The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1087: Isn't it here?

After giving No. 3 soul to Er Ya, Jun Chang smiled and returned to the outside world.

As for the soul continent, we have further understood that if we want a safe solution, the best way is to take down the queen.

How to win?

Jun Chang laughed quickly and thought about two plans.

The first was to subdue the Soul Queen by force, and the second was to beautify herself.

Several soul clan haven't gone back for a thousand years. God knows how strong the Empress Ling Ping is now, so there are uncertain factors in the first plan.

In this way, only a foolproof second plan can be implemented and conquered with its own beauty.

The system remains silent.

It was spit and spit in the soul tower of Tianyuan Town, and it was already dry.

Jun Chang laughs here for granted, knowing that it has been in the past for a long time, and now the sea is a vicissitudes. Now the boss of the soul clan is no longer Ling Ping, but Queen Rose.


Soul tribe continent, desolate land.

"Boom boom!"

The irritable energy whistled out, the ground was showing huge marks, and the surrounding space was even shattered.

Jun Chang laughed if he was present, he would be surprised.

Because judging from the momentum contained in the air, the shooter must be better than the blue path court of Taixuan Shengzong!


On the mountain peak, the rose queen carrying the rose petals of the sky fell, and Yujie Fan's full face smiled charmingly.

The Soul Tribes who watched the battle widened their eyes one by one.

After the queen was in power, all the time was used to capture other positions. I did not expect that martial arts had not fallen, but it had already returned to the realm!

The two highest-level realms of the soul continent are returning to the realm and returning to the realm.

In terms of the realm of starfall continent, the strength of returning to the realm is stronger than that of Wu Sheng, and it is weaker than that of Emperor Wu Emperor.

Each plane has a different realm and name division. To get a more accurate comparison, you need to fight before you know.

"My lord is mighty!"

"My lord is mighty!"

The crowd immediately shouted loudly, their eyes adored strongly.

There are four Empresses in office in the history of the Soul clan, and the first three are more ordinary. Only the Queen Rose has unique talents, and has even surpassed the top of the entire continent in terms of cultivation.

of course.

Xiu's rapid improvement also stems from the fact that after taking office, he has always led the crowd to capture other planes. It can be said that every point of growth has been tempered from actual combat.

He has strength and absolute power.

The Queen Rose is definitely a super-belief in the soul continent.

"The seal leading to the starry continent hasn't broken?"

"Queen Queen, I'm waiting for it!"

"A bunch of waste!"

The queen of roses rose angrily, and her opponent's efficiency was extremely disappointed.

The predecessor Wanzai sent the main hall of the nine halls to attack the starfall continent. As a result, he is gone forever, and the mess left behind must be resolved.


"The elder Taixuan Shengzong was too successful in martial arts."

"I fought with him for hundreds of strokes, and I didn't have the upper hand. I had to get stronger as soon as possible."

Jun Chang smiled before himself and said to himself.

With all kinds of equipment and weapons blessing, he can defeat the ghost of Tianzi battlefield.

But in the end belong to a kind of low-level creatures without self-thinking. When encountering a strong person like Lan Jingting, even if they have just entered a great level of success, they still have not much chance of winning.


Jun Chang smiled secretly: "The strength of the Soul Queen is very frustrated. If you can't seduce with beauty, it is easy to conquer with strength."

"and so……"

Rubbing his temples: "Now thinking about how to enter the soul continent!"

Judging from the frequent energy fluctuations of the formation method, the soul clan is trying to break it. Instead of waiting to wait, it is better to kill it first. As long as the soul clan queen is settled, the problem can be solved perfectly.

The system suggested: "Since there are portals to the battlefield, there may be portals to the plane."

Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile.

The purpose of this guy is to make money for himself!

Plane battlefield portals are for completing missions, deliberately refreshing the mall, the ghost knows how much contribution value it takes!

The system said: "The opportunity is in front of the host, and you are reluctant to see yourself."

"of course."

"You may spend a lot of contribution value, but if it is brushed out, it will make money even if you spend it all."

"how do I say this?"

"If there are plane portals, the host can teleport to other planes at will. Wouldn't it be easy to find the martial arts resources that Starfall Continent does not have?"

The system is not a professional system because it is often beaten in seconds.

But it is definitely a very qualified salesman, and in a word, he left the dog's heart moving.

At present, it is difficult to support the disciples to break through the Emperor Emperor or even higher. If you go to other planes to find resources, it looks very easy.


Systemically said, "Those who do big things, have a long-term vision!"

"it is good!"

Jun Chang smiled and opened the mid-level mall, and said, "Try!"


The system is speechless.

He said for a long time that he didn't brush high-level!

Jun Chang laughed and kept reasoning, saying: "Sometimes, mid-tier malls can produce good things, and maybe there are unexpected gains."


Some products in the mid-level mall are very practical.

For example, field guns can now be used, as well as magic-change vacuum cleaners that work wonders against souls.

System Road: "Refreshing high-end shopping malls is the king. Intermediate shopping malls are all luck. The host should not waste the contribution value."

"I do not believe!"

Jun Chang laughed harder, then refreshed once.

"I go!"

The system exclaimed: "The host has come up with EQ again!"

This refresh has not only emotional quotient, but also a good martial arts grade. Jun Chang smiled without hesitation and bought it. After confirming that other products are not useful, he refreshed it again decisively.


The second chance was missed by him perfectly. This life is destined to be alone forever.

Jun Changxiao continues to refresh, anyway, now the contribution value is tens of thousands, brushing dozens of times will not hurt muscles and bones.

"Ding! Contribution: 58900/70000."

"Ding! Contribution: 57800/70000."


With the refresh and consumption again and again, a large amount of contribution value gradually made him go.

During the period, a lot of good martial arts and weapons and equipment formulas came out, compared to the Qixuanxia Guangbao and Dragonfang series, it was a bit weak.

Zongmen's martial arts are not rich, and they can be fully matched, allowing disciples to have more choices in cultivation. The weapons and equipment are currently in the Wanzong ore reserve, and it is impossible to have a full Dragon Dragon series.

The system said silently: "It turns out that this guy is not trying to enter other planes ~ ~ but is providing more martial art resources for Zongmen."


Jun Chang laughed: "It's not that the contribution value is too much to spend!"

"Ding! Contribution: 38900/70000."

After refreshing again, a total of 20,000 merit points were spent in a short time.

More than ten books of various martial arts were obtained, and more than 20 kinds of weapon equipment formulas, full of knives, sticks, axe, hooks and forks!

Before the change, the dog left would definitely collapse, because he didn't get the plane portal he wanted.

Fortunately, this refresh is mainly focused on strengthening the **** of the ancestral gate, so I not only feel distressed, but even think that there is still a small profit.


Doing anything is the most important thing.

"and many more!"

When looking at new products, Jun Chang laughed and his eyes lighted up, because there was a product called "Space Time Larva" in his field of vision!

Space-time larva?

Worms of Time and Space!

Dog left in a hurry to introduce-

Item: Space-time larva.

Introduction: Living in the depths of the cosmic starry sky, a worm that can break through the barriers of space.

Advantages: From the starting point to eating up the barriers of space until reaching the end point, a space-time tunnel that is not restricted by heaven and earth will be formed on the path for any creature to enter and exit at will.

Disadvantages: Larvae have no ability to break through barriers and need to be fed to adulthood.

Price: 2000 points contribution.


Jun Chang laughed with his hips on his hips and laughed, "Isn't this already there, isn't it?"


I vowed that I would not refresh the emotional quotient, and was face refreshed just for the first time.

I think that brushing the middle-level shopping mall is a waste of contribution value. I didn't expect to brush out one at 20,000 points. The disadvantage is that there is no entity.

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