The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1178: Difficult Blade, 3rd Form

Assisted soul-based magical powers cannot last forever.

When the assisted person is fatally attacked, or it consumes a lot of energy, it will escape.

Jun Changxiao used his own strength to resist dozens of ghosts in the battlefield of the sky, which consumed the Queen Rose greatly, so she could only be forced out of the body.

Because she fully assisted Zou Jun to counteract the powerful forces, she inevitably suffered from back-bite and her meridians were damaged to varying degrees.

in other words.

Jun Chang laughed and did not want to rely on the hard-to-receive sword to fight with the ghosts of the battlefield. In the end, he was all right, but he pitted the Queen of Roses.

Others either cheat on their sons.

Dogs who do not follow the usual path directly pit their wives.

of course.

You can't blame Jun for laughing.

After all, he didn't know some of the considerations of Soul Clan assist.

it's good now.

The Empress Rose and Jun Chang laughed out of the way, exploding to the point where they could fight dozens of sky fonts, and their strength was suddenly reduced by half!



Above, the power of terror folded over again, and the momentum was stronger than before!

Jun Changxiao's defensive enchantment still exists, but at this moment, the two are relatively weak, both in terms of breath and substantiveness.

Go hardwired?

He's thinking fart!

"Don't hesitate!" The system growled. "Hurry up!"

Without the help of the Queen of Roses, Jun Chang laughed. Although she was not afraid of a few ghosts in the battlefield, but now she has suppressed dozens of strengths, she has no time to hide!


Angrily cursed in his heart and had to call out the hard-to-receive sword.

"Fu Jun."

At this moment, the gentle voice of the Queen Rose passed in her ears: "Although I can't help you, I can die for you."

Jun often laughed for a moment.

"call out----------"

Suddenly, the queen of roses flew up, and her graceful body burst into a thick green attribute, turning it into a large net to welcome dozens of powerful forces!

In her current state, to resist such a terrible force, there must be no death in the end!

Coincidentally, the position of the Queen of Roses is exactly the Valley of Sorrows that was previously besieged by the major planes.


Dozens of forces carried down more power than ever before, the space was distorted madly, and then distorted on a large scale.

At this time, any spectator who was present at the scene would be crushed into powder under terror.

"That woman is going to die."

"Standing up to die as a husband at a critical moment, this emotion is really singable!"

The Queen Rose came forward without fear of danger, and let the major warriors be moved!

"call out------"

Suddenly, the ripples of strange energy suddenly rippled in the war zone, and the huge power falling from the sky suddenly stopped.

Everyone was stunned.

At this time, they not only found that the energy was still, the tens of thousands of battlefield ghosts below were also stiff, and even the dust and sand floating in the air seemed to stand still!

"what's the situation!"

Each of the face-to-face warriors looked at the strange ripples just now, and found that Jun Changxiao had disappeared out of thin air!

What about people?

"On it!"

brush! brush! brush!

Everyone raised their heads and found dozens of frozen energy areas hanging in the air like the Lord of War's smile, and the light reflected from his head was as bright as the sun.

The Queen of Roses, who was supposed to meet, stared round.

At this moment she was not concerned about the bald head, but the weapon held by Fu Jun's right hand!

In the camera, the blade tip and blade gradually appear, a bit of cold light converges on it, and then go all the way up until the weapon form is displayed, it is actually a seemingly sharp ... watermelon knife!

There is a red scarf ribbon at the handle, which is wrapped around Jun Changxiao's wrist irregularly.

The knife light flashes.

Brighter than your head!

That's right.

This is the third form of the hard-to-reach knife after the transformation of the transformation stone.

Don't look at the weird shape, but the air-blocking space and the air-blocking atmosphere are stronger than the second one!

Face-to-face warriors: "..."

Like a daunting guy like God of War, Leng Budinger took out a knife for cutting watermelons. The picture really did not match the surrounding killing atmosphere!

"Go on."

Jun often smiled back to the Empress Rose.

The words spoken were as cold and abnormal as the blade, and even had an irreversible meaning.


The Queen Rose made a sound, and recovered the released energy and landed on the ground.

As for the ghost on the battlefield below, it was difficult to bring any danger to her because it was all set in place.

Determined that the woman was in a safe area, Jun Chang smiled and looked up at the dozens of energy gathered in the sky, and said lightly, "It can be over."

"call out!"

With a wave of the hard-to-find sword, the sword ruptures the void.

The strength of the fixed sky burst, and dozens of sky-blocked names blocked off higher were intercepted.

The faces of the soldiers outside the seal almost stared out.

The guy slashed at will, like drawing a line on rice paper with a pen. Dozens of powerful battlefield ghosts were cut instantly, and the picture presented was terrifying!


At this moment, Jun Chang laughed backhand again.

"call out------"

Daoguang burst out, and dozens of sky fonts in another area were all cut off by the waist, and the twinkling eyes were suddenly darkened.

Plane warriors are all stupid at this moment.

The watermelon knife that Jun Chang laughs is strong, they can see it!

But ... why did the ghosts of the battlefield who were killed not hide and resist, and let him cut it out with two swords!

The next scene will make every strong person unforgettable ~ ~ Unforgettable!


Jun Chang smiled and flew down, as if walking towards the controlled tens of thousands of battlefield ghosts.



The knife light flashes frequently in the crowd, which can be described as crisscross.


Until Jun Changxiao walked out of the tens of thousands of battlefield ghosts, until the hard-to-receive sword was tilted down, the sound of the cracking of the armor was heard, and the scene of the helmet flying in chaos.



Thanks to the creatures created by the upper world, if the human warrior is replaced with the blood splash effect, the picture will only be more shocking.


The face of the Queen Rose was incredible.

Nearly 80,000 battlefield ghosts and nearly a hundred heavenly names were easily solved by the husband's weapon like a watermelon knife!

"Jun always laughs!"

Suddenly, a thick voice came again from the rolling clouds: "The weapons you use are extraordinary things in the world, and it is against the rules to bring them to the battlefield!"


Jun Chang smiled, looked up, and waved the knife coldly.

"call out------------"

It looks like the swordman that runs through the world, carrying the supreme power to tear the dark cloud that envelopes the whole world directly, and then quickly defeated without a trace.

The dark clouds dispersed.

The battlefield of the Plane returned to its former color.

However, the shock and shock in the faces of the warriors were even stronger.

The ghosts of the battlefield can no longer be sent down as thugs, but the dark clouds that converge between heaven and earth represent the upper world!

Jun Chang laughed and chopped it off, that's chopping heaven!


When this guy chopped into the dark clouds, how could a weapon similar to a watermelon knife suddenly turn into a cyan big knife inlaid on the ground!

Is it ...

His weapon can be deformed at will? !!

(= Easy to read novel)

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