The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1091: Unexpected gains



"Boom boom!"

Outside the battlefield of a certain city, there was a sound that shook the world, and the earth shook violently under the trample of various iron riders.

The three major empires have a total of 500,000 troops. They are attacking Longyuan City, the military empire of Zhenwei Empire. If you take it down, more than ten cities in the rear will be easily available.

This is a crucial war.

The outcome will directly determine the pattern of the East China Sea.

To this end, Zhenwei Empire also dispatched elite troops to swear to protect Longyuan City.

The two sides have been fighting outside the city for several days, and each other has won and lost each other.

"This siege must be won!"

In the camp of the three empires, the highest commander Shen said.

After all, they are the attackers, and the delay in taking down Longyuan City not only hurts morale, it is also difficult to maintain the grain and grass for too long.


Just then, a soldier came to report: "Outside ... there is a vision rising outside!"


The commanders and generals suddenly walked out of the barracks, and saw the area in front of the battlefield where the army was charging.

A warrior solemnly said, "The sign of rejuvenation!"

"Is there a soulstone vein hidden beneath the battlefield of Longyuan City?" The commanders of the three armies became excited.

Even if he is a soldier who leads the battle, he knows how important natural stone is for the warrior and for a country!

"Come down!"

The commander of the three armed forces immediately sang: "Be sure to break through Longyuan City today and occupy the land of rejuvenation!"





On the battlefield, after hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the three empires were ordered, the charge speeded up, and the scene was as turbulent as the tide.


On the city of Longyuan City, the defender of the city will see the stream of light from the resurgence, and frowns frantically, "The city cannot be maintained!"

The sign of the resurgence of Reiki rises, which means that there are spirit veins hidden underground, which will be extremely tempting.

The three empires must be attacking!


A vice general said angrily: "If the emperor is still there, how dare the three empires make trouble!"

Before the change, Zhenwei Empire did not go to the trouble of the three empires, and the other side thanked him. Now that he lost his backbone, he was attacked by others at three points and five points.

"Complaining does not solve any problems." Shoucheng's general eyes resolutely said: "When the order is passed, we must keep the Dragon Yuancheng!"


The lieutenant hurriedly ordered.

The 200,000 soldiers guarding the city have already done their job, and the city is determined to die.



On the battlefield, soldiers from the three empires rushed to kill.

When a terrifying siege battle is about to be staged in Longyuan City, the distant streamer flickers, and the huge ancient ship exuding the ancient and ancient atmosphere suddenly hangs in the rising stream area.


The three imperial soldiers on the charge stopped and looked at the warship that appeared out of thin air with an incredible look.

This thing ...

Can fly in the sky?

Longyuan City's defenders were dumbfounded.

When the two armies confronted each other, a flying ship hung in the middle of the battlefield. This picture was very contrary.


The lieutenant on the tower said, "It is the Suzerain of the eternal suzerain!"

The General Shoucheng has also seen the young man in white clothes standing on the bow of the boat, and said with horror: "Why is he here again!"

"Hey Hey hey."

Jun Chang laughed and picked up the loudspeaker. After testing the sound, he said loudly: "The people below listen to this place where this rejuvenation was discovered first. If you don't want to die, just get out."

Very domineering and arrogant.


The coaches of the three empires said coldly: "It suddenly appeared in front of us. He was embarrassed to say he found it first?"


One general said: "From the perspective of the scale of vision, the underground veins of soulstone must be very majestic. We must not let it go, otherwise it will definitely blame it!"

"The guy standing on the battleship should be the warrior on the Zhenwei Empire deliberately pretending to be a ghost!" Someone speculated.

After thinking about it, the three coaches ordered: "Shoot him down!"


"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

The soldiers stationed on the battlefield were ordered to raise their crossbow, and the arrows gathered the streamers.


"咻咻 咻咻 咻 ————————"

One hundred thousand sharp arrows came out of the string, converging as if the battle of Xinghe burst towards the Tonggu battlefield.

Longyuan Chengshou saw this and was immediately happy.

The emperor on the ship could wipe out even the emperor, and his strength was extremely horrible. The three empires took the initiative to attack him.


At this moment, an extremely imposing momentum emerged from the battleship, and then permeated the air. Once the sharp arrows from the burst came in, they were stopped.

brush! brush! brush! brush!

In the blink of an eye, all 100,000 arrows were bound in the air.


The three empire coaches, generals, and soldiers have their eyes widened, and they can't believe the spectacular pictures presented in midair.

Jun Chang laughed and flew out of the battleship, and the powerful air that filled the air suddenly shrank. The bounded arrows quickly moved closer together, and then forcibly kneaded together to turn into a huge sphere.


Everyone was horrified.


A general in the three empires said, "This man is not easy!"

Jun Chang smiled and hung in the air, and the sphere of sharp arrows hung above his head, and said lightly, "Go back and let your emperor open the treasury, and I will take this spiritual stone away, and I will rush over in person."

After a little pause, his eyes became cold.



The coercion of Jianwu Shuangsheng was released, sweeping away like a stormy sea.

All the harassed soldiers were instantly exposed as if experiencing pain and torture in their souls.


The coach of the three armies fell to the ground in shock, then got up in horror and said, "Withdraw! Withdraw! Withdraw!"



Hundreds of thousands of troops gathered in the battlefield of Longyuan City and fled by losing their helmets and removing armor, and soon disappeared without a trace.

"They ran !!"

The soldiers of Zhenwei Empire were overjoyed.

However, looking at Jun Chang who always stands in the air, his eyes still have strong fears, for fear of the other party's unhappiness, destroy his city with a finger!

That is not so, because the resurgence of Aura is outside the battlefield, and it does not involve the city.

After shocking the three empire soldiers, Jun Chang laughed and sat down in a streamer soaring into the sky, waiting for the Fengshui treasure to recover completely.


Jiang Xiedao: "This sign of rejuvenation ~ ~ is several times stronger than Tiegushan, and the veins of the spiritual stones hidden below are probably huge."

Jun Chang smiled and grinned, "Unexpected gain."



At this moment, many casual repair and sectarian forces in Yuzhou, East China Sea saw successively rising visions, rushing from the south to the north.

Jun Chang laughed at Yun Tian and said, "This place has been watched by this seat, so we leave at a constant speed."

The voice still contains the potential of the sword and martial arts double sacred, which deeply shocked the martial arts of all walks of life, causing their faces to change greatly and leave at the fastest speed.

When the strength reaches the level of terror, it can completely suppress the strong greed of others.


call out!

A few days later, the sky-high streamer disappeared.


The earth began to show cracks, and the incomparable heaven and earth aura emerged.

Jun Chang laughed and said, "The battlefield where countless undeads gather is actually the place where the reiki revived, which is really a bit unexpected."


Stand up and the five elements are excited.



The pure soil system is diffused out, and then merges into the cracked ground, making it continuously expand outward and present a deep pit.

Maybe a little.

A deep and large hole was dug out.

The surface soil presents crystal clear natural spirits.

The system said: "This should be a large vein. There must be at least 10 million starting stones!"

Jun Chang laughed and jumped down, and started digging frantically.

Because of the Five Elements Body and the Five Elements Jiantian Jue, this type of vein, which requires at least a large number of miners to continuously mine for a long time, was completely excavated by him in only half a day.

After the inventory, there are more than 20 million natural spirit stones in the large veins!


Jun Chang laughed and returned to the Tonggu battlefield, looking at the three empires, and said, "Go, go and find them accounted for by shooting 100,000 arrows."

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