple King Demon King!

At the foot of the mountain, four battle riding regiments headed by Zhong Yi were in place. Hundreds of thousands of orc army led by Niu Lao also spread out, and there was a battle surrounded by the Taixuan Holy Sect.


Zhongzunzhou Altar.

The high priest saw the early warning points on the geophysical instrument stand still, and the corner of his mouth said slightly: "Sure enough, he was targeting Taixuan Shengzong!"

"Great sacrifice!"

An old man hurriedly walked in and was shocked: "The Purple Demon King who broke the seal led hundreds of thousands of beasts and was attacking Taixuan Shengzong, and the Sect Lord asked for support!"


The high priest almost jumped up.

The Demon Gate is an evil river, and the altar will not show up, because this is a contradiction between the ancestral gates, but as the Orc, the Purple Demon King is in danger to the entire human population of the starfall continent, so it must not be eaten.

"Quickly contact the owners of the cities, counties, counties, and cities, and ask them to send the strong men to Taixuan Shengzong as soon as possible to reinforce them!"


"Contact Han Chengzhu and others so they can leave for Taixuan Shengzong immediately!"


"It is announced to the ancestors above the fifth class that the starfall continent has entered a state of first-level alert, and the elite disciples above the third class to quickly dispatch their disciples to Taixuan Shengzong!"



The altar of authoritative institutions, once again warned the entire continent quickly, that the world that had just settled down became lively again!

"call out!"

"call out!"

The closest powerhouses to Taixuan Shengzong rushed over in the fastest time.

Last time the altar released a state of first alert, it did not explicitly say that there was the Purple Demon King, and now it has been directly indicated that it represents a fierce battle, so they all made up their minds!

These strong men who rushed past were all the first to enter the battlefield, so for the safety of the mainland, they will naturally not care about life and death!

For a time.

The strong men from the south and the north are galloping towards Taixuan Shengzong, this battle is almost enough to be called a world war!

The culprit is always laughing, and he is still fighting fiercely with Lan Jingting. He was not aware of the identity of the Purple King Demon King.

With the hard power of the ancient ancestors, and the toughness of the hard-to-receive sword, even if Yao Mengying had spread the innate demon thing, he would not have the slightest fear.

Big deal.

Enemy the world!




Before the Taixuan Shengzong formation, the Purple King Demon King was still bombarding, and the anger that had been sealed for thousands of years was poured into his fists and then vented insanely!


Suddenly, the sound of gunfire came.

Just looking at a huge cannonball that dragged the streamer, slamming it on the Hu Zong array, the range damage caused was extremely large, and the enchantment shook violently!

"Puff puff!"

It was difficult to compete with the Taixuan Shengzong array mage who had broken the purple prince demon king, and they all bleed out, their faces pale to the extreme!


Xiao Gui, who was standing on a distant hill, fired again, the shells blasted out from the muzzle, and dragged the streamer on the formation circle again.

The Purple King Demon King was not idle, and with the help of field artillery bombardment, the force burst out in a frenzy.

"Kakaka ——————"


In the end, the Taixuan Shengzong's guardian array was difficult to support, and it collapsed on the spot.



Dozens of array mages flew out, falling to the ground with blood spurting.


After the enchantment was broken, the Purple King Demon King rushed forward, the power of the demon energy gathered in his fists, and the high-level of the Emperor Taixuan Shengzong pressed hard.

His goal is not to fight, but to destroy!

"Stop him!"

Taixuan Shengzong Lord roared angrily.



Dozens of senior executives rushed forward regardless of their bodies, and met the monstrous demonic spirits with various martial arts!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

During this time, the strength of the Purple King Demon King has also improved, and it is full of anger under the anger. It will directly smash all the energy that hits it, and then gather the demon palm print, and press down on the hall of Taixuan Shengzong

It is said that the hall is the foundation of a sectarian gate, and the king will destroy it today, and report the hatred for thousands of years!

"Sinner beast, mad!"

In the hall area, streamers appeared out of thin air, and then each performed powerful martial arts to construct a substantial defensive enchantment!


The demon palm print was pressed **** it, and it did not shake the slightest!

With a frown on his frown, the purple prince demon flew backwards ~ ~ because of the sudden emergence of human beings, their strengths were all at the martial arts level.


An elder Taixuan Shengzong rejoiced: "Reinforcement is here! Reinforcement is here!"

call out! call out! call out!

At this moment, various powerful men from Tiannandibei appeared in the sky, and the powerful repairs erupted to protect the gates that seemed to be shaking.

The Emperor Taixuan Shengzong breathed a sigh of relief.



Above the sky, Jun Changxiao and Lan Jingting fought a few more hands, then flew down.

He hovered over the broken mountain gate, his eyes still flashing with sky-high anger, and he said, "Here you want to protect Taixuan Shengzong?"

The newly arrived Lord Han Cheng, startled, "Monarch Sovereign, why are you here?"

The strong men who came to help also went wrong.

"You all!"

Tai Xuan Shengzong Sovereign Shen said: "This exhibitionist is the Purple King Demon King, and he and Jun Chang laugh are a group!"

The powerful men suddenly widened their eyes!


Jun Chang smiled coldly and said: "The Purple Demon King is my eternal ancestor!"


Han Cheng's face was hard to look at.

The Purple King Demon King is the enemy of the mainland, and it is also the kind that endangers the entire world. How can the monarch ruler recruit it under the account!


Jun Chang smiled and put on the true sun set, the mechanical armed wing form was fully excited, then he put the true sun mask on his face and said word by word: "This seat is only aimed at Taixuan Shengzong today. It was against my eternal ancestors, and it turned out to be endless! "

The Emperor Gate is strong?

Is Zhenwei the Great?

No no no!

They really burst in front of Jun Changxiao.

Because this guy is now declaring war on the entire world, to be precise, it is threatening the entire world!


PS, make up 1, owe 5

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