The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1078: Master Sister is here

The atmosphere in the Taixuan Shengzong was frozen to an extreme moment. The faces of the powerful men who came to aid were extremely ugly, because they were being threatened by the laughter of King Chang. And endlessly!

The most collapsed is the Hancheng owner.

At this time, he growled in his heart: "I shouldn't have appeared here! Could time go backwards, I choose to continue bathing at home!"

If you change to a strong man with the same strength as Jun Changxiao and stand so threatening in front of you, the strong men in each way will certainly not be happy, and it will be a big fight against him on behalf of the whole world!

However, this eternal suzerain helped the starfall continent resolve the biggest crisis, making the journey that should have been dead a journey, let alone the thief of the power thief, and the kindness alone can not fight!

Jun Chang laughs for this kind of extremely short personality, which will cause some readers to feel uncomfortable, but don't forget that he has saved the world many times, although most of them are careless.

of course.

Nor does it mean that you can do whatever you want.

Because there is no previous charity, he can ... do whatever he wants!

in short.

This guy can do things to save, but also do things to destroy.

Good and evil.

I have my own judgment.

It is difficult to tolerate bullying of his disciples, especially Lu Yan!

As one of the readers in this chapter said, without this big disciple joining Zongmen at the critical moment, the dog left would n’t even be able to get out of Novice Village!


Dominated by anger, Jun Chang laughed with only one thought in his heart.

Demolish the hall of Taixuan Shengzong. Anyone who blocks himself will become an enemy!

that moment.

Jun Chang smiled in front of the broken mountain door, facing the top Taixuan Shengzong, facing the entire star power continent strong, his whole body is full of momentum!

At the foot of the mountain, Yuan Gongzi's admiration for the suzerain at this moment is like the surging river, which is endless!

In order to revive the glory of the former magic gate, he planned for a long time and acted not long ago, but he only sneaked into the third and fourth class gates and did not dare to find the top gates.

Nowadays, Jun Chang smiles and stands in front of the gate of Taixuan Shengzong Mountain and fights against the whole world. This sturdy degree is far below him!


Too great!

Joining Wan Gu Zong, it is Ming (True) Zhi (Xiang) choice!

The Purple King Demon King was also very pleased.

Although he has always emphasized that he is joining the ancient emperor for the sake of recklessness, he always laughs with Jun often and wants to work together to do a great cause. Now it is not his own intention to confront the strong in the mainland!

come on!

Let's go crazy!

Jun Changxiao ’s Qiwu field is being released in a frantic manner, and the coldness of his eyes is getting stronger and stronger, saying: “Everyone will either leave now or stay with this seat!”

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Hancheng said: "Is it really just for Taixuan Shengzong?"


Jun Chang smiled at Taixuan Shengzong's main hall, and his anger was even greater: "This door expelled this great disciple and abolished his practice. Today, this seat must ask for an explanation for her!"

"In this case, it belongs to the resentment between Guizong and Taixuan Shengzong. Naturally, Han will not participate." Han Cheng's archer said, "I'm sorry to leave!"

"call out--------"

Disappear in an instant!

He has a good relationship with Jun Changxiao, no matter from any angle, he will not be evil with him.

As for the rescue requested by the altar ... I shouldn't have heard it at that time, and should continue to bathe at home!

After the best God assist teammate Han Cheng left, the distressed strongman hurriedly arched his hand: "Zongmen's grievances, I can't wait to participate, and say goodbye!"

call out!

call out!

call out!

Suddenly, the powerful men who appeared in the various dynasties of Taixuan Shengzong, how quickly came, how quickly disappeared.

What a joke!

In this way, the suzerain of the eternal suzerain smashed the strength of everyone, and he was tired and tired of living with him.

Besides, since the exhibitionist is the King of the Purple Witch Demon, who had previously laughed and obeyed Jun Chang on the battlefield, how could he do unscrupulous things to harm the common people.

In a short time, all the powerful men who came to assist Taixuan Shengzong evacuated. Of course, they did not really leave, but stood in the distance and started to eat the melon.

"Hey, Taixuan Shengzong is really unlucky, and has caused Wanguzong!"

"The big disciple said by the monarch is Lu Yan. In that year, in the northeast of Quzhou, the Extreme Cold Palace was almost destroyed because of her."

"For a disciple, at any rate against the world, the monarch is really tough!"

"Lu Yan looks extraordinary, and his age is similar to that of Jun Chang. Maybe he is an apprentice and apprentice, and there is an intimate relationship in the back."

The martial arts whispered quietly.


Taixuan Shengzong.

The face of the suzerain and a lot of seniors were extremely ugly.

The arrival of the reinforcements gave them enough confidence to laugh with Jun Chang, but they turned away and were scared away. This Nima is too fucking!

"Jun always laughs!"

Lan Jingting hung above the hall, Shen said, "Lu Lu was expelled. He should not have joined the Eternal Sect, so why bother you!"

After fighting just now, he realized that it would be difficult for him to defeat him, and in his own territory, it would do no good to fight it.

Jun Chang smiled coldly and said, "What terrible sin that my great disciples committed, will not only be expelled by the Guizong, but also be abolished?"

"This one……"

Lan Jingting was speechless for a moment.

He learned about Lu Xun's deportation later, and did not expect the elders to punish him.

You know, that was just a disciple who had just died in ancient times, and the woman who did n’t care about the bones, even if she did something wrong, she would n’t waste it!

"Looks like you didn't know."

Jun Chang smiled, tilted his head, turned to Taixuan Shengzong Sovereign, and said in a dark tone, "You are the master of a sect, you should know the reason? I want to hear it."


The Taixuan Shengzong Sovereign was dumb.

"Jun ... Jun always laughs ..." At this moment, the elder Qu Qu, who was taken out by Zhen Fei, said palely: "It is the old man who decides to abandon Lu Yanxiu, and he wants revenge ...


Jun Changxiao suddenly appeared in front of her, posing a violent volley.

As for Elder Qu, he was kicked out at the moment, and then banged into the mountain.

"Old lady."

"It turns out you're at work."

The power carried by this foot is quite horrible. The elder Qu is sunken in the wall, and the internal organs of the body are bursting directly. Even if he is lucky, he will be killed in the future!


The corners of the powerful men in the distance jerked violently.

Kicked the elder Taixuan Shengzong of Wusheng level with one kick, and this guy is really powerful!


Jun Chang smiled, raised his hand, and grasped the fainting Fang Lingyu with psionic power. He said, "This woman and my big disciple have resentment. It may be her challenge to abolish Xiu."


The raging spirit can roar and spread!

At this moment, as long as he thinks a little, Taixuan Shengzong will focus on cultivating genius and die.

Elder Qu was violently kicked and flew out. Fang Lingyu was arrested and would die at any time. The Emperor of Taixuan Shengzong and even Lan Jingting remained indifferent.

Because there are field artillery stands in the mountains in the distance, the emperor Emperor Wuzhong and half step martial saints stand behind Jun Chang laugh, there are several cavalry regiments under the mountain and ... hundreds of thousands of fierce beasts!

This luxurious lineup is so **** bullying!

"Ah -----------"

At this moment, Fang Lingyu, who was enveloped by psionic energy, woke up from her coma and screamed sternly.

Jun often laughs to kill her.

But never let her die in a coma.

Fang Lingyu was shrouded in terror, her body and soul suffered a lot of torture, and her pain and screaming was that the suzerain and the high-level were found, and she shouted, "Zong ... suzerain ... save me ..."

Jun Chang laughed and pulled her to her front, and said coldly, "No one in the sky can save you."

Fang Lingyu's heart rose with a breath of death, and her face horrified.


Jun Chang raised his hand with a smile and lifted her to the sky.


Lan Jingting and Taixuan Shengzong Sect clenched their fists!

After all, Fang Lingyu was the genius they had cultivated in Taixuan Shengzong. Just being killed by Jun Changxiao in front of people, it was tantamount to being demolished again!


Suddenly, a cold voice came from a distance.

The strong men from all walks of life looked at each other, and found that on the mountain peaks in the distance, a beautiful woman in white clothes wins snow.

Lu Yan!

The party that caused the feud of Emperor Elder and Emperor Taixuan!

"Where's Master Sister?"

Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji were all in shock.

At that time, Li Luoqiu contacted everyone, but he did not contact Lu Yan who was trained in the tower.


Jun Chang held Fang Lingyu with a smile and said murderously: "Today, this seat will help you report the revenge that was expelled from Taixuan Shengzong that year, and the permanent hall will be demolished!"


Lu Ye suddenly knelt down ~ ~ Although the beautiful face was covered with frost, he pleaded tone: "I and Taixuan Shengzong have nothing to do, please ask the suzerain not to embarrass them"

"Master sister ..."

The eyes of Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji were incredible.

Jun Chang smiled and laughed.

This woman who once thought that she was too kind, even kneeled down today to plead with Tai Xuan, who had bullied her!

its not right!

The brain was kicked by the donkey? Still crowded by the door?

"Get up."

Jun Chang smiled with anger and began to fall quickly after Lu Yan kneeled, and said distressed, "The ground is cold."

Lu Yan didn't get up.

Because of the momentum of the suzerain, the plan of Taixuan Shengzong has not been ignored.


Jun Chang shook his head with a smile and said, "I am just too soft-hearted to tolerate disciples."

Having said that, the Swords and Sacred Powers were withdrawn and Fang Lingyu was put down.


The Purple King Demon King also took back the demon anger that had diffused out.

"First level alert lifted!"

Zhong Yi sighed, members of the various legions lay down their weapons.

The sword-strength atmosphere that enveloped Taixuan Shengzong disappeared without a trace.

"If the disciples do not ask for mercy, this seat will never spare you Taixuan Shengzong!" Jun Chang smiled and glared at Taixuan Shengzong's lord and high level, waving his robe and yelling, "Return to the sect!


Just then, Lu Yan flew down from the mountain peak.

Standing in front of Fang Lingyu who was breathing fast, she said indifferently, "Get up and fight with me for life or death."


Jun Chang smiled slightly.

This woman, you have to come by yourself!


3000+ words.

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