The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1083: The soul race is back!

Liu Wanshi was really worried that Ye Xingchen would go to the animal pen. Not only would she lock up in advance, but she also had the foresight to ask Zhen Lao to arrange various array methods.

Is this okay now?

The little girl underestimated Pei Niu's determination to get drunk and bed!

After the banquet, Huang-Yu walked around and found that he could not get in. He directly destroyed the array.

When Li Qingyang heard the news, he found that Yeshi's face was sooty and soiled, but he was lying comfortably in his face, and all kinds of livestock shivered in the corner.


Why is this human coming again!


Li Qingyang carried the drunken night star and shook his head, "Can't you drink less?"

Jun often laughed to learn that this matter was quite puzzled.

Every time this kid gets drunk, why does he like to go to the animal pen?

It was not until I asked Huier that Pei Niu was born in poverty from an early age and lived on cattle and sheep all year round, so he had special feelings for livestock and pens.

the next day.

Ye Xingchen sat expressionlessly in the courtyard.

At this moment, although he had a headache due to drinking yesterday, he couldn't compare with the pain in his heart, and he couldn't wait to yell. Why?



In the hall, Yuan Gongzi dialed the abacus skillfully and said, "Yesterday, the gifts were converted into artificial spirits, and a total of 5.6 million pieces were counted."

"Not bad."

Jun Chang smiled.

For Tai Xuan Shengzong's worth of tens of millions of ore, the money received so many spiritual stones, it is indeed a way to make money.

Disciples seventy-eight thousand, I want to send out!

Yuan Gongzi added: "It takes five million yuan to prepare a wedding and a banquet."

"It doesn't matter."

Compared with more than five million spirit stones, five million yuan is worthless.

After the engagement, Xia Shuiyun followed his parents to return to Taixuan Shengzong, and at the same time gained an identity, the third disciple of Wanguzong.

With regard to the current prestige of Wan Zongzong on the rivers and lakes, and Jun Changxiao's extremely short personality, once this identity is revealed, he must be more powerful than the disciples of Taixuan Shengzong.

"Shui Yun!"

Before leaving, Su Xiaomo sent to the foot of the mountain, and reluctantly took her little hand, and said, "The suzerain agreed to stay with you, why should you refuse?"

"I'm still a Taixuan Shengzong disciple, how can I stay in Wanguzong."

Both parents were growing, and this guy held hands, making Xia Shuiyun flushed.

Su Xiaomo wasn't ashamed at all, and said, "You're my woman. Sooner or later, you'll marry. Why don't you join Vanguard early?"


He seriously said: "Here you can promote martial arts faster."

"I have an ice body constitution. It is most suitable to practice in Taixuan Shengzong. Wait ... I will marry you later." Xia Shuiyun turned red ears and turned away.

Although Wan Guzong has all kinds of martial arts resources, it is completely inferior to Tai Xuan Shengzong in the practice of ice attributes. After all, people have always been based on this.

In order to better enhance his strength, Lu Yan decided to leave Zongmen temporarily and go to the northeast Yinzhou to experience the cold.


Su Xiaomo waved goodbye and said: "Shui Yun, I will go to Taixuan Shengzong to see you every three points and five!"

Although what this said is beautiful, after leaving Xia Shuiyun, he immediately entered the training tower, the mystery of time and space, and the mystery of life and death to start a circular practice.

From a realm point of view, he has lost too many people such as Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji, but there are obvious gaps in various types of tempering, so the children's love affairs are put on hold first, and they must be made up as soon as possible.


The grievances between Wan Guzong and Tai Xuan Shengzong basically ended after Su Xiaomo and Xia Shuiyun got engaged. They did not develop into a big fight, and it was perfect to die.

"Li Tangzhu."

Jun Chang came to Xiyutang with a smile, and said, "As soon as possible, confirm to this seat where Fang Lingyu has gone."

Lu Ying didn't kill this woman, he just abolished his hands and cultivation, but he had to cut off the roots, put an end to the second rise of the villains, and bring a potential crisis to himself and Zongmen.


Li Luoqiu ordered the intelligence network outside to start an overwhelming search.

Yu Linyun took over as agent Zong Men, Fang Lingyu and Elder Qu quietly left, and then no more news.


A few days later, Li Luoqiu came to report: "Fang Lingyu seemed to evaporate out of thin air. I searched all nine big states and couldn't find it."

"It's a bit fucking."

Jun Chang smiled and frowned, and then asked, "Is there any news about the Soul Tribe investigation?"

"No," Li Luoqiu said.

Jun Chang laughed: "This ethnic group is good at hiding. We must be careful when investigating, and we must carefully investigate any suspicious areas."


"Let Elder Jiang go to Fang Lingyu."

"Elder Jiang left after the engagement."

"Going to see my sister again?"


With the deeper understanding of Yuan Shen's body, Jiang Xie's spiritual thoughts spread more widely, so he often goes out to find enchantments when the sectarian affairs are not busy, although he often fails to gain anything.

"Although Kyushu is large, the Zongmen intelligence network has been fully equipped."

Jun Chang smiled with his chin and said, "If people are still alive and you can't find them, maybe you haven't been able to go to overseas three states."

Li Luoqiu agreed: "I think so."

Jun Chang laughed: "When Elder Jiang comes back, I will take him to a trip to the East China Sea to try his luck."

"I can think so for the elders of my disciples, I'm afraid there is only suzerain in this world." Li Luoqiu laughed.

Jun Chang smiled and said, "It's all in my heart, and we all love it."


Wet and dark cave.

Elder Qu sits pale and sits, no matter how he works his mind, it is difficult to communicate with Dan Tianling.

This woman's martial arts level of cultivation is good, but the meridian that Jun Chang laughed and stunned is broken, and now it has become a waste.

of course.

If there is a powerful heavenly treasure, there is also the possibility of recovering meridians.

On the other hand, Fang Lingyu besides was not only stabbed, but the spiritual core in Dantian had also burst, completely losing the possibility of practicing martial arts.


Elder Qu reluctantly angered: "I knew that Lu Yan would join the Vanguard Sect, and that year should have killed her after deportation!"


Fang Lingyu opened her eyes and said weakly, "It's too late to say anything now."

Her hatred is not weaker than that of Elder Qu. After all, she was stumped because she was jealous of Lu Ye's physique and cultivation, but in the end she was suppressed by death!


Elder Qu shook his head and said, "Only, what should we do?"

"Master ~ ~ Fang Lingyu came to help, and said," Take your cultivation to the disciples, and the disciples will help you revenge. " "

"Repair for you?"

The elder Qu's eyes looked stunned.


At this moment, Fang Lingyu's scarred right hand rested on her forehead, and her weak eyes flashed a hint of green light, as if the demon awakened from hell!

"You ... what are you doing!"

"Ahhhhhhhhh ..."

Screams came from the cave, and the majestic and weird attributes whistled out!

After everything had dissipated, Fang Lingyu stood in place, raised her hands lightly, feeling the gradual recovery of the meridians and spiritual cores, ecstatic: "Really! Really!"


Suddenly, an eerie voice sounded in my ear: "Now believe it?"

Fang Lingyu calmed down and said, "I can devour everything now to promote Xiuwei?"


The eerie voice said: "But the premise is that you are going to Northern Mozhou, there are ways to make you stronger!"

"Northern Mozhou?"

Fang Lingyu thought about it and left quickly.

As for the Elder Qu, he has been transformed into a dead body lying in the cave. From the vague expression, he must be suffering before death.

It was a bit tragic to abandon Xiu Wei ’s practice to survive the old one. He had to say that he was very lucky, but died in the hands of his apprentices, and contributed to a state of conciseness and practice.




Fang Lingyu left for a short time. Several members of Xiyutang fell in front of the cave and found the body after entering.

There is an order on it, and any suspicious things must be investigated closely, so they dare not care, and pass the news back to the elder ancestors.

After checking, Jun Chang laughed coldly, "It's a soul race again!"

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