The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1092: Still Lao Yuan is thoughtful

Jun Chang laughed away.

The generals and soldiers of Longyuan City stood collectively dumbfounded in the empty mine.

From the entrance alone, it can be roughly assumed that it belongs to a large vein, and it was dug clean in only half a day. How did that guy do it!


The vice general said: "Before he left, just count the 100,000 arrows that were shot. Could it be ..."

The general shook his head and said, "The three empires are to be slaughtered."

This kind of word can deter the big cattle who have hundreds of thousands of troops. Whoever provoked him will definitely not have a good life.

of course.

The general was very fortunate and recognized Jun Chang with a smile.

Otherwise, if you follow the attack yourself, it will definitely cause great trouble.


Flame Empire.

Royal palace.

The flame emperor was covered with sweat beads on his forehead at this moment.

Because the guy who blackmailed himself previously hovered over the warship.

He also knew the situation. A few days ago, he was sent to attack the coach of Longyuan City and ordered an arrow to be fired.

"Say, what can I do about this?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.

He didn't scold or fight, so he settled the conflict in a peaceful manner.

The emperor wiped the sweat from his forehead: "The monarch and the king do whatever they say."


Jun Chang laughed: "Spirit stone, ore, medicinal materials, whatever the level and level, give how much."

Space-time larvae require too many resources. If you can get some from the three empires, it is best.


The Emperor of Flames compromised.

People are hurried to come up with various resources to compensate.

It wasn't until the other party was sent away that he sat on the stairs and breathed a sigh of relief.

The other two empires also cooperated very well. As long as Jun Chang laughed and appeared in the palace with a ship, he would obediently take out all kinds of resources.

He was blackmailed twice in succession, and the three empires were broken. They were destined not to wage war against Zhenwei Empire for the time being, and the East China Sea Yuzhou also had a period of peace.


Bringing Jiang Xie to the East China Sea to find her sister, but people did not find it, but instead obtained tens of millions of natural spiritual stones and various martial arts resources.

This incident tells us a truth. Don't stay in the old house at home, and often go out for a walk when you are fine, maybe there are unexpected gains, such as picking up a steel jump on the ground.


After returning to Zongmen, Jun Chang laughed and took out some of the ore and herbs obtained from the three empires and said, "Go and eat."

The space-time larva suddenly became excited.


Zhen Dejun came in and said solemnly: "Yan Yao noticed that the seal of the formation was loose, and I went to Beimozhou with her, but the repair was not optimistic, and I am afraid it will be difficult to support it for several months."

"more specific."

"Six months, or three or five."

Jun Chang sat down with his fingers clasped together and said, "It seems that the continent of the soul race has found a way to crack it. We cannot sit still and must be prepared."

Zhen Dejun said: "You can arrange minefields in the land of yellow sand. If one day the soul clan comes over and blows them all up into the sky."

"This can only solve a small part after all."

Jun Chang smiled diligently, "If the other party invades aggressively, I'm afraid it will be difficult to stop."

Looking at the spatiotemporal larvae eating the martial arts resources next to him, he shook his head and said, "If the little guy can grow up the fastest, open the tunnel from another location, it is better to go in early and make a scene."

The best defense is attack.

Jun Changxiao even hoped to enter the Soul Race Continent first and disturb the chickens and dogs there, so that the other party would not care about it again and harm the Starfall Continent.

"the host!"

Time and Space Larva said: "If I can eat this every day, I will grow up in a few months and have the ability to eat up the barriers of space!"

Jun Chang smiled and rolled his eyes.

In this way of eating, if you eat for several months in a row, the entire starfall continent resources may not be available.

"No, no."

Jun Chang smiled and rubbed his temples, and said, "You must find a way to get more resources."

Yuan Gongzi said: "The suzerain said that many large planes in the battlefield have higher spirit stones, and we can exchange them for equivalent things."

Jun Chang smiled and his eyes brightened, "It makes sense!"

Without resentment, the dog can't do anything about robbery and blackmail, but you can find them to do business in exchange for the spiritual stone that feeds space-time larvae.

In particular, if you exchange six tens of millions of star stones on the continent for tens of millions, all your troubles can be solved!


Jun Chang smiled and held his chin and said, "What?"

"That would be too much," Yuan Gongzi said in detail. "For example, plastic body, plastic soul, and healing body, all can be exchanged, I don't believe that everyone will not be moved."


"Buying this elixir to other planes will not cause you any trouble."

Although all kinds of elixir of Wanguzong are sold on the star continent, the quantity is always controlled so as not to be bought by opponents.

There is no problem if you trade with the major planes, because there is almost no channel for communication between each other except the battlefield.


Jun Chang patted Yuan Gongzi's shoulder with a smile, and reassured: "I still think that Lao Yuan is considerate. I can get your help from this seat, and it really helps me!


"Go and do business with everyone and earn more spirits!"


Plane battlefield.

Lingyuan mainland stronghold.

Ke Jinnan held a healing pill and was surprised: "Sovereign King, is this little elixir really so magical?"

Jun Chang laughed: "We can test it on the spot."

"How to test?"


Jun Chang laughed and grabbed the collar of a Lingyuan mainland warrior, and then he came down severely with his shoulders, and beat him with hands and feet.



A moment later, this powerful man comparable to the rank of Wu Wang was severely injured by the rampant and fell to the ground.

Jun Chang smiled and pleaded, saying, "It's time to take elixir."


Ke Jinnan was speechless.

He has cooperated many times and established a profound revolutionary friendship. He did not hesitate to throw the elixir into his mouth.

The time has come to witness the miracle.

The warrior, who was seriously injured, took the elixir, stood up for a moment, and the whole person was full of red light, from a weak and unbearable life!


"I ... nothing happened!"

Ke Jinnan hurriedly clasped his wrist ~ ~ After repeated confirmation that he was not injured, he was shocked: "It's amazing!"

People who practice martial arts are very injured, even severely injured. Taking a healing pill immediately resurrected in situ, which is very bad!

Jun Changxiao added: "My elixir has the effect of restoring energy."

"Monarch Sovereign."

Ke Jinnan said: "How to sell!"

He was already tempted.

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Looking at everyone who is an old acquaintance, one hundred 100,000 spirit stones."

"no problem!"

Ke Jin took out the ring with millions of spirit stones and said, "First come a thousand!"

This is a good relationship with Jun Changxiao, and trust each other, so do not worry about being cheated.

"Happy cooperation."

After completing the transaction, Jun Chang smiled and smiled.

Although the spirit stone of the Lingyuan continent is not as strong as the six-pointed star stone, it also reaches two or three natural spirit stones of the starfall continent. It is certainly good for feeding space-time larvae.


Nine days continent.

Mo Shangsheng was talking to the elders in the main hall.

A hand came down to report: "City Lord, Jun Chang of the Starfall Continent laughed and asked for advice!"

"Why is he here?"

Mo Susheng was immediately vigilant. After all, the extortion was vividly remembered, and it was inevitable that he would be bullied again by this guy.

"Master Mo."

Outside the stronghold, seeing the person he was looking for appeared, Jun Chang smiled and arched his hand and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, I really miss you."


Mo hurts his mouth slightly.

You miss me, I don't want you at all!

"Monarch Sovereign."

Mo Shangsheng arched his hands and said, "Why come to Momou?"

Jun Chang laughed sitting on a chair prepared in advance, raised Erlang's legs, put his hands on his legs and clasped his fingers, and said, "Jun wants to discuss business with Mo Cheng."

"Talking about business?"

"Yes, a big deal."

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