The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1179: Super Battlefield Ghost


After cutting off the dark clouds that gathered the sky, the blade of the hard-to-receive blade stuck to the ground.

At this moment, the shape is no longer the previous watermelon knife, but is similar to the mold of Qinglong Moon Moon. The smooth blade surface reflects the various broken armors scattered on the ground.

The plane warrior stunned.

Knife ... can you change it at will?

Or, this guy changed weapons on the way, because the speed was too fast, and no action was captured at all?

The knife is still hard to collect.

This is a special function in the third form, which can be changed at will under the control of the owner.

The ghost of the battlefield is similar to the 100,000 soldiers of the heavenly court. Jun Chang laughed and turned the hard-to-receive sword into a watermelon knife. Obviously he planned to cut from Nantianmen to Penglai East Road. .

As a result ... disappointed.

These battlefield ghosts were not cut at all, and they were hacked away after a while.

As for cutting down the dark clouds converging in the sky, it was a flash of light, and the hard-to-receive sword was changed to the normal big sword shape, so it seemed to have momentum!


The system said: "The host is really personal!"


Jun Chang smiled and wondered: "I have completely killed the ghosts on the battlefield. Why haven't the side missions been completed?"

Just when the siege was about to start, the side mission was triggered, and the content was to solve all the ghosts on the battlefield.

In this case.

Then fight for it, fight for your life!


System said: "What's next?"

This guy's mouth is open.

Because the words had just been finished, the sky suddenly descended into a stream of black light, merged into the fragmented battle armor, and then quickly moved closer together, turning into a huge black energy group.


The breath that shook the heavens and the earth permeated from the inside, and the space in the seal area was shattered as much as possible!


Suddenly, the black energy group walked out of a large battlefield ghost of twenty feet tall, no matter the head and body were made of fragmented battle armor, those big red eyes, with an explosive atmosphere!

"This momentum ..."

Mo Shangsheng was shocked and said, "Can it be the heaven?"

Tongtianjing is the strongest level in the Jiutian continent martial arts realm system, and corresponds to the returning state of Wuxing and Soul tribe continent.

Other powerful planes are dumbfounded!

According to the rules of the upper bound, warriors on the plane are not allowed to enter the battlefield, which is stronger than the sky font level. Now, for the sanction of the ruler, he often laughs, even sending out such a battlefield ghost!


That guy's strength is now above the sky, and the upper world has to send the same realm to cope?

No, no!

He can never have such terrible strength, it should be related to the weapons he holds!

"Is Emperor Wu?"

Jun Chang laughed with a disdainful smile in his mouth.


Everyone was speechless.

At this time, he could even laugh!


The ghost of the huge battlefield raised his hand, and a black ink-like super-sized sickle appeared, his eyes flashed more and more intensely.

"Fu Jun, be careful."

The Queen Rose said: "This is the strongest level of returning to the realm. From the point of view of breath, it seems to be stronger than the handsome man!"

She believes that the reason why it is stronger than Star Wars is that the ghost body on the battlefield is composed of 100,000 similar bodies, with extremely high defense strength, and the sickle summoned is no less than her own red lotus demon moon knife!

"Don't get in the way, stay away." Jun often smiled coldly.

"call out!"

The Queen of the Rose flew behind, then stopped at the edge of the seal, and secretly said, "Why not roll?"


At this moment, the super battlefield ghost waved a sickle in his hand, splitting a huge light, as if the world was cut into two in an instant!

"call out!"

Jun Chang smiled and fled away calmly.

However, the area torn by the horror rays suddenly appeared as a space crack that would never be healed!

"It's terrible!"

"If this power erupts in our plane, the entire continent will suffer a huge disaster!"

Because there is a sealed off area, the spectators cannot feel the breath of the Xeon, but from the scene of tearing the space, it can be inferred that it must be a level of destruction!


The light of the sickle comes into contact with the ground, and presents a huge deep trench in an instant!

The rose queen, who was on the edge, gathered in front of her to resist the roaring mania from the roar, and she was shocked: "I'm afraid of power!"

Next second.

The expression on his face was dull.

Because in the field of vision, Jun Changxiao already hung in front of the ghosts of the super battlefield, and looked like a weak ant against the huge body.

How did he fly over! Isn't he dead?

All the face warriors have also discovered that the expressions on their faces are more exciting than one.

Such a horrible and powerful existence, shouldn't it be so far away? How could that guy send it to him in front of himself? Isn't he afraid that others will strike back?

as expected!

The ghost on the battlefield realized that the target was in front of him, and raised a huge sickle to chop it past!



The blade wind bursts and cuts the space!

However, at the moment when Jun Chang smiled, he saw that the hard-to-receive sword held by his right hand had turned into a sickle shape, and cut through the void to cut it.

"Bashing ————————”

The blade of light swept past, and the wrist pressed down by the ghost of the battlefield fell off.


Because of the lack of stability of the center of gravity and the change of palms, a huge sickle carrying a strong force swept close to Jun Changxiao. At the moment of the sweep, the blade surface also reflected his insolent and incomparable face.


The sickle and the entire right hand came into contact with the ground and rolled up dust.

In the whole process, except for waving his sword, Jun Chang laughed without moving his body. His expression on his face was neither sad nor joyful, but he pretended to be extreme.

The Queen Rose looked dull.

The warriors opened their mouths in shock.

The stronger creatures composed of 100,000 battlefield shattered armors were easily cut off from the right hand, and the weapon held by that guy was too iron-cut!




The light of the sickle flashes frequently.

When the operation was as fierce as a tiger, Jun Chang laughed and put down the hard-to-receive knife.



The cracking sound was introduced into the ears of the warriors with great clarity, and everyone's eyes gradually widened, even the single eyelids and small eyes almost reached the size of an egg!

What did they see?

Seeing the horizontal and vertical fine marks behind the ghosts of the battlefield, the combination is as dense as the chess lines on the chessboard!



After a while, the ghost like a mountain-like battlefield disintegrated in an instant, and the square body was scattered on the ground.


Everyone sucked in air conditioning!

The ghost of the battlefield above the name of the sky is so clean and decomposed by Jun Changxiao!

"Ding! The branch mission is completed and the host gets 100,000 points of contribution."

"Ding! 170000/70000."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution value overflow ..."

"Ding! The branch mission is completed, triggering hidden rewards, get Lingyan Pavilion exclusive Shenbing Transformation Stone x2, get the hidden gate function title Pavilion."

Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "This big guy is the last one."


At this moment, the dark clouds that had been chopped off reappeared, and then permeated over the seal. Powerful Thunder Snakes ejected from them, and the power of the powerful thunder system instantly filled the surroundings.

"Jun Changxiao repeatedly violates the rules ~ ~ It is a world that cannot be tolerated, and the sanctions against thunder and punishment are specially launched!"

A loud voice sounded across the battlefield.

"Damn!" Jun Chang laughed angrily: "Endless?"



Suddenly, two thunders were falling in the rolling clouds, enough to illuminate the night sky.

One locked on him.

One locked in ...



The two forces of thunder and punishment from the upper world burst instantly in the blockade, and the picture presented instantly was like a nuclear bomb exploding, producing a strong light. The thorny plane warriors could not open their eyes, and had to raise their hands to block the sight!


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