The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1081: 壕 Inhuman gift

The Emperor Taixuan Shengzong stepped down, and the three elders temporarily acted as acting suzerains, which caused a stir on the rivers and lakes.

As a top sect, the change of the title of the lord, especially in the house, is a top priority!

Of course, many influential warriors also know that the resignation of Si Zongzhu must not be inseparable from Jun Changxiao, so they all said with emotion: "This is the first master of the top Zongmen to be stepped down!"

"Who made Lu Yan a big disciple now?"

"Jun often laughed that the guy had been short-protected, and his disciples had been abolished and repaired. Taixuan Shengzong could only recognize bad luck."

"I'm afraid it won't end there, right?"

Many people are discussing, how should the new acting suzerain face the eternal suzerain? Should you choose forbearance or rigid? After all, the mountain gate was destroyed by that guy!

When everyone was waiting for the follow-up, an explosive news came, that is, Jun Changxiao will soon take the offer to Taixuan Shengzong to propose marriage!

After learning about the martial arts, all face-to-face comparisons.

I just removed the door face of Zongmen, why do I go to the door and propose a marriage? Jun often laughs at what kind of play this is singing.

of course.

As a party.

The senior officials of Taixuan Shengzong are also discussing this matter.

"You all."

Yu Linyun, who has just taken over as acting monarch, sits in the first place, frowning sadly: "After a long time, the suzerain of the ancient monks personally brought his disciples to the door to propose marriage. What do you think?"


The elders' eyes flickered with anger.

Just had a big fight at his house, why did he come over to propose a marriage?

Or do we really regard our Taixuan Shengzong as a soft persimmon and can knead it at will?


Elder Sun said: "Although there is a festival with our ancestral ancestors, it is nothing more than based on Elder Qu and Fang Lingyu. Now they have been abolished by him, and the grievances are also settled, it is better to make good with them!"


Another elder standing next agreed.

In the whole world, no one knows the strength of Wanzong, especially when attacking the Zongmen, mobilizing hundreds of thousands of beasts is enough to shake the earth. If you choose to oppose it, your head must be kicked by the donkey.

In the face of absolute strength, even the top ancestors should recognize and advise.

Elder Sun said: "Vice Sovereign Xia, Jun Changxiao is on behalf of Su Xiaomu to propose to your granddaughter. As a litigant, you should take a stand."

Everyone looked at Xia Tieyi, who had just been promoted from elder to deputy suzerain, and was waiting for his statement.

"Xia Lao."

Yulin Yun solemnly said, "You have to think carefully!"

To be honest, he didn't want to have an evil relationship with the eternal ancestors. Now that Jun Chang laughs and announces that he will come to propose a marriage, he will undoubtedly reveal the message that he wants to make a good relationship. If he refuses to do so, I'm afraid he will have a moth.

Perceived that everyone was looking at herself, Xia Tieyi stood up to the pressure: "My husband is still saying that, Shui Yun's marriage is up to her."


Yu Linyun shook her head and said, "That girl is not in Zongmen. How can I let her make her own decision?"


A disciple came to see, "Sister Xia is back!"

"Good back, good back!" Yu Linyun hurriedly said, "Quick! Quick! Let her come to the hall quickly!"



Slightly, Xia Shuiyun entered the hall.

Before waiting for the suzerain and grandpa to speak, they knelt on the ground and said, "Suzetsu, disciple agrees to this family affairs."

Yulin Yun immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the parties agree, the representative can make good with Wan Guzong.

In fact, Xia Shuiyun did not agree, and the senior officials of Taixuan Shengzong would also enlighten her after weighing the pros and cons. After all, the benefits of the sect were greater than everything.

"Shui Yun."

Xia Tieyi said in a deep voice: "That kid forced you to agree?"

Others would not care about sacrificing the happiness of the female disciples in exchange for the interests of the ancestors, but as a close relative, he would certainly have difficulty tolerating the granddaughter's submission under certain means.


Xia Shuiyun said: "You should understand the granddaughter personality. If you don't want to, no one can coerce."

Xia Tieyi fell into a brief silence and sighed: "Since it is your choice, Grandpa will not stop."

"That's it."

Yulin Yun clapped and said, "Tai Xuan Shengzong agreed with the family!"


Three days later.

A white-clad junior smiled and came to Taixuan Shengzong again.

Accompanied by the protagonist Su Xiaomo, as well as elders such as Jiang Xie, Ding Xingwang and Ge Qingming.

Yu Linyun gave the highest specification hospitality.

The grievances between the two cases were settled when the former suzerain was on duty.

Today, changing to being the master of your own will definitely not continue, and you must even strive to improve from hostile to friendly relations.

"Xia Vice Sovereign."

Entering the main hall, Jun Chang laughed and took out ten large heavy boxes, and opened the door to see the mountain road: "The gift brought by this seat is one hundred thousand six-pointed star stones. Please don't laugh."

Su Xiaomo next to him was stunned.

The suzerain actually used the spirit stones of the nine-day continent as his engagement gift for his own family affairs.

No, no.

The moved tears are almost falling!

"Six Amethyst Stone?"

Yu Linyun and the high-level face each other, apparently have not heard of this ore.

Jun Changxiao explained: "This object is the martial arts resource of the nine-day continent on the first echelon of the battlefield. The psionic energy contained in it is ten natural stones that can reach our starry continent."


Yu Linyun and others widened their eyes!

One is worth ten, and one hundred thousand is worth one million!

Great job!

Absolutely great!

Xia Tieyi's mouth twitched slightly.

In accordance with the customs of the starfall continent, even if the famous family members ask for marriage, the color gifts are only hundreds of thousands of silver, and the rich ones are replaced by gold. This kind of gift using martial arts resources is still like a million natural spirits, which is simply inhumane!

"of course."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "This is only part of it."



A few spaces fell in front of Xia Tieyi's table, saying: "There are various ores and medicinal materials in it, worth a total of ten million yuan. I also asked Vice-principal Xia to agree to this discipleship between my disciples and your granddaughter.

Since everyone is a warrior, the martial arts must be dominated by martial arts. The softness of gold and silver is simply too low!

"Sovereign ..." Su Xiaomo really moved to tears.

If you haven't joined the Wanzong in this life, I am afraid that the wedding ceremony must be done by selling iron.

Yulin Yun arched his hand, respectfully said: "Sovereign monarch, enough atmosphere!"

Jun Chang laughed: "If Deputy Xia Xun has no opinion, let's discuss a clear time to set the engagement."

According to the custom of the starfall continent, visiting the relatives does not mean that they will get married immediately, and an engagement ceremony must be held first.

"it is good."

Xia Tieyi Road.

Since the granddaughter agreed, he naturally had no objection.

As a result, the two parties held a half-hour consultation on the engagement ceremony ~ ~ Finally, they decided to hold an engagement ceremony on the sixth day of next month, and the place will be held in Vangu.


After everything was discussed, Jun Changxiao was about to leave.

Xia Shuiyun came out from behind the scenes and said, "Sovereign monarch, I have a request!"

"any request?"

"Su Xiaomo and I have to put our minds on martial arts cultivation. Please do not arrange a marriage prematurely after the engagement."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Things like marriage, your young couple decide on your own. This seat is only responsible for preparing the wedding and waiting for a wedding drink."

"Thank you," Xia Shuiyun said.

Su Xiaomo was speechless.

But get married early, but also engaged in dry hair!


The day.

Van Gogh's intelligence agency began to function.

Everyone who is above the fifth-rate family, and quite prestigious families, have received engagement invitations one after another.


After receiving it, a homeowner said suddenly: "Just the disciple's engagement ceremony, the invitation was sent to my southeast Shizhou? Is this too grand?"

Marriage is the top priority in life. Engagement is nothing more than banqueting relatives and friends. Van Gouzong is a world-wide engagement invitation invitation.

Jun Chang laughed and thought.

Su Xiaomo started the engagement engagement of the disciples of Wan Guzong. It must be grand and beautiful!


A senior executive asked, "Will you go?"

"go with!"

The owner said: "An invitation from Wanzong, does anyone dare to go in this world?"

As a result, many families and patriarchal forces began to prepare.

Jun Chang laughed and found Li Qingyang, and said, "According to the customary rules of the starfall continent, how much money do people attending a wedding have to pay?"

The system growled: "What's grand and beautiful, and this is why he meows invitations!"

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