The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1129: Because it's accustomed to, it's not shocking

The main halls of the three halls were lethargic for a long time, and the injuries were basically adjusted.

Queen Rose is different. She is now very injured and can only rely on medical treatment or time to rest slowly, and that takes at least a few years or even decades.

Jun Chang laughs and defeats himself. He must also pay the price. Why healed in a few days?

something wrong!

Because the Rose Queen had speculation, she could only pin her hopes of recovering quickly.


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head and said, "I can't cure your injury."

He didn't get seriously injured when playing against this woman, only because his side cards brought side effects.

The Queen of Roses is different. For serious injuries, if you want treatment, you must rely on medicine and elixir.

In these two respects, Jun Chang laughed one by one and the other did not have a higher level of healing Dan, so he also couldn't help.

If Sun is not available, there may be hope, after all, the boy has been studying the medical classics left by Baimenyisheng for several years.

"Do you know Kendo and Front? You don't know medicine?" The Queen Rose looked at him.


Jun Chang laughed badly, "I'm not almighty."

Queen Rose said: "If the injury cannot be recovered, it will be difficult for me to perform magical powers, so you can only wait slowly."


Jun Chang shrugged with a smile, indifferent.

He and Queen Rose only play in the theater. The two have nothing to do with each other, and will never be restricted by her because of the name of a couple.

The system said: "The host should spend the 100,000 contribution value of the overflow as soon as possible."


Jun Chang laughed and said, "I'm going to practice."

Watching him leave Shiting, the queen of roses rose with resentment in her eyes.

Is it that he is too bad, even if he plays in the field, he can't make him look at himself.


you are excellent.

Just met extraordinary people.

"I thought I could get married and keep him."

The Queen Rose said bitterly: "I think I think too much now."

She really hoped that Jun Changxiao could stay to support herself, but unfortunately, the former only wanted to quietly develop the sect, and did not establish meritorious ambitions.

Some of them are similar in personality, but their ideals are far from perfect.

One has no system restrictions and has traveled around the world for a long time, happy and happy, a family of hearts, for this reason he did not hesitate to fight and battle the North.


Becoming the queen of the regent, Jun Changxiao has a palace of his own. The environment is good. There are mountains, water and ponds. You can fish when you are free.

At this time, he was not interested in going fishing, and even less interested in taking a bath, sitting in the palace and opened a high-end mall.

Two missions are rewarded with 100,000 contributions. Don't be too generous.

"Don't hesitate to marry that woman."

Jun Changxiao began to read carefully, and bought various weapons, spells, and elixir formulas to provide strong support for Zongmen in the future.

The goods sold in high-end malls are all excellent. The disadvantage is that they are expensive. The minimum starting value is 10,000, and there are even 20,000.


After buying two recipes for weapons and equipment, Jun Changxiao found the formula for the Need for Insight.


The system said: "That's right, as long as the host has the courage to refresh the high-end mall, this stuff can be bought casually!"

"It's not the time to hit your face." Jun Chang laughed unhappyly.

"Ding! The host consumes 10,000 points of contribution value, and obtains the formula of Need for Insight × 1, which has been delivered to the space ring."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 140000/70000."

Because Tianjun's soul refining skills have not been successfully cultivated, Jun Changxiao still bought the recipe for the ultimate insight.

What's more, the higher the level, the higher the martial arts exposure. I want to continue to be round and flexible in front of people, this stuff must be indispensable.

After purchasing the Ultimate Insight Amulet, it is automatically matched into the Amulet Pavilion. The main material requires about fifty advanced crystal nuclei, and the auxiliary material is a top quality healing dandan.

Jun Changxiao always can't figure it out. The spell to improve the understanding of martial arts is related to the healing of dandan. It is used to make materials every time!

Systematicly said: "This is the power of technology."


Jun often laughed and ignored him, seeing that all materials are available, so he first made one to try the effect.

The Amulet of Need for Insight takes time, so take advantage of this time, and buy a few more weapons and equipment of Need.

With his current strength, as long as it is not divine or divine, it is completely invisible, and it is nothing more than a disciple for the disciple, so the name and role are not described (blindly) described (edited).


Seeing that the contribution value returned to 70,000 full value, Jun Chang laughed that the forced heart landed smoothly.


However, when he was ready to withdraw from the mall, he found the best healing Dandan recipe!

"This is a good thing!" Jun Chang smiled and his eyes suddenly lighted.

The effect of Shangpin Healing Dan is limited to the Emperor Wu and Wu Sheng. If there is a higher elixir, after the level is improved, you can go out better.

Hurrying to introduce him made him frustrated.

Because, the healing effect of the Need for Healing Dan formula is also instantaneous, but it only has an effect on Wusheng Great Success.

Shangpin Dandan also cares about the three levels of Emperor Wu, Semi-Holy, and Wusheng, but this Dandan has only one effect, which is a bit **** up.

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Keep it first."

Spend 10,000 contribution value to buy the best healing recipe.

When it was automatically matched to Dan Yaoge, opened the required materials, and found that the data board was densely lined with a lot of medicinal materials, hurriedly recovered, and collapsed, "This is too much!"

Systematicly said, "Isn't there a lot of materials that are used for healing dandan in higher realms?"


Jun Chang laughed, and then took out the top quality liquid from the space ring, and said, "I haven't seen the battlefield during this time, and gradually distanced myself from martial arts. I can use it to improve."

The system said silently: "It's as if the host has understood martial arts."

Martial arts, Kendo, he had never been enlightened, all relying on the promotion of goods, amulets of experience and tasks.

"So, am I proud? Am I proud?"

This goods is cheap enough, and it is even cheaper to learn Xiaoyue's tone. If there are no restrictions, the system will probably run out and beat him.


Qualified liquid similar to the blue bird's pure raw taste.


After a wave of energy fluctuations emerged, the qualification of the Junchang laugh array method was suddenly greatly improved ~ ~ Brush! "

With both hands raised, ten fingers sandwiched between twenty experience symbols, saying, "So many experience symbols should help me improve the two qualities."


With a crushing operation like a tiger, the majestic spirits can converge on the whole body.

"Ding! The host successfully broke through the fourth grade sword and martial arts!"

"Ding! The host successfully broke through Wupin Sword and Wushuang Sheng!"


Jun Chang laughed affirmatively: "Ten experience amulets can improve one level."

Regardless of taking the qualification fluid or crushing the sign of experience, his mood did not fluctuate, because he was accustomed to it, so he was not shocked.

Contribution value spent.

Qualifications have improved in the formation.

The realm has also been raised from third to fifth.

When everything was done, Jun Chang smiled carefully and took out the transformation spirit stone, and said, "This is the main event! This is my baby!"


Soul power emerges, and it is about to begin to melt.

The system reminded: "Once the host transforms the hard-to-receive knife, it needs a brand-new amulet. Will the two rings in space not work?"


Jun Chang laughed and hurriedly recovered the soul power.

The second form is difficult to receive. Although it is already struggling to deal with strong men at the level of the Queen of Roses, the weapon itself is still very strong, so there is no need to rush to transform it. At least you have to use the other two stamps to print. Row.

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