The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1086: There is still no dignity to be a soul race!

"Huh! Huh!"

In the yellow sand, ripples ripple.

Because the movement is not too big, coupled with the harsh environment, it is difficult to find it if you are not in it.


Jun Chang smiled and thought about holding his chin.

The formation method has been reinforced by Shangguan Yanyao again. There should be no problem. Why is there a regular energy fluctuation?

There is only one possibility.

The soul continent is restless again and is cracking internally.

Jun Changxiao hurriedly contacted Zongmen with sound transmission and asked Shangguan Yaoyao for signs. The answer was no.

This is even stranger!

"call out!"

Feeling moved into Tianyuan Soul Tower.


Erya is holding the town whip and beat the second soul with rhythm. Judging from the other side's enjoyment, she should be very sour.

Soul number one is more comfortable.

Since the arrival of No.2, my torture time has been significantly reduced. It is really ... Took the same tribe.

"the host."

Erya stopped and smiled innocently: "Are you here to send the prisoner again?"

As the soul of Tianyuan's soul tower, his duty is to tune up unclean things.

Since signing the contract with Jun Changxiao, it has not been idle. The leather whip, candles, and ropes are changed every day to play.


Jun Chang laughed and took out the magical vacuum cleaner to release the third soul, which turned into a ray of green light and hit the barrier of the enemies and was bombed.


Erya raised her soul whip, and said, "Don't try to run when you come!"



Soul No. 3 screamed in pain, then fell into human form and fell to the ground.

Soul No. 1 and No. 2 are completely dumbfounded. Isn't this the fifth child? How could he be caught in!

Lying on the ground, No.3 Soul, who was grinning with teeth and grinning, was difficult to see when they were both: "Three brother! Fourth brother! Why are you here!"

Three brothers and four brothers?

Jun Chang laughed with interest and said, "Isn't that the nine souls who have harmed the star-studded continent in one year?"

The system said: "I don't know if it's a family, I know they are now a calabash baby. It's really pitiful that one appears to be taken down by the host."

"That reminds me."

Jun Chang smiled seriously and said, "Three soul clan appear one after another. If the next six exist, will they appear like four baby and five baby?"

The system said: "With a magic vacuum cleaner in hand, even if six jump out of the gourd together, it is not enough for the host to suck."

Jun Chang shook his head with a smile and said, "I was lucky enough to find three. I was afraid that some soul clan hid so deeply that they did not harm the world until they had the power to destroy the world."

"So too."

The system is very pleased.

Many behaviors of the host seem to be a little bit brain-scarred and bruised.

But he was not at all ambiguous in major events, but he was very cautious.

Jun Chang smiled and sat down, looking at the three soul races, and said, "I have something to ask you in this seat. Whoever answers it will avoid being beaten for a day."

Soul Three roared angrily: "I don't know anything, I can't say anything!"

"I said!"

"I said!"

Soul No. 1 and No. 2 are in the same voice.

"You ..." No. 3 Soul said angrily, "Is there still the dignity of being a Soul Clan!"

One or two souls ignored it.

This guy hasn't tasted the life of crazy abuse carefully. After the real experience, he will definitely learn to answer as much as himself!

Jun Chang smiled at No. 1 Soul and said, "Why do you want to return to the Soul Continent?"

"Because I did not die in the hand of Emperor Wu before the time of Wanzai, but my soul was severely damaged, and I must return to the soul pond of the soul continent to cultivate it before I can truly reach the best state.

Erya smiled with satisfaction.

Soul No. 1 answered so neatly, and she did not disappoint himself during this time.

"This means that other similar species have also been hit badly. What pool should they go to?" Jun Chang smiled.

"Do not!"

Soul No. 2 replied, "I don't need to keep it!"

"Because he found a very suitable body, as long as he broke through and occupied it, he could restore the damaged soul."

Having said that, the Emperor Zhenwei is not a weak character. When his strength becomes stronger, he always suppresses it with the supreme blaze, making it unsuccessful.

Although it was achieved as expected, he came in a few minutes after his debut.

Jun Chang smiled at No. 3 soul, and said, "If you guessed right, your soul will be frustrated, but Fang Lingyu Xiu is too low to repair, and can only urgently hope to enter the soul continent to repair."


Soul Three hummed.

Lao Tzu has more bones than those two goods, and wants to get any information from my mouth, there is no door!

"Are you awake, do you know the Soul Continent?"


No. 1 and No. 2 soul unison.

After all, how unimaginable the experience has been, will we be able to answer questions without hesitation!

Jun Chang smiled and leaned forward, and said, "Tell me the overall strength of the soul tribe, such as who is the boss and how strong is the cultivation."

The two souls wanted to speak, and the third soul finally couldn't help, growling, "If you betray the soul tribe, if you are known by the Queen, you will definitely be punished by death!"



"Take care of me."


With a look of innocence, Erya walked over, spreading the whip in her hand, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and the devil smiled.


"Who is soft and who is grandson!"





"Ah ah ah ah ah----------"

Twenty-eighth-style training unfolded, the whip whistling, the candle's dripping sound, and the rope's waving sound interweaving beautiful melody in the tower.

Soul No.1 and No.2 saw their legs softened and their scalp cracked.


Jun Chang smiled over, put them on their shoulders, pulled them over, and laughed: "Who is the Queen?"

"Queen Lingping!"

"The boss of our soul continent!"

The third soul was madly tuned, and the two souls answered faster.


It turns out that the power of the soul continent is a woman.

Jun Chang smiled and asked, "How strong are your queens?"

Soul No. 2 stepped forward quickly: "The strength of our lord queen, in terms of the astronomical continent, is almost at the semi-holy level."

"So weak?" Jun Chang smiled and wondered ~ ~ In the ancient times, several soul races could split the starburst continent into pieces, and the empress who was the master of the accident did this. How could you hang yourself easily in the past? hit?

The Soul is not a Saiyan, not a powerful fighting group.

They are special in that they occupy the bodies of other races with the help of the soul body, and become their own after fattening.

No. 1 soul said: "The queen is not strong, but she has absolute authority. I must obey unconditionally without any rebellion."


It added quickly: "Now that in the past ten thousand years, the Empress may have broken through the Wu Sheng, and even the Emperor Wu is not impossible."


Soul No. 2 gave him a white look and said, "Just as our Queen's adult qualification, and on the continent's continent all the year round, unless you take the elixir, it will be difficult to break through the Emperor Wu level!"

"Not bad!"

Soul No. 1 corrected: "I said it!"

Leaning on the back of the chair, Jun Chang smiled secretly: "If the emperor's strength is not cultivated by Emperor Wu, he can also control the soul continent. If I captured her in the past, wouldn't it be in control of the entire soul continent?"

"How does your queen look?"


"The beauty of the country is amazing!"

Jun Chang laughed and put his hands on his forehead, and his hair froze, secretly: "I finally know why I am so handsome?"


The system has ominous signs.

In the case of no support, Jun Chang laughed and killed his face, and said, "Because, it was born to hook up with various national colors and heavens, and be used by the Empress of Heaven."


"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

"He —————— tui!"


PS, make up 1, owe 2.

Me he meow ... it's almost finished, (╥╯ ^ ╰╥)

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