The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1080: Dog food from Su Xiaomo

Jun Chang laughed at the Taixuan Shengzong and almost developed into World War. Fortunately, Lu Yan came forward to make the matter come to an end.

However, only two original creators were abolished, and their martial arts resources were not sacrificed. It is completely unlike a dog style!


After returning to Zongmen, Jun Chang smiled and patted his head: "Forget!"

"No more, no more."

He shook his head and said, "For the sake of the big disciples and the three disciples, they will not care about them."

"Li Tangzhu."

Jun Chang smiled and immediately ordered: "Notify Xiao Mu, resolve the emotional issues as soon as possible, and return to the sectarian practice."

He did not object to the disciples being in love.

However, if Dan Wu has cultivated, he will definitely not allow it.

After all, young people should focus on their careers and not be too indulging in love.


Also a little bit jealous!

Going out to be undercover, you can even be a sister!


Fortunately, I didn't go.

Otherwise, the female disciples of Taixuan Shengzong would have to be taken away by this seat.

The system said silently: "Where is he confident!"


Li Luoqiu hurried to contact the subdivisions of the states and counties, and successfully contacted Su Xiaomo, who was in a remote village.

This guy is holding Xia Shuiyun flying across mountains and rivers, finding a quiet place, and intends to develop a sincere relationship with her here.

"Shui Yun."

Su Xiaomo said earnestly: "My suzerain has left, Taixuan Shengzong has not been destroyed, you can rest assured."

Xia Shuiyun stood in the room, staring at him with a frost on his face, and said, "In the Yunling Mountains that year, a large number of fierce beasts struck, were you arranged by Wanzong!"


"Jin Linshan has a powerful spirit beast to strike, which was also arranged by your eternal religion?"


Su Xiaomo confessed.

To this day, there is no need to hide.

"con man!"

Xia Shuiyun bit the silver teeth.

At that time, in the Yunling Mountains, he stood out regardless of life and death, which caused his good feelings, and then gradually established feelings in subsequent contacts, but in the end everything was a scam and everything was designed!

Su Xiaomo said: "Xia Shuiyun, I can tell you very responsibly, although I lied to you, I was undercover in Taixuan Shengzong, and there was no malicious intention, just to inquire about the master sister and Fang Lingyu!"

The author can testify to this.

Su Gou left undercover, just to obtain information.

Later, Jun often laughed and made trouble with Tai Xuan Shengzong, which was also caused by the woman talking out!

"Go out!"

Xia Shuiyun pointed at the door.

"I have lost the sect now, if I lose you again, it will not make sense to live in this world."

Su Xiaomo dejected and went out.

Xia Shuiyun, standing in front of the window, looked at his lonely back, and his heart hurt for no reason.


Su Xiaomo, who went out, stood in the courtyard, offering Zhenyang sword to wipe with his cuffs, and his eyes showed a decided color.

When Xia Shuiyun saw this, she rushed out and said, "What are you doing!"

"leave me alone!"

Su Xiaomo grieved.

Xia Shuiyun wanted to talk and persuade him, and when he saw that guy raised his sword directly, he could only jump at it in desperation.


The sword shadow flickered, and the sound of cracking came.

There was a tingling in Xia Shuiyun's heart, tears couldn't stop flowing, and said, "Why don't you want to open ..."


"Eat an apple."

Suddenly, Su Xiaomo reached a cut apple and said with a smile on her face.

Xia Shuiyun, whose emotions have been brewing, suddenly feels like a chicken.

It turned out that he didn't commit suicide. He turned to cut an apple, so he said indignantly, "Su Xiaomo, you're too much ... 唔 ……"

Su Xiaomo has held her in her arms, her head lowered.

In the setting sun, the pair of men and women embracing each other in their hearts embraced each other, the whole world seemed to be still, and the ground was covered with dog food.


Su Xiaomo did not immediately return to Wanguzong, and temporarily lived in the village with Xia Shuiyun. She enlightened her every day to forgive herself, and accepted that she was actually Su Jintang and Su Gou left.

Lao Wei pointed out, emotionally strong.

Xia Shuiyun, who was originally separated, finally failed to hold his ground and gradually accepted him.


When I think of Jun often laughing, arrogantly standing in front of the gate of Taixuan Shengzong Mountain, always makes her inadvertently create a gap, and even deliberately avoid each other.

"Shui Yun."

Su Xiaomo said: "Although my sister made a mistake, she could not be abolished because of Fang Lingyu's unfair treatment because of Fang Lingyu. It is also reasonable for my family to seek justice."

"..." Xia Shuiyun was silent.

The case of Lu Yan was rarely mentioned in the Zongmen. I am afraid that it may be because the elders used their powers to impose heavy penalties.

"The viper woman at the Dragon Cave brought out the spirit beast. If I were not strong, I would have no place to die." Su Xiaomo said again.


"And after I was seriously injured, she had already killed her heart. If it hadn't been resolved by me, she would have died a second time."

Xia Shuiyun, who was always silent, looked up and said, "You said so much, you wanted to tell me that everything was caused by Master Fang?"

"Good." Su Xiaomo said.

Xia Shuiyun said: "My Taixuan Shengzong was broken by the mountain gate, and he lost his face on the rivers and lakes?

"This one……"

Su Xiaomo was silent for a while, and said, "Thanks to the importance of the lord to the elder sister, it is already very kind to just break the two culprits of the Taixuan Shengzong Mountain Gate and punish you."

Xia Shuiyun said: "I also want to thank your father?"

"I mean, the things that happened to Grand Sister and Fang Lingyu ended with this result, and both of you and I are very happy." Su Xiaomo said.


Xia Shuiyun stopped speaking.

Sure enough, different positions and different concepts.

Su Xiaomo still continued to persuade. Suddenly came the information sent by Xi Yutang, and then changed his voice: "Shui Yun, I just received the news that your suzerain has resigned as suzerain."

Xia Shuiyun was shocked.

The resignation of Si Zongzhang as Taixuan Shengzong Zong has now been posted on the rivers and lakes.

As for the reason for leaving the office ~ ~, it is because the long-lasting mountain gate was destroyed and the main hall was almost destroyed.

The elder Lan Jingting allowed him to step down.

In fact, after learning that Lu Yan was severely punished, he once accused the lord of the division, handling the ancestral affairs too much for the elders, but he did not expect that the follow-up crisis will be buried in the Chang-Xian Shengzong!

The Emperor of Taixuan Shengzong was also the master of a sect that year. He failed to control the elders well and made Zongmen almost blame for the demise of the door. He made a decision to step down.

"After discussion with the elders."

Su Xiaomo said: "The three elders temporarily serve as acting suzeraints."

"The three elders are in charge of housekeeping all the year round, with clear public and private affairs. It is also a wise choice for him to take over the position of suzerain." Xia Shuiyun said.


Su Xiaomo said: "The three elders are also very good to me. If he didn't value him, we might not be in love for a long time."


Xia Shuiyun said with a pinch: "Who has love with you."

Su Xiaomo leaned over and smiled: "It's past tense, you will have a baby for me in the future."

"Who wants to have a baby for you!" Xia Shuiyun turned her head in shame.

"Oh, right."

Su Xiaomo said: "There is another news, do you want to listen?"

"what news?"

"Elder Xia was promoted to acting Deputy Sovereign."


Xia Shuiyun's eyes widened.

Su Xiaomo laughed: "The suzerain ordered me to come back quickly and prepare a great gift to Taixuan Shengzong to propose to Elder Xia."

"My grandfather said nothing, I said it!" Xia Shuiyun said.

Su Xiaomo approached a lot of distances again, took out the Qingxin Bingji Pill bottle, and said earnestly: "This is for you, I keep it all the time, can it be used as an engagement token?"

"You must not refuse."

He added: "Because you still have my treasure pieces!"

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