The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1189: To show respect, torture another meal

Zhao Doudou is really a senior prisoner.

I don't know how many warriors were detained in his cell, he is definitely a witness.

Over time.

This goods is used to it.

Even Jun Chang laughed and planned to let him go, reluctant to leave.

Why do you pretend to be deceived by others, not just for life?

Although being held in a prison cell, there is a daily food supply, which has satisfied Zhao Doudou.

His slogan is, as long as the ancient ancestors do not fall, I will sit through the bottom!

Not cheap.

It is because there is no normal person in the gate, and the prisoner who is closed also meows abnormally!

As the so-called family does not belong to a family, Zhao Doudou belongs to a family who does not enter a family.


The most irritating thing is that this guy even regarded himself as a member of the Eternal Sect. Although this member belonged to criminals, he often enlightened other inmates, such as Dalu, who was rumored to be exploding all day long.


Zhao Doudou began to show his strengths, preparing to instill chicken soup in the soul.


Just then, the door opened.

Zhao Doudou, who was preparing a complete set of persuasion, disappeared in an instant, sitting proficiently at the corner of the wall.

According to the old rules, when Xiao sin entered the door, he put the chair down first, then Jun often laughed and sat down, raising Erlang's legs and saying, "Two, who came from the universe far from the sky, just to get revenge on the Five Bulls?"

"Cosmic Starry Sky?"

Zhao Doudou's eyes suddenly widened.

There was also a hint of surprise in Dai Lu's heart.

Could it be that the two guys who entered the new level have unusual identities?



The old man and the middle-aged were silent.

Obviously, they did not follow Zhao Doudou's persuasion and chose to face it with an attitude of ‘I do n’t know anything, I ca n’t say anything’.

Leaning on the back of the chair, Jun Chang said lightly, "It is not easy for the two emperors to cultivate to the Emperor Wu, please also cooperate with this seat to ask questions, otherwise ... thousand years of hard work will be lost."


Red fruit threat!

However, after Zhao Doudou heard what he said, his eyes suddenly became bulging from the enlarged state.

Even the old monk, who was set in the law, opened his eyes and raised an incredible expression.

These two are ... Emperor Wu?



The nine great emperors are absolute believers in the continent.

He always laughs, no matter how bullish he is, how can he get them in!


The middle-aged man whispered coldly: "Boy, if there is any means to make it out, if I frown, follow your surname from today!"

It can also be seen from the eyes that this is absolutely tough.

It is understandable that after reaching the level of Emperor Wu, it is at the top of any mortal plane. If there is not even a bit of pride, then it is too nonsense.


Jun Chang laughed and did not talk nonsense, ordering Li Qingyang to pull out the middle-aged person, and then threw it at Yanwu Stadium.


Zhao Doudou shook his head and said, "That guy is going to be unlucky."

He's seen more tough guys, such as wearing a law sitting next to him, what happened? Not yet in a cell every day.


"Say it?"

"Do not say."

On the performance martial arts field, the middle-aged man was as tough as ever, with his body full of iron.

"call out!"

Jun Chang smiled and waved his hand, Tianyuan Zhenshun Tower appeared out of thin air, and then he covered him in a huge way. His tone was somber: "Two girls, give me a hard training!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Within the void environment, the Soul Whip and Soul Candle flew over.

Then I saw Erya transforming into an adult movie, holding one on each of the left and right, to start the most brutal training, and even hitting the screen on the screen!





After the number of consecutive moves reached 999, Erya stopped and said, "Master, is this cruel enough?"


Jun Chang smiled with satisfaction.

The master of the Six Halls, who shrank in the corner, was so frightened that his legs were snoring.

It turned out that the baby girl had a more fierce training method, and it was useless to herself, otherwise it would definitely hurt.


The blood of the middle-aged man who had been violently abused 999 times spit out blood, and his face had shrunk into a twist, looking so miserable and miserable.

"I know you're a man."

Jun Chang laughed: "To show respect, torture again."



Erya was extremely excited to take out various props.

This strong man who can carry both soul and body is much better than torture attributes and soul!

"Don't ... don't ..." The middle-aged voice was hoarse and weak: "I ... I said ... I said everything ..."

"What did you do earlier?"

Jun Chang smiled coldly and said: "Bad me!"



After Erya tortured for half an hour, a strong man comparable to the Emperor Wu finally lay on the ground like a dead dog, and his legs twitched from time to time.



The jail door opened, and the middle-aged man fell in like a muddled pool.

Erya's whipping was a soul attack, so judging by his appearance, there were no scars at all.


Zhao Doudou glanced at him secretly and shook his head secretly: "Why is this?"

Jun Chang sat down with a smile and said, "You came to the Starfall Continent just to investigate the Five Stars of the Starry Sky?"


The old man closed his eyes.


The middle-aged man said, bearing the great pain brought on his soul.

"Guan Jiu!"

The old man opened his eyes and said, "You ..."

The middle-aged man ignored it and continued: "Star ... The Five Stars are protected by my fortress. They died and two disappeared. The owner sent us to investigate ..."

Very cooperative.

The previous hard gas and iron bones disappeared.

"the host?"

Jun Chang laughed: "Who?"

"The Lord of the Stronghold!" The middle-aged man said without hesitation.

He was really persuaded by Erya. As long as Jun always smiles and asks, if he knows anything, he will definitely answer the questions and even answer them.

The old man's face was furious, if not for his frail, he would have scolded.

"What is the name of the fortress master? How about strength?" Jun Chang laughed.

Middle-aged humanity: "The name of the owner is unknown, and his strength is unfathomable."


Jun Chang smiled and asked, "Have you ever heard of Star Master?"

"Listen ... heard ..."

"How does your master compare to him?"

This guy intends to use the handsome man as a combat unit for comparison, and perhaps can roughly estimate the strength of the fortress master.

The middle-aged man thought for a while, and looked disdainfully: "The kind of **** wandering in the universe all day does not even qualify the owner to raise shoes."

From words, Jun Changxiao didn't analyze how powerful the fortress master was.

Several questions were asked one after another, and although they were all answered, middle-aged people know very little about many things, so they have no reference value at all.


One thing makes Jun Chang laugh.

There was an accident in the Star Wars Five, and the fortress had been informed.

This time, nothing more than sending two people to investigate the starfall continent investigation. Once the incident of killing them by themselves, they will definitely send stronger ones.

"A little trouble."

Jun Changxiao sat in his study and rubbed his temples ~ ~ As for the tough old man, he had been thrown into the soul tower of Tianyuan Town, until he seemed to be thrown into the cell again, and finally realized why the companion should recognize Encouraged.


Zhao Doudou leaned over and said, "Are you really Emperor Wu?"

The two strong men haven't recovered from the whipping of the soul, so they are too lazy to bother with this remark.

Li Qingyang, who has just closed the prison door, has not left, and stood at the entrance of the prison door: "These two are not only Emperor Wu but also from other planes."

As soon as this word came out, Zhao Doudou was stunned.

During the time when Wan Guzong was imprisoned, he gave him a general understanding of Li Qing's positive personality. He would never deliberately lie to himself, so he returned to the wooden bed, knelt down and looked up out of the window with tears in his face:

"Dad, mother, do you see that, son and Emperor Wu are prisoners!"


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