The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1144: Coincidentally, I am also from the upper world

"No way."

"Smile to my death ... hahaha ..."

Xi Jun often laughed and covered his stomach, his muscles almost cramped.

From the upper world?

This is the funniest joke he has ever heard!

The reason is that it really comes from the upper world and belongs to the power that destroys the earth and the sky. How can it be brought to life by its own abuse, and how can it be locked up in a cell.

If he understands the invincibility of the past, he will understand why the soldiers of the upper world came to Fanchen to be weak.

Watching Jun Changxiao sitting in a chair and leaning back and forth, black and white Luocha was angry with a burst of green and blue on his face.

I'm not even being abused.

I was also teased by the unscrupulous warriors!

"Host, don't laugh."

System solemnly said: "These two may really be from the upper world."

Xun Jun often smiled and immediately retracted his smile, and said, "How do you say?"

System said: "In terms of the strength of the mortal warriors, as far as the host was blackened at the time, no Emperor Wudi could carry it, such as the handsome man who was run away, but they did not rely on any equipment to resist.

"Maybe the bottom is better, physically better?" Jun Chang laughed.

The system said angrily: "Do you think that like the host and the disciples, you have strengthened your body to a horrible level from the very beginning?"

Relying on various goods in the mall, the strength of Jun Changxiao and Wan Gu Zong is really far higher than the same level of warriors, and it also provides them with good conditions for leapfrog battles.

Even if the Emperor Ye is born again, he has only begun to use his focus on the realm of cultivation. In the early stage, he spent all his energy on the body and prepared himself for the broken void in the future.

"There is only one reason?" Jun Chang laughed.

System said: "And the array they used to restrain you was obviously an extremely advanced martial art."

Xi Jun often laughed: "Since I am from the upper world, why am I abused?"

"This ..." The system couldn't figure it out either, and had to say, "Maybe something else."

Xi Jun often smiled and rubbed a bit of a stiff face, looking at the black and white double brakes, and said, "You are not in the upper world, come to Fanchen to seek abuse and excitement?"

He chose to believe in the system, so for the time being, they will be treated as if they were from the upper world.

罗 Bai Raksha said angrily, "If it weren't for our scraps stolen by others, how would we come here to suffer!"


Xun Jun often smiled and said nothing, and said in his heart, "It will not be Qi Xuanxia's breaking!"

System said: "Not so coincident!"

Xun Jun often laughed and collapsed and said, "Zanju Volume 2 was stolen from the Queen of Roses. Are these two brothers the original owners of Zanquan I and Zanquan III?"


The system said silently: "The universe is so big that the host can encounter it. I must have looked back with them ten thousand times in my lifetime!"

"White Rakshasa!"

Hei Luochao calmly said, "You talk too much!"

I was originally illegally sneaking in. How could I expose my identity from the upper world, and even tell the story of the remnants, my tongue would be too big!


Bai Luocha said proudly: "Anyway, I'm down, I'm afraid of a bird!"


Hei Luochao looked at Jun Chang with a smile, and said coldly, "Since you know where we are from, you should happily untie it, otherwise ..."


Xun Jun often came over with a smile, put one hand on one's shoulders, gently pulled them over, and pressed his voice, "Coincidentally, I am also from the upper world."

A surprise appeared on the black and white Rakshasa's face.

I forgot, forgot!

家伙 This guy can use the stone statue supernatural powers, and he must have come down from above!

Xun Jun often laughs and doesn't think of it, just now he was preparing to flicker, the two immediately believed, the process should not be too simple.

"Are you looking for Qi Xuanxiaguang to break the broken scroll?" Jun Chang laughed with a low voice all the time, rendering the atmosphere very mysterious and weird.

罗 Bai Raksha said, "How do you know?"

It seems that the face of Hei Luocha, whose IQ is more online, also appears incredible. After all, this kind of cheats is not something that ordinary people are qualified to know.

"Because ..."

Xun Jun often laughed: "This is the martial arts inherited from my ancestors."

This sentence shocked Bai Luocha and said, "Dare to be your lord, from what school?"

"Eternity!" Jun Chang laughed.


The black and white Luocha looked at each other with a blank expression.

The two tried hard to recall the gates of the upper realm, and had never heard of the ancient ancestors.

Xun Jun often laughed and explained: "The foundation of my eternal ancestors is not in the upper world, but before the earth dust star fell on the continent. Before the ancestors ascended, the seven Xuanxia rays were broken and left and became one of the Zhenzong martial arts.

This ‘one’ is very clever, telling the black and white Luocha clearly that there are martial arts in Zongmen that are not inferior to Qi Xuanxia ’s breaking!


Black Rakshasa Road: "Seven mysterious deities belong to the legendary power in the Upper Realm, how could the martial art of creation be placed in the dust!"

"Say it!"

Bai Raksha added: "There is no record in the history books, the Seven Sacred Masters are flying up from the starfall continent!"

For a while, the two have obtained the residual paper III. They must have the most detailed investigation and understanding of the power of creating martial arts.

Xun Jun often laughed: "Even if something is not recorded, it does not mean that it has not happened."


"Look what it is!"

The dog walker directly released the big move and took out Xuan Xiaguang's broken volume one, two, three.

Of course, it is nothing more than a system-printed copy. As long as there is a disciple with a certain level of strength in Wan Guzong, it is almost a copy of a cabbage.

Black and white double brake widened his eyes.

The three remnants on the ground, especially the third volume, are the same as the one they got before, except for that special atmosphere!

Hei Raksha said, "Is this a copy?"


Xun Jun often smiled and said in pain: "My eternal ancestors were stolen due to improper preservation, and now only a copy is kept."


Black and white Rakshasa see me, I see you.

Xi Jun often laughed and took out three copies of the residual papers, so that their original questioning thoughts suddenly disintegrated, and they started to make up for their brains, and finally concluded that-

Zan Canju was originally on the earthly continent, but was stolen by others. After a while, she was accidentally obtained by herself, and then ... stolen again.


Xun Jun often laughed and said, "You are from the Upper Realm, and you are looking for remnants, which should justify the two remarks left when the ancestors soared."

"What criticism?"

Black and white double brake hurriedly asked.

Xun Jun always laughed as ‘predecessors’. He never said it was the Seven Supreme Masters, but the two have already made up for it automatically, so since leaving a comment, it must have a chance!

"These two sentences are ..." Jun Chang smiled and said solemnly: "Jin Lin is not a thing in the pool, and he will turn into a dragon as soon as he encounters yin and yang!"


Black and white double brakes are lost in thought.

The two began to analyze the meaning of two sentences from various aspects.

Xun Jun often laughed and explained: "Jin Lin refers to my eternal ancestors, yin and yang refer to the two ~ ~ because of the color of yin and yang, and black and white!"


The black and white double brakes looked at each other suddenly, and my heart suddenly opened up.

The two remarks left by the predecessor of Qian Qixuan Shengzhuang are not to say that if Wan Guzong had two people to assist him, he could become a dragon and fly into the sky!

"Black Dasha."

Bai Luocha excitedly said, "This may be God!"

I was obviously fooled.

However, Hei Luocha's IQ is still online, and he often smiles at Jun with a suspicious look, saying, "Do you want to recruit us?"

Xun Jun often laughed and pushed the residual papers one, two, three, and took it seriously: "Jun wants to resolve the previous misunderstanding and make friends with the two."

Hei Luosha hesitated for a moment, and said, "Open Remnant III, I'll see if it's true or false."


Xun Jun often opened the three pages of the residual volume with a smile.

After careful reading, the two confirmed that the above-mentioned formulas were exactly the same as before, and that fraud could not have been created.

"Have you cultivated yet?" He Luochao said.

Xun Jun often laughed: "Not only did Junmou practice, but tens of thousands of disciples in Zongmen also practiced."


Hei Raksha almost planted it.

He Qixuanxiaguang needs to be practiced in the order of the remnants. He and Bai Luocha have always been puzzled. Now he was told that tens of thousands of people have practiced, it is too much to combat self-esteem!


Xun Jun often laughed and whispered: "We can meet in the world because of the remnants. This is the fate of God's arrangement. Why not let go of the former suspects and marry Jinlan before the martial arts left by the predecessors?

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