The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1079: Causality reincarnation, unhappy retribution

In the state that Jun often laughed, Taixuan Shengzong's main hall must not be kept, and it must be demolished.

However, at this juncture, Lu Yan rushed over and knelt on the mountain peak and begged the lord to let Taixuan Shengzong pass.

On many occasions, I hoped that the dog left to be fruitful and never be merciful. Why did he plead for a sect who expelled himself and abolished it?

Because no matter how annoying it is, it is the home that once lived.

Lu Yan was accepted by the late elder as a child, and she was regarded as her own child, and even Shou Yuan was approaching. She taught Tai Xuanbing's tactics, which gave her the opportunity to rise even if she was dismantled.

This kneeling, although he was sympathetic to the discouraged Jun Changxiao, was actually kneeling and loving his late elder from an early age. He told her that he was back in the spirit of heaven!

Lu Yanren was cold-hearted.

She has seven emotions and six desires, and a grateful heart.

Even though Taixuan Shengzong abolished Xiuwei and expelled herself, for the sake of the elders, she did not want the gate that her old man once guarded to be destroyed.

That's why, after joining Wanguzong, he said nothing about the past and faced it in a way that everything had passed.


She didn't speak out, and Jun Changxiao would actively seek out.

My big disciple did not commit the ten evils of unforgiveness. You were expelled, and you have to abolish your practice. Isn't that forcing people to death?

It is true that I am grateful to you for being too sacred. If you have not expelled Lu Yan, you will not have the great disciple of Vanguard, but this will not conceal your murderous intentions. Therefore, no matter how many years ago or tens of thousands of years ago, since If you know, you must discuss it!

Suppose the party is replaced with a night star at this moment.

He was conspired to force the soul to survive in the earth's heart for thousands of years before he could survive and rebirth. When Jun Chang laughed, he would remain indifferent?


Yedi did not join the Wanzong line.

But he is now a disciple, everything in this past life is related to me!

Lu Yan knows Jun Changxiao's character very well, knowing that his trouble may develop things into a complex situation that cannot be controlled, so he can only kneel and ask.

Don't say it.

This trick thief spirit.

The anger above Jun Chang smiled and calmed down.

Since the disciples did not want to investigate the mistakes made by Taixuan Shengzong, they could only reclaim their troops.

But ... Fang Lingyu once had grudges with Lu Yan, and she had previously set up Su Xiaomo in the Devil's Cave. It would be difficult to solve her hate without killing her!

Lu Yan seemed to be able to see the thoughts in his heart, and landed in front of the woman, directly launching the battle of life and death.

"Lu Yan ..."

Fang Lingyu, lying on the ground in pain, blinked angrily and said, "You want to take advantage of people?"

Bombing the wall with her body frantically in Demon Grottoes, and being restrained by the overbearing psionic power of Jun Changxiao, she is now seriously injured, how to stand up and fight her.


Lu Yan waved his hand, and the injured Dan flew into Fang Lingyu's mouth.

"..." Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "This woman is cheap."

After taking Fang Lingyu, the injury recovered quickly, and she stood up with a look of difficulty, unable to tell the truth: "What did you give me!"

"Desire Dan."

Lu Yan gently sacrificed a cold mang sword, and said lightly: "Sacrifice your weapon, let me see what level of girls I once courted, but now I have grown up."

Fang Lingyu also has an ice system.

But standing in front of her, regardless of temperament and appearance, was properly spiked.


Fang Lingyu pulled her sword out of her sheath and said with a grudge, "Lu Yan, I'm not what I used to be!"


Ice-based attributes diffused out, converging on the sword, forming a block of ice particles.


She stepped forward, Tai Xuan Shengzong's ice-based swordsmanship was unleashed, the extreme cold air spread freely, forming a glorious sword shadow, and then ...


Suddenly, Jianguang flashed.

Fang Lingyu froze, and then her expression grew pale.

"Ding Jing!"

Because the weapon was cut off, the muscles fell to the ground with blood.

"call out--------"


Jianguang flashes again!

Fang Lingyu's left wrist also showed slender sword marks, blood splattered out, and her complexion was more intense.

"So weak?"

Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji shook their heads.

They thought that the genius that Taixuan Shengzong focused on training would be very strong. They could fight dozens of tricks with the master sister. They did not expect that their hands would be scrapped.

Lu Yan closed his sword and said lightly, "It's still as weak as it was then."


Fang Lingyu's face looked like a devil, and her heart rose reluctantly.

This woman was obviously deprecated, even if there is a way to repair it, but in just a few years, why has it become stronger!

In the past, Lu Yan was her sister. From the point of view of martial arts practice, there was only a certain gap. Now it seems that the comparison is unattainable!


Why is that!


Suddenly, Lu Yan suddenly approached, and the palm containing the extremely cold force banged directly at Dantian. The inner core suddenly burst, causing intense pain, which made her pass out on the spot.

Both hands were abolished, and Dan Tian was abolished.

Fang Lingyu is tantamount to being abused and unable to take care of herself.

It was her instigation to abolish Lu Yanxiu, and now it is deserved to end in this way.

As for the elder Qu, the performer was also kicked by Jun Chang with a smile. Even if his injuries recovered, it is unknown whether he can continue to practice martial arts in the future.

Retribution is unsatisfactory.


Lu Yan retracted his sword into his sheath and said, "Let's go back."

"Don't kill her ~ ~ Is she suffering from it later?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.

Lu Zheng said: "Did the sovereign ever say that Rao Ren would win the seventh-level floating slaughter?"


Jun Chang smiled and said secretly, "This place said?"

The system said: "The host went to Qingyang City to participate in the recruitment of one hundred cases. When rescued Li Qingyang, he said that saving one's life was a victory for the seventh-level floating slaughter."

"Raising people is not the same as saving people!"


How many years have passed, and she still remembers what she said.

The system makes up the knife: "Respecting the world with martial arts and saving irrelevant people is simply stupid to the extreme, naturally impressing big disciples."


The adviser and the executor who abolished Lu Yanxiu were given the same punishment. Jun Chang laughed and did not make Taixuan Shengzong any more, and immediately took his disciples to leave.


Before walking down the mountain, I turned to look at Taixuan Shengzong, and said lightly, "You, the monarch, are very incompetent, or you should step down and leave it to those who have the ability."

The lord's face was extremely ugly.

"let's go."

In the eyes of the powerful men, Jun Chang laughed and left, and hundreds of thousands of beasts gathered at the foot of the mountain also evacuated.

At this point, Taixuan Shengzong's crisis was abrogated.

The price paid was that the Shanmen and Huzong arrays were broken, and the elders and key disciples were discarded.

Oh, right.

There is also a female disciple who was abducted by a Wanguzong disciple!


"let me go!"

"Do not let go! Do not let go! Do not let go!"


"The lord no longer wants me, and I can't lose you anymore. From today on we will travel the world together, and be the home of the world, um ... it's better to have more sons for me, to continue the incense for the Su family!"

In the sky, Su Xiaomo was flying at a high speed, and even Xia Shuiyun was not struggling in her arms, because when she let go, love was gone!

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