The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1084: Just exposed

Medicine Hall.

After careful inspection, Sun Bukong said, "Sect, this is a female corpse."


Jun Chang smiled and almost kicked him to the earth.

Although the corpse was drawn dry, it can be seen from the general shape that it is a female corpse.

Did you explore for a long time professionally and give a guess that can be seen at a glance?

"A disciple can't infer about his age, but he should look like an old man before his death."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "What other clues?"

Sun Bukong supported his chin and said, "If the disciples did not make a mistake, this female corpse had been severely damaged during her lifetime, and her internal veins were broken."

Jun Chang smiled and wondered: "Can this be seen?"

"There is a big difference between a person's skin being injured and not being injured. For example ..." Sun Bukong started a medical explanation because it will not be described in detail.


After listening to his analysis, Jun Chang smiled and said, "I haven't studied medicine with Wei Wei in vain."

Lao Wei said: "I am okay in planting, I have limited ability in the medical field, and he is not alone in relying on the medical classics left by the Baimen Medical Saint to teach himself.

Jun Chang smiled and patted Sun Bukong's shoulders, encouragingly: "Study well, the post of Deputy Chief of Medicine Hall is waiting for you."


Sun did not empty loudly.

Then point to the abdomen of the dead body: "Sovereign, this is the injured area, it should be by external forces ... No, from the injury form, it should be caused by a severe bombardment with someone's instep."

Jun Chang smiled with his chin in his arms and said, "The kicks of the meridians are broken. This is a bit of a poisonous way. Could it be the soul tribe?"

System said: "The host is in Taixuan Shengzong, don't you just kick someone away?"


Jun Chang laughed and remembered that he had done such things, so his face changed slightly: "This female corpse will not be Elder Qu, right?"

Unknown age, elderly!

There are kick marks in the abdomen, and the meridians are broken before birth!

Except that the clothes you wear are not Taixuan Shengzong's school uniform, all this should not be too coincidental!

"After the old demon and Fang Lingyu left the Zongmen, they would definitely not wear their school uniforms, and it would be very likely to disguise themselves." After looking at the speculation, Jun Changxiao looked at the dead body and solemnly said, "This may be really Elder Qu ! "

He was still in a state of guessing until Lu Yan came and said, "There is a trace of weak ice system attributes in the corpse. It should be an ice system martial art before his death."

Jun Chang smiled immediately and affirmed, "Elder Qu is undoubted!"

She is dead.

What about Fang Lingyu?

From the information sent by Taixuan Shengzong, the disappearance of the two together is tantamount to leaving together.


Sun Bukong pointed to the dead body's head and said, "There are obvious scratches here, and the psionic energy may have been taken from here."

Turning his head, he almost jumped.

Because the prince did not know when to tuck his hair up, in blue clothes, with a pair of big glasses, and a red bow on his collar.

When will it be changed? This speed is also fast!

Jun Chang smiled, lowered his head, raised his glasses, and said, "From the perspective of the deceased's physical movements, there was no struggle during his lifetime, indicating that when the perpetrators were perpetrating, the deceased was not armed."

"That makes sense," Xiao said.

Sun Bukong growled loudly: "It makes sense, Mao, when did you show up, why did you carry the magic to change the sound!"


Xiao Guiji turned on the sound, and detective Kodak BGM sounded.

Jun Chang smiled and lowered his head again, and his spectacles struck two rays, saying: "True 実 は い つ も 一 つ! The murderer and the deceased are very closely related, so he would not expect to suddenly kill himself!"

Sun Bukong growled: "What bird language was said by the Sovereign? I don't understand it!"

"The lord means it." Lu Yan said: "The killer who killed Elder Qu was ... Fang Lingyu?"

"Yes!" Jun Chang laughed.


Sun was almost empty.

The lord is a disguise and a bird's language, the master sister can answer the call, even on a channel, this is incredible!

"That's it!" Xiao Xin said, holding his chin.

Sun Bukong went crazy.

Brother, there's no scene for you here at all. It's too much to force a show with your audio!

Jun Chang laughed: "Soul tribe occupy human body, need resentment and hate, this is the case with Dai Li, Fang Lingyu was cut off by your tendons, discarded cultivation, and certainly gathered strong resentment, so it just fits the advantage Entry conditions. "

"and so……"

Putting on his glasses, he said, "There is only one truth!"

"Fang Lingyu was occupied by the soul clan, and then ingested Xiuwei without the elders of Qu!"

Lu Hanhan said with a face: "At an early age, he was brought back to Taixuan Shengzong by Elder Qu as a natural daughter to support him, but he killed him with all his heart, and he was completely lost."

Jun Changxiao didn't care what Fang Lingyu did. What he cared about was that if he guessed, the star continent is still lurking with the third soul!


With a clap, he shook his head and said, "I have something to do again."

Fang Lingyu's occupation of the body by the soul clan is not terrible, and it is still a good thing for the dog leftovers, because at least she has a clue, not the previous bitter wireless search ~ ~ Li Tangzhu. "

Jun Chang immediately ordered, saying: "Notify the prefecture and county intelligence network that Fang Lingyu must be found, especially paying attention to the withered environment and dead bodies in the mountains!"


Li Luoqiu was busy again.

The entire intelligence system also began high-intensity operation. In a short time, information from various states came over.


Not long after, Li Luoqiulai reported: "A suspicious person was found in the northern desert region!"

"Northern Mozhou?"

Jun Chang smiled and frowned, and said, "Where is the space-time channel connected by planes, could the third soul want to go back?"

No. 1 soul has been tuned by Erya for a long time, and there is nothing to be frank, so the dogs are still more aware of this.

For example, in Beimozhou last time, taking Ye Xingchen and Shangguan Yanyao to bless the formation left by the emperor, and just happened to encounter Dai Lu, it was the number one soul.

Its purpose is twofold. One is to return to its own world, completely restore cultivation, and completely control the depository, and the other is to send a message to the same, and once again come to harm the starfall continent.

"It seems."

Jun Chang smiled and held his chin and said, "Soul number three is in the same situation as number one soul, and desperately wants to return to the soul tribe."


He covered his face with a weird laughter that was unique to villains and said, "Since it's here, how can we go!"

"call out-------"

Over the ancient emperor, Jun Chang laughed into a streamer and flew at a rapid speed.

Li Luoqiu shook his head and said, "The soul clan that disrupted the ancient times and disintegrated the mainland, now encounters the suzerain.


Northern Desert State.

Fang Lingyu is marching in the yellow sand.

The No. 3 soul deposited in her body was brainwashed along the way, completely unaware that she was exposed as soon as she appeared!

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