The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1130: 1 letter of divorce

Jun Chang laughed and decided to use the two printed amulets before transforming the hard-to-receive knife, so he temporarily placed the stone, which was regarded as the heart, in the space ring.

"Don't run!"

"Don't be afraid to be a fool!"

At this moment, there was a sudden sound. He looked back suddenly, and found that the two space-time worms were awake and still chasing.

What is this situation?



Jun Changxiao's space-time worm drags his small body and runs around the space ring.

The worm of time and space chased for a long time, but I didn't catch up, and finally stopped, angrily, "Shameless guy!"

It is not difficult to hear from the sound, this is a female creature.

"Come on, come on."

The worm in front of time and space cocked its tail with a proud look.

Isn't it asleep? Why did you wake up cold? It's a long story ... so everything is simple.

After another space-time worm entered the space ring, the little boy smelled a similar breath, so he woke up, especially when he saw the girl, couldn't help but kiss him, and awakened him.

As a result, there was a picture of two little bugs chasing after each other.

"Come on, come on ..."


The male space-time worm is getting angry. Jun Chang laughs and punches his head with a fist, and says, "I need an explanation!"


"So it is."

Jun Chang laughed and sat in the space ring with his soul body. He glanced at his own space-time worm and glanced at the Emperor Ling Ping's time-space worm, and said, "Originally, there are two sexes."

"Of course."

"Otherwise, how to breed offspring."

Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin, and said, "You two look so much like each other. To distinguish you from today, you're called Zhu, and her name is Cuihua."


Such a name full of rustic flavor, only dogs can get up!

"Master, I don't want to be a pillar!"

"who are you!"

The two space-time worms are very resistant to names, especially Cuihua, dissatisfied: "Why give me a name."


Jun Chang smiled and pinched it over, and said eeriely, "I'm your master!"


Cuihua was horrified.

The worm of time and space is only used to open the tunnel of time and space, and its combat effectiveness is not high, so in the face of Jun Changxiao, who just broke through the Wupin Sword and Wu Shuangsheng, it undoubtedly looks like a small ant.

"the host!"

Pillar panicked and said, "Please don't hurt it!"

Jun Chang smiled and said with a smile on his face, "Relax your mind immediately and become my contract animal."

This unquestionable tone, coupled with the domineering side leakage, immediately made Cuihua tremble, and finally gave up resistance and signed an unequal contract with it.

"That's good."

After becoming the owner of this space-time worm, Jun Chang's smile suddenly appeared an affable smile, which was in sharp contrast to the previous evil spirit.

"Now that you are awake, you should be able to make holes?"

"Yes!" Cuihua said.

Pillar said: "I'm still weak, I can't open the space-time tunnel. If there are more spiritual stone supplies, it can be restored in just a few days!"

Jun Chang laughed, popped it up, held Cuihua in his palm, and smiled softly: "After a few days, help the master open the tunnel to the starfall continent."



The worms of time and space are male and female, and are drawn by scent, so that they wake up to each other, which not only makes Jun Chang laugh unexpectedly, but also delights, after all, he can return to the starfall continent!

He didn't immediately let Cuihua punch holes, because there was one more important thing that he didn't do.

"This woman has fought for thousands of years on other planes, and she will definitely get a lot of good things. Since I am here this time, how can I return empty-handed?"

Jun Chang smiles and will not forget that he came to the soul continent for another purpose, that is, he can rob and rob.

Nowadays, with the worm of time and space, not only can they leave at will, but also various prohibitions. As long as they find the treasury where various resources are placed, it is no problem to move them all.


Jun Chang laughed and took out the treasure finder.


After the excitement, a dense light appeared on the compass, pointing at a single point, allowing him to affirm: "It should be the treasury!"


Night is coming.

Queen Rose is still reviewing the memorial at her desk.

In the candlelight, that hard-working face was even more glamorous.

"Master Queen."

A maidservant said: "The king is not in his own palace."

The Queen closed the memorial, and muttered, "Worry I went to him, did you hide it deliberately?"

Because of the mess caused by the Empress Ling Ping, there were too many memorials from the major cities, and it was not until the middle of the night that she was lazy in bed.

She did not sleep, but remembered her encounter with Jun Changxiao, and followed him to various cities, with a charming smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Everything you lose, I'll take it back for you."

Especially thinking of the man who stood in front of herself and clasped her straw hat on her head, the rose Queen's heart rose with unprecedented emotional fluctuations.


Somewhere in the palace.

A dark shadow fell silently.

"That's it."

Looking at the light spots on the compass, Jun Chang smiled with gleaming eyes.

Without relying on the treasure finder, he can be sure, because there are many ancient formations here, and the defense is higher than that of the ancient temple.

The treasury is heavily guarded.

Even after Empress Ling Ping regained the throne, she sent a large number of array masters to try to break it.


Jun Chang laughed and summoned Cuihua and said: "These formations are entrusted to you. Remember, you must be careful."

He can improve the qualifications of the formation method, he can do it by himself, but it will consume brain cells, so it is still simple and rude to be handed to the worm of time and space.


Cuihua lived up to her high hopes, and the giant body didn't get excited. She started to pick up space directly in the form of insects, so the array method lost its effect.


The next day.

The queen of roses woke up, she got out of bed barefoot, Yu Guang glanced at the toothbrush and tooth cup placed at the table, and smiled inadvertently.

"Master Queen!"

At this moment, a female general hurriedly walked out of the palace and reported: "The treasury was stolen!"


The Queen Rose chilled across her face.

When she hurried over, she saw that all the formations used to defend the treasury had failed, and frowned, "Who did it!"

The female general lowered her head and shivered: "The general inspector found the treasury ... stolen ..."

This means that she doesn't know who the thief is!


The Rose Queen scolded angrily.

Immediately remembering the scene in the ancient palace, Jun Chang laughed and broke into secret, so he secretly said, "Is it him?"

"Master Queen!"

Several maids hurried over, kneeling on the ground and said, "Going to clean the palace for Wang early this morning, I found a letter on the table."


The Queen Rose took it, took it apart, and immediately fell on the pillar with her right hand, and a blood spurted out.

"Ugly woman."

"When you saw this letter, I had already left the Soul Continent."

"As for the treasures in the treasury, yes, I have taken them away, and the power should help you regain the reward of the throne."

"Parents' word, matchmaker's order."

"The union between you and me is contrary to the customs of the starfall continent, so it is not protected by the marriage law."

"You can also treat this letter as a divorce."

"Farewell ~ ~ If there is a fate in the future, we will see you again."

"Oh, right."

"Don't say I'm not good enough. There is a panacea in the treasury, which should help you heal."

Debit person.

Emperor of all ages, the king often laughs.

I also painted a very **** expression on the back.

╯ (╯ ▽ ╰) ╭


"Master Queen!"

The maidservants hurried over to help, but were pushed away by the Queen Rose.

She clenched the stationery, which seemed to represent a divorce, and squinted Yang Tian: "Kun always laughs! My old lady will never let you go in my life!"

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