The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1188: This seat moves you, how can you drop it!

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Master of the Starfall Continent?

The extent to which Jun often smiles shamelessly can be described as high in the mountains ... because of the universe, mainland warriors can't even see their heads up.


The system couldn't help it.

If Wan Guzong is recognized as the strongest sect of the mainland, the monarch who is the master of a sect can be regarded as a power-bearer.

But the title of Lord of the Starfall Continent is very big.

First, you have to ask the nine emperors to disagree.

Thanks to the absence of a few brothers, otherwise they will take turns to fight and rub the face of this goods against the barriers of the universe.

Barriers to space: "Don't do it, we can't carry it!"

"The Lord of the Starfall Continent?"

The old man's face first appeared a stunned expression, then the corner of his mouth raised a disdain smile.

It ’s funny that a little trash plane in the universal universe has the title ‘lord’.


The middle-aged man next to him said rudely, "Did you steal this warship from the Starry Five?"

He had long noticed the Tungu warship.

Low-level planes can never have such a specification level warship. There is only one reason. They must have been stolen.


Jun Chang smiled and pretended to be surprised: "Do you know the Five Stars and Eight?"

The old man's eyes suddenly became sharp.

If you can call it Wang Ba, it means that this son does not deal with the Five Stars of the Starry Sky. Could it be that he has lost contact with the starry continent region, and has something to do with this guy?


He Shen said: "Two of the Five Stars were killed and three disappeared. Did you do it?"


Jun Chang sighed and said, "This is a long story. Please listen to me slowly."

"Less crap!"

The middle-aged man was a bit irritable and angered, "Just say if you did it!"


Jun Chang laughed without denying.

Middle-aged people are astonished.

I thought the other party would deny all kinds of reasons, but I didn't expect to admit it so easily!

This time I was ordered to investigate the incident, and the murderer was found just after arriving at the scene. The whole process should not be too easy.

The old man sneered: "Boy, the Five Stars are the second-class residents of my fortress. If you kill them, you are offending us."

"so what?"

Jun Chang smiled and said indifferently.


The middle-aged man said with a somber face: "Know your point and quickly hand over the other three, and then follow me to the Star Fortress for trial."


Jun Chang smiled sneer: "Is this a prisoner?"

"According to the law of my starry fortress, hurting second-class residents is an unforgivable crime." The middle-aged man said lightly.


Jun often laughed and laughed.

Suddenly, his gaze was chilling: "The law outside can't control Lao Tzu. On the contrary, my starry continent must obey the law here, and even if it hurts a tree or a tree, it's a crime!"

he is very angry!

On the battlefield of the plane was sanctioned by the upper bound because of guilt!

Now a **** fortress also said he was guilty, really treating himself as a cosmic police?

"Black and white double brake!"

Jun Chang shouted angrily: "Catch these two guys who entered the starburst continent area without consent, and be charged to Zongmen for trial!"


"Hmm! Hmm!"

Hidden in the dark, the black and white double brakes flew over.

One hung in front of the battleship, one hung behind the battleship, and smiled as they bent their heads, like the most advanced thugs.

The old and middle-aged people's faces changed slightly.

The sudden appearance of the two black and white warriors was very strong, making them a little panicked.


The old man experienced strong winds and waves, and said lightly, "Are you going to openly oppose my starry fortress?"

"something wrong?"

"My prestige of the starry fortress resounds through the universe of the earth, and even if you meet at the highest level, you are polite. If you dare to provoke the continent of a little star, it is undoubtedly the old life star hanging from the air."

The old man said these words, one punch must be able to directly charge 50%.

Of course, although people are suspected of pretending to be aggressive, they are basically true, because the starry fortress in the universal universe is indeed very energetic.

Rather offend Yama, not provoke the fortress.

Better to go to **** than to the fort.

These are the two most widely spoken sentences in the mortal universe.

The first description of the starry fortress is strong, who provokes bad luck, and the second meaning is that although **** is terrible, it is far less than the fortress!

Seeing the old man talking, his head was almost reaching into the depths of the universe. Jun Chang smiled immediately and became angry, saying: "This seat will move you, how can you drop it!"



Black and white double brakes rushed over.

The powerful atmosphere erupted, and the instantaneous disturbance of the universe was turbulent.


"Who is afraid of who!"

The old man and the middle-aged man roared loudly, and Xiu Wei, who was stronger than the handsome man, burst out, and then squatted down to cover his head and face with a thunderous tendency.






Slightly, the two strong men from the Starry Fortress fell to the deck. The abused nose and face were swollen and bruised, and white foam spewed from the mouth.

They are better than Star and Navigation King. According to the power of a handsome man, at most it is about 1.2 ~ 1.3. Facing the black and white double brakes, they directly recognize the bad luck without even hitting them.

As Jun often laughs, isn't it for the abuse?

In fact, the fortress is mainly based on investigations, and it is not certain that Star Wars Five has anything to do with him. Otherwise, two will definitely not be sent over.


Jun Chang smiled and squatted down, and said, "This strength also dares to come to my starry continent to scatter the wild, are the people in your fortress so confident?"


The old man and the middle-aged did not speak because of injuries.

"take away."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "Just in jail!"



The black and white double brakes grabbed one, sealed the Qi and the other, and then dropped into the cell of Wan Guzong.



The door closed, and the environment was dark again.

"But ... hate ..." The blocked elder was furious.

I thought this investigation was a beautiful errand. As a result, as soon as I knew about the Five Stars, I became a prisoner.


Suddenly, a sound came from my ear.

The middle-aged man worked hard to turn his head, and saw a smile on his face, saying, "I'm Zhao Doudo, a senior prisoner of Wanzong. Do you need spiritual enlightenment?"

Because the place size closed the bald man and the starry three tyrants, and the bed was obviously a bit nervous, so the strongholds could only be locked in the day size.

This can break Zhao Doudou's happiness ~ ~ Prisoners have come and gone, and have never arranged for their own cells. Now I have sent two, and finally I do n’t need to talk to that stuffy egg.

"Which state, which county, and which city?"


"According to my experience, you will be brought to trial soon. If you don't want to be tortured, just be frank."


"The guy leaning against the corner was very tough, and until now he was locked up. I'm afraid I have no chance to go out in this life."

"Of course, and me."

"Because he pretended to be a monarch and deceived and detained ..."

"Hey, it's too long. I have forgotten how long it has been." Baidu, please, "Throw Book Network" thank you for your support!


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