The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1117: Chinese products time and space

Jun Changxiao's battle with Queen Rose is over.

The space that was broken due to strength was slowly weeping and licking the wound, slowly healing.

Who won this battle?

Without a doubt, it is Jun Chang who laughs.

But the cost is very high, not only costing a charm of Qiankun, a charm of printing, but also inspired the power of stone statues.

From this incident, it has been fully demonstrated that in Changxing Continent, it is almost possible to cover the heavenly smile with only one hand, and there is still a big gap between the top bosses in other planes.

As for the use of time and space insects to go to the major plane waves, the consequence may be ...

After all, the Soul race is not a fighting race. In the vast universe, a stronger race is not without it. Jun Chang laughs now and walks on the road. The plane journey is properly crushed.

of course.

He wouldn't think that if he came in secretly, he would encounter a big boss at the beginning, and it was not the Queen Ling Ping, otherwise he would definitely develop in the starfall continent for a while and then come back.

Now that things have happened, complaining doesn't help.

"Tick, tick."

Dark clouds covered the gradually recovering sky, and a drop of rain splashed on Jun Chang's smiling face, allowing him to wake up from a coma day and night.

Pain and burst.

Rises from the body and head.

"What's going on ..." Jun Chang laughed without any energy and could only lie on the ground and ask in his heart.

I like to spit against my own system in weekdays. At this time, I should have answered it, but nothing happened.

"Pretend to die?"

Jun Chang laughed seriously, closed his eyes and tried to remember everything.

He remembered the sacrifice of the stone statue of the queen of the queen Rose, and then ... he remembered nothing.

"I should have won ..."

"But ... what happened after that?"

The pain caused by his head made him give up thinking until he was drenched in the rain for a few hours, and then he stood up hard.

Because of the double DEBUFF blessing, he only has the strength to walk without any cultivation.

"I'm very weak now, and I need to find a place to recuperate as soon as possible ..." Jun Chang smiled and stood still, then put the hard-to-receive knife and stone statue into the space ring, dragging the weak body to a random position.

During this time, he had called the system, but he never answered, so he yelled in his heart: "Are you pretending to be dead?"


Hundreds of miles away, there was a mountain range that was broken due to the impact. Jun often laughed and walked hard, and found a fair cave.


Just sitting down, my whole body seemed to fall apart.

The side effects of using the amulet of Qian Kun and the blade that is difficult to collect at the same time are much more sour than before.


"Are the side missions completed?"

Jun Chang laughed and pulled out the system panel.

But ... all kinds of data in the visual field are garbled, but the mainline and sideline tasks still exist!

"what's the situation?"

As a gentleman from the earth who has been exposed to many high technologies, after a brief comparison, he blurted out: "Poisoned, crashed, malfunctioned?"


"You say something!"

"You won't hang up!"

No matter how the dog left shouted inwardly, the perennial bickering voice with himself never sounded.

"It's over ..." Jun Chang smiled and collapsed with a smile on his face: "It must be that the system has failed, making it temporarily unable to operate normally."

Temporary shutdown and inoperability mean the same thing, and he didn't count it wrong.

"The system must have self-testing and repairing capabilities. All I have to do now is to resume repairs as soon as possible!"

Before the change, Jun Changxiao might be a little flustered without the system assistance. Now, after all, he is a sword and martial arts sage, so he feels helpless and feels like he has no eyes, but calms down quickly.

"call out!"

Use the weak idea to integrate into the space ring, and then lock in the swirling space and time secret, secretly saying: "Can you get out of trouble, now you can only rely on you!"

After a short rest, I was able to gather a little strength in my body. Jun Chang laughed and dragged himself to stand up, took out array flags from the space ring and inserted them in front of the hole.


An isolated formation appeared out of thin air, blocking the entire cave.

"Fortunately, the array does not require psionic blessings." Jun Chang laughed and wiped off the sweat beads on his forehead, and his thoughts re-integrated into the space ring and moved the space and time secret.


Vortex entrances converge out of thin air.

Jun Chang started with a smile, and was surprised when he first came in. There was a very strong attribute of heaven and earth in the secret space of time and space, and he couldn't help but marvel: "Chinese products are better than the first products!"

of course.

What really concerned him was time acceleration, so he hurriedly began to test with external time, and the final answer was to speed up a hundred times!

"The initial product is 50 times, and the Chinese product is only 100 times. The improvement is not too obvious." Jun Chang smiled and shook his head.


He turned to his side suddenly, an unpleasant tone: "Host, you are really floating! This is not content!"

Suddenly, the thief sand sculpture.

But when Jun Chang laughed and finished speaking, he sat down.

Without the annoying madman, he was very uncomfortable.

"It should be solvable regardless of poisoning, crash, or malfunction."

Jun Chang took a deep breath, then summoned the worm of time and space, put his hands on his knees, and said, "Isn't it just two years of weakness, only seven or eight days after a hundred times acceleration ..."

"and many more."

He frowned. "This is the secret space of Zhongpin, how long can I accelerate in it?"

The first-time mystery of space-time can only be accelerated 50 times three days a month, and the second-time mystery of space-time can be accelerated 100 times, not six days a month.

"It's useless to think."

"Let's take a step and look at it!"

Jun Chang laughed and suddenly broke into a systematic tone and said, babbling.

This kind of maggots becomes more and more intense in the past, so that when there is nothing to do, they will always divide themselves into systems.

Sitting alone in a secret place, he was talking to himself, very silly and sad.


What makes Chang Chang smiled is that he has not been deported in the secret place for the past six days.

"It seems to be more than six days."

"It would be great if there was no time limit to practice in it all year round!"


The seventh day.

The subtle feeling of weakness in Jun Chang's body suddenly swept away, and a strong breath returned from the Great Holy Spirit appeared around him!


He stood up and laughed, covering his face.

Hot man, back again!

After the recovery of Jianwu Shuangsheng, Jun Changxiao did not leave the time and space mystery, because he needed to confirm whether the Chinese product time and space mystery is unlimited in flow or has a fixed time!


The eighth day.

ninth day.

Until the tenth day, Jun Changxiao and the worm of time and space were forcibly returned to the outside world.


He shook his head and said, "It's only ten days."

A hundred-fold acceleration can last for ten days ~ ~ This is undoubtedly very cool, what's left of the dog left unsatisfied.

Looking at the sleeping and compact space-time worm, Jun Chang smiled and said silently: "It's been at least three years in it, and this guy hasn't awoken yet."

Especially the system, that sand sculpture!

Isn't it poisoning, crashes, garbled characters, or malfunctions?

This trivial matter cannot recover itself in three years, how can you say you are the strongest system!

Or ... time acceleration has no effect on this guy, so in fact it seems to have been in it for the past three years, but in reality it has only been ten days?

"No more, no more."

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "I'm on my own."

He will not become completely deity because the system does not appear.


Reached out to remove the arranged array, got up and left the cave, but the front foot just stepped out, and a reminder sounded in the ear--

"Ding! System-assisted punishment is over, restarting ... loading 10% ... 20% ... 100%!"

"Ding! The system assisted loading was successful."

"Ding! All the functions of the strongest gate system are turned on, and everything is running normally!"

Hearing a series of mechanical prompts, Jun often smiled at the black question mark.

"I beat your uncle!" At that moment, the long-lost, groaning and screaming voice exploded in the ear with decibels that broke the eardrum: "The next time I **** use that broken stone statue, I will curse you I'll be alone all my life! "

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