The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1142: 2 masters

In order to find the remnants, the people in white and black did not hesitate to perform the Qiankun reversal and sneaked into the universal universe, and their cultivation was also suppressed at the level of Emperor Wu.

No problem.

The masters of this level are properly and easily hanged in the face of all martial arts players of the same level, so ... there was an accident, and it happened that he often laughed after being blackened!

Under normal circumstances, a few open dogs can't beat the Emperor Wu, but at the moment with the assistance of the Queen of Roses and the power of stone statues, it is a strong comparison!

I was so embarrassed, it seemed like two black and white fierce masters, became sandbags on the soul continent, and the blackened monarch smiled wildly.

Don't say, these two brothers are really super resistant, and they were rubbing on the ground frantically one after another. Although one mouth was squinting and the other was spitting foam, they still did not pass out.

The process of brutality is too cruel, so I won't narrate much.

In short, the emergence of the two super sandbags allowed the handsome man to escape, attracted Jun Chang to laugh all the firepower, and did not do more cruel things, such as ... slaying souls and destroying the whole plane.


After an hour, the black and white impermanence was sunken in a deep pit.

"But ... hate ..." The man in white tried to make a gesture on the ground, and said, "Don't think that I can't beat you, I just don't want to hurt innocent, come!"


Kicked hard.

The man in white fell into the ground with his hands and legs shaking slightly.


The man in black buried his entire face in the mud, pretending that he was now stunned and tortured.



Xun Jun often laughed and did not continue to use violence, but his face with his hands clasped his head, his teeth grinning and screaming, his voice rippling in the broken space, like a ghost crying.

"Bai Luocha, are you still alive?" The man in black said.

The whole human head was sunk in mud in the dirt. "Relax, if you die, you die first."


Human in black: "This guy has been completely blackened, we must find a way to get rid of it, or even if the King Kong is not bad, he will be killed alive."

"If it wasn't repaired and suppressed, how could this mortal trash hurt us all!" Said the man in white.

The man in black said, "Don't say it's useless. For the sake of this, only you and I will join hands to display the seal of Qiankun and bind this guy to escape."

"I really don't want to work with you!"

"Do you think I think!"

Although the strength of the two is comparable, and they practice the same martial arts, they are not pleasing to each other, and fighting and fighting are becoming daily routines.

"Can't come!"




The people in white and black seemed to have the right rhinoceros. They patted on the ground together, their bodies fluttered and flew up.

If you change into a handsome man and have been laughed and abused by Jun Chang for so long, I am afraid that you will be seriously injured and stunned. Two masters from the upper world can stand up so fancy, their physical body is really strong.

"Brush! Brush!"

Black and white impermanence hangs in mid-air, and there is something in his mouth that makes him say something.

"咻! 咻! 咻!"

A black-and-white black and white ghost image differentiated from the bodies of the two, and surrounded Jun Changxiao, all of them were sitting in a disc shape, like eighteen arhats chanting mantras.


The streamers rose into the sky, and the enchantment became substantive.

This is the seal of Qiankun. To put it plainly is nothing more than an alternative seal formation method formed by human eyes.

After the hard enchantment was condensed, Jun Changxiao was relieved from the pain, his eyes became more and more red, and the violent gas strengthened even more, as if he had turned into a demon from Hell.


Black and white impermanence frowned.

In the upper world, hailed as one of the craziest and best fighting stone statues, it will actually appear on the earthly plane, and it also displays its supernatural power to completely blacken it, which is definitely a destructive existence!

"White Rakshasa!"

The man in black solemnly said: "Since you and I met, why not solve it for Tian Xingdao, and maybe return to the upper world with less punishment!"

At first he planned to seal the running road, but now he changes his mind, mainly because there is a mistake in sneaking into the world. If we help this low-level plane to survive a catastrophe, we might make up for it.

"it is good!"

罗 Bai Luocha quickly agreed.

He's not thinking about reducing the punishment of the upper bound, but he has been abused as soon as he came to the universe. This revenge must be reported!

"There is a time limit after the supernatural power of the stone statue tribe is stimulated. We just need to drag this guy and wait until the violent gas in the body is completely exhausted!" Humane in black.

"how long?"

"Two or three hours in short, two or three days in long."


The corners of white people's mouth are slightly drawn.

Two or three hours are acceptable. If it is really hard for two or three days, even if the violent gas in that guy's body is consumed, I am afraid that he will be paralyzed.



在 At this moment, Jun Changxiao, who was in the Qiankun Seal Array, had begun to bombard the barriers of the enchantment, and immediately produced a ripple of energy.


Hei Luo Raksha calmed his mind, and yelled, "Don't let him break!"

The people in white hurriedly hugged Yuan Shouyi, and poured strong soul power into the formation enchantment to strengthen it in all directions to prevent the blackened person from breaking out.



Xun Jun often laughed and had lost his mind completely. All he thought about was destruction, so he never bombarded the defense enchantment.

After two days.

Black and white impermanence is still sitting high.

Their illusions of each other resemble monks and recite Buddha.

For more than 20 hours, Jun Changxiao has been bombarding the seal array. Although he failed to break it, the burden on the brothers was extremely large.

I passed another day.

The bombardment force from the inside gradually weakened, which made the black and white impermanence breathe a sigh of relief.



In the seal seal, Jun Chang laughed and panted.

At this moment, his eyes were sometimes red, sometimes clear, and the violent gas in his body was gradually converging.


When the power of manipulative behavior faded like a tide, Jun Changxiao slumped directly on the ground, as if lost in an endless void, the thought also dominated the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Your uncle!"

Just recovered, and the deafening roar came: "When you said you weren't allowed to use a stone statue, why didn't you just listen?"

常 Jun Chang, who has had two experiences of using it ~ ~, is not too confused, lying on the ground and taking a break, asking, "What about the King of Navigation?"

"I got rid of you."

"Have the main mission been completed?"



Xun Jun often laughed and stopped talking.

现在 His body now seems to be hollowed out, and he has no energy at all.


At this moment, the surrounding defensive enchantment dissipated, and the black and white impermanence complexion fell slightly, all looking at Jun Chang with a cold smile.


The man in white squatted down and said lightly, "Aren't you very bullish, stand up and hit us."

"You ... are you?"


The system hurriedly told the past few days.

Xi Jun often laughs and knows that they have been playing sandbags for a long time, and apologizes, "Two ... two, this ... is a misunderstanding, please listen to me to explain."


The man in white snarled up the dog and snarled, "I'll abuse you first, and then listen to your explanation, can't I?"


Suddenly, green waves appeared in his body, and his green hair instantly turned back to black.

Suddenly, this sudden change caused the white man's face to change slightly, and then he immediately smelled the strong rose fragrance in the air.

的 The Empress Rose who was detached from Jun Changxiao's body stood behind her, and the red lotus demon moon sword was sacrificed, and the sharp blade was attached to his neck, and her voice was cold: "Torture him, I disagree."

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