The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1116: The situation no longer allows me to hide

In the battlefield on the plane, Jun Changxiao used the power of a stone statue once. Although he defeated the ghosts in the battlefield of Tianzi, he also beat the purple demon king.

This thing is poisonous!

It is easy to erode the mind to do irrational things.

Therefore, Jun Changxiao has repeatedly emphasized that it is never easy to use when it is absolutely necessary.

Being in an absolute realm, psionic energy is expedited, and there are restrictions on the charm of Qiankun, which meets the ‘last resort’ standard, so Jun Changxiao can only be used!

Be a servant?


My junior always laughs, even if he fights black, step on this woman.

What's more, here was the plane that had invaded the astral continent, and there were enemies everywhere, and it turned the world upside down!

The treasures from the battlefield of the plane are really powerful. Under the blessing of the stone statue, Jun Changxiao not only violently abused the Queen Rose, but also broke the absolute realm she was proud of.


In particular, it was easy to kill the soul clan strong who was comparable to the martial arts level, and the mentality of the Queen Rose also exploded.

The soul continent's own aura is withering, and it is difficult to train the strong by invading other planes. Death is a huge loss!

However, before Jun Changxiao did not use the power of the stone statue, if she served softly, the problem would not be too big, but now she has no qualifications to speak, because the other party has been blackened.


The irritable and gloomy breath whistled out, making the space being healed even more apparent.

Jun Chang smiled and dragged the Queen of Roses, her strange lines and red eyes matched, like a gargoyle walking out of hell.

"Be awake!"

"Be awake!"

The system always shouted in his heart, hoping that the host would abide by its own heart and not be controlled by the eerie atmosphere, thus becoming the dark demon king without any feelings.

Don't say it.

The effect is there.

Deep in his heart, Jun Chang laughed against the emergence of power. Occasionally, there was a momentary lucidity in the red eyes. Because of this unyielding confrontation, his face gradually stunned.


Thinking slowly out of control, he lifted up the Queen of Rose, and the impetuous spirit could emerge madly and completely cover it, and began to squeeze hard.

"It's over, it's over."

The system crashed: "The host is now thinking about killing!"


The force of squeezing continued to erode, and the armor of the Rose Queen began to crack in a large area. Fortunately, there was no risk of getting out of the way by wearing clothes inside.




At this moment, dozens of soul clan strong have already rushed over, they gathered a variety of martial arts skills to blast behind Jun Changxiao, all shaking the other side.

"A frustrating fly!"



Jun Chang raised his hand with a smile. Under the concentration of psionic energy, he directly swept out dozens of soul tribe strongmen, sweeping the blood to the ground.


The strength in her hand was still increasing, the Queen Rose's defensive battle armor had completely broken, her body was plunged into psionic energy, and there was severe pain in her body, as if she was about to be crushed.


At this moment, Jun Changxiao suddenly let go of his hand and could not help but take a few steps back, screaming in pain and holding his head, his eyes were switching between red and Qingming at high speed.

"There is hope!" Said the system.

The host's unyielding will is still in the body to compete with the power to control the soul, and it is still fighting for the dominance of the body!


The Queen Rose fell to the ground, vomiting blood through her mouth.

At this time, she was exhausted and was seriously injured. She could only lie weakly on the ground, watching the guy scream in pain.



The power to control the soul is still emerging frantically, and the pain brought by him makes Jun Chang smile to the extreme.



In order to vent his pain, he clenched his fists, as if losing his mind and frequent bombardment in the void, the poor space could not stand up to destruction, and it suddenly appeared in a large area.



The strong souls of the Soul Race endure the pain, and while Jun often laughs against the power of the stone statue, he fights to fly to the Empress and take him to a relatively safe area.


Said the Empress Rose.

The strong Soul clan did not dare to provoke the mad monarch, who would take the Queen Queen away, but saw that the latter fell to the ground with a stunned sound after the bombardment, and then never stood up again.


A strong man said, "That guy is down!"

Jun Changxiao not only fell down, the power of the stone statue that eroded the soul also receded like a tide, and the stone body of the whole body was gradually returning to its original state.

Systematicly said: "Instinctively will control the soul power to retreat, and the host's willpower is really strong."


It was pessimistic again: "This ordeal is over, how can we survive another danger?"

Jun Chang, who was not completely blackened, laughed. At this moment, she has fallen into a severe coma. Although the soul empress is injured, her men are still there, and it seems that she does not plan to withdraw depending on the situation!

Your uncle!

You ca n’t stay a little longer!


"Queen, that kid seems to be in a coma!"

The soul tribe who was going to take the Queen of Rose away, saw that Jun Chang was lying motionless on the ground, and his face suddenly appeared happy.

This starburst continent warrior dared to come from his homeland, hit the queen, and kill his companion. Now that he is in a coma, does it mean that he is slaughtered by someone?

"not good!"

"The queen passed out too!"

The Queen Rose was not injured lightly. She was rescued from the area where Jun Chang laughed and failed to faint.

"How to do?"

"What else can you do, you must kill this guy to prevent it!"

"Let's go, let's go together!"

The strong souls are worried that Jun Chang laughs as a pretender, so they don't dare to go alone, but rely on them collectively, and temporarily keep a distance from them.

"It's over, it's over!"

The system crashed and said, "This is a cool rhythm!"

Although Jun Changxiao resisted the power of stone statues, after falling into a coma, various functions were severely reduced. Not to mention a group of strong men comparable to martial arts, even ordinary people call the bricks and pass.

"This guy is indeed unconscious!"

"And, from the perspective of the breathing rate, it should not hurt too much!"

"Let's go together! Cut him into meat sauce!"

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

The Soul Clan was rushing up, and the powerful energy burst out.

Don't look at them just injured by the earthquake. The martial arts displayed are greatly weakened, but it is easy to kill a person who is seriously stunned!



Dozens of energy were pressed down from all directions.

Jun Chang, who is always in a coma without any defense, can be said to be in danger.

At this time, who can save him?


Because he came to the Soul tribe alone, without disciples and companions, from the perspective of Wan Zaiqian, any Soul tribe on this plane can be counted as his enemy.


Just then, the system sighed, "The situation has stopped me from hiding."


At the moment when all kinds of energy came, Jun Chang laughed, and there was a blast of air around him, covering him instantly.


When the deflagration BGM sounded, a large hand gently passed over the lens, and the white cloak fluttered the brush ~ ~ The big 'series' was engraved on it. Laugh ahead.

Due to the angle and clouds, it is difficult to see the true face of Lushan.

"call out------"

The hard-to-reach knife inserted in the distance suddenly flew over, and was caught in the hands of the mysterious person, wielding the sword lightly, and smashing all kinds of energy.

"That guy has a helping hand!"


brush! brush! brush!

Seeing that all kinds of moves were easily broken, the soul strong did not consider it too much, and rushed away with the fainted Rose Queen.

The mysterious man did not go after him, holding the hard-to-receive knife standing in place, and the very secure back shrouded Jun Chang who had fainted to death.

"Ding! The system assists the violation and requires punishment ..."

"Ding! The system enters the off state and counts down 10 …… 9 …… 8 …… 7 ……”


"I'm a bit tired and can't stay with you for the time being."

The mysterious person turned his head, watching the weak smile from the weak assistant to the powerful Jun often smiling, and the faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, then gradually blurred.


"Ding! System assisted shutdown."

"Ding! The functions of the strongest gate system are suspended, and tasks such as main line and branch line are running as usual ..."

Everything that happened and the strange system sounded in the ear reminded that Jun Changxiao couldn't hear it, because at this moment, not only was the coma, but also the effect of the time limit of Qiankun's charm and the increase of the blade difficult to receive.

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