The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1143: Yes, we are from the upper world

The rehabilitated prince often laughed so badly that he was not able to resist when he was stunned by others.

The cricket was mainly dominated by the violent gas, and the bombardment of the seal for three days.

Bai Luosha and Black Luosha are not much better.

I played a violent meal, and then steadied for three days. At this moment, she was pale and extremely weak, but she was able to move normally.

Is this a misunderstanding? Listen to him explain?

Don't listen, don't listen, Wang Ba Scriptures!

Bai Raksha has an idea now and will return all the tortures he had previously suffered!

Don't look at yourself now very bad, but torture a guy who is more imaginary than yourself, there must be no problem!


I want to abuse the monk and laugh often, I have to ask the Queen Rose to agree.

I'm sorry, not only did they disagree, but also offered the red lotus demon moon knife offering and placed it on Bai Luocha's neck.

There was a stern look in his cold eyes, "If you touch him, I will kill you"!


表情 The expression on Bai Luocha's face became wonderful.

In order to remnants, I used the Qiankang Reversal Dafa to come to the Fanchen Plane. I thought I could run rampant with Black Dasha. As a result, I was abused, and now I am being coerced by a female stream!


He let go of his hand, patted the dust on Jun Chang's shoulder, and smiled, "How can I be willing to abuse such a handsome boy."

I am so counseled for such a reason, it is indeed a master.

Xun Jun often laughs too vainly, it is difficult to support her body after being loosened, and she is paralyzed like mud.

The Queen Rose picked him up, and said gently: "If you lose it in the future, I will support you forever."


Xun Jun often laughed and wanted to growl, but her physical condition was not allowed, and even a strong tiredness flooded her mind, her head fainted.

Uh ...

A terrifying battle has come to an end, but the damage caused by the mighty power can never be recovered.

For example, the originally complete Soul Race continent was beaten out several times, and they drifted across the ocean far away, facing the mother far away.

The worst thing is that Jun Chang laughs and the handsome man fights in the area.

The collapse of the space is extremely serious, and the ground is also full of pits. Without experiencing long years, it is difficult to restore the original state.

The only good thing is that.

Because it is very far from the Soul clan activity area, it does not cause life to be coated.

However, after this war, the mainland was torn apart, the aura was severely reduced, and the living environment was worse than before.

I went back to the Rose Queen of the Royal Palace and listened to the rewards from all over the place. I always frowned and sighed while sitting in the palace.

Although he and Jun Changxiao combined to run away that handsome man, but this great disaster on the mainland will only make the lives of the people more difficult. As a plane authority, how can you not worry and worry about it.

Putting down the memorial in her hand, the Queen Rose looked back at Jun Chang who was lying unconscious on the bed for two days, leaned sideways against his chest with a beating heart, and whispered, "What am I, husband? do?"

Fortunately, the dog was faint, or she would definitely be pushed out, saying: "Everyone is a fairy, don't bother me anymore?"

Uh ...

的 The side effects brought by the power of this statue are more fierce than ever, and Jun Chang laughed for five days before waking up.

The Queen Rose has been taking care of him in the palace, and she can't go up anymore.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I'm laughing, you're back."

别 "Don't think I came back to help you, I'm actually helping myself."

"For whatever reason, I want to thank you, thank you for saving the soul continent."


保持 In order to keep a certain distance from this woman, Jun Changxiao, who had just recovered slightly, tried to stand up, dragged his weak body out of the palace, and then sat in the small pavilion outside.

The Empress Rose stood in front of the window of the palace, with a smile that only a little woman appeared on her face, and said foolishly, "My husband, so handsome."

I'm done.

The queen soul tribe was captured.

The origin of the relationship is not because Jun Changxiao killed her suddenly to protect her, but is based on the two people meeting from the beginning, and then slowly getting sublimated.

"I am in the current state, how long can I recover."

Jun, who was sitting in the kiosk, smiled and asked upset.

System said: "It takes about a year and a half."


Xun Jun often frowns with a smile: "The guy with the handsome character on his face may come again, I must hurry back to the starfall continent."

He systematically said, "In terms of the extent to which the host had previously abused him, it would take at least a long time to recover."


"Touch my conscience and say, when did I lie to the host!"

"That's not true."

Although the system is always selling, the help to Jun Changxiao is quite large, and it also bears the risk of being beaten every day.

This kind of thing that does not force the host to do something, can come forward at critical moments, except for the occasional voicing system, it is simply conscience that can no longer be conscience.

"Even if that guy won't kill me, I have to adjust my injuries as soon as possible."

Xun Jun often laughed and planned to use the mystery of time and space to offset the period of weakness, but it was a few days before the last time he entered, so he had to wait.


"Where did the two people I got kicked from?"

"Should be passing by."

To be exact, the black and white Luocha came to see the excitement. As a result, the excitement was not considered, but was ... not mentioned, sad.

Xun Jun often smiled and held his chin and said, "I was irrational at that time, and tortured them both for an hour, and I was able to arrange the formation and fight against me. The strength is by no means simple."

"It's more than simple."

System said: "I look very scary!"

Xun Jun often laughs and doesn't remember the previous events. It witnessed during the whole process. Two people were struggling and rubbing **** the ground. As a result, there was no fart, it was just a monster!

"Where are they?"

"Being locked in the dungeon by Queen Rose."

Xi Jun often laughs and goes to the dungeon.

As soon as I walked in, I saw a black and white Rakshasa sitting in a high-standard cell, bounded by heavy chains.

修 Even if Xiuwei is suppressed, they can easily break with their strength, but because the seal of stability and stability is still weak, they can only be obedient prisoners.


Xun Jun often laughed and said secretly: "It is not locked in my eternal dungeon, or Zhao Doudou has another prisoner."

"The two ~ ~ sit down and say," I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it! "

These two are very strong. Jun Changxiao, who is eager for talents, hopes that he can release the former suspicion, and it would be better if he could come to Zongmen.


Hei Luochasha snorted coldly.

罗 Bai Luocha said angrily: "Boy, if for some reason, we can pinch you as easily as pinching an ant."

"The two are powerful men with a magnificent appearance and high prestige at first sight." Jun Chang smiled and arched and said, "Naturally, the prime minister can also support the boat, so don't have a general understanding with Jun."

Black and white Raksha almost vomited blood.

When you are black, you are abused to death.

If it is not from the upper world, there is a ruthless body that mortals do not have, I am afraid that it will have died thousands of times!


Xi Jun often laughed and asked, "Where did you come from?"


罗 Bai Luocha said coldly: "Don't ask where we come from, because it can scare you."

"Scared me?" Jun often smiled and scratched his head, and smiled: "It's true that Jun was frightened from a young age, unless ... you are from the upper world."


罗 Bai Luocha said proudly, "We are from the upper world."


The atmosphere freezes instantly.

Xun Jun often smiled with a wonderful expression on his face, and then ‘噗嗤’ laughed loudly, and then he tried hard to hold it, but he could n’t hold it at all, and the last ‘ha ha ha’ burst out laughing.

Upper Bound?

He is so funny, he is so foolish!

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