The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1214: Seeing the stone, Lu help out

All kinds of equipment are called out, and all kinds of pretense words are spoken, indicating that a wonderful battle will be staged.

As a result, Jun Chang laughed and ran away.

Really dog ​​left!

"Why am I coming out of the star continent? Isn't it just going to the starry fortress, so it's better to be hard and boring with those people, it's better to hurry." Jun Chang laughed standing on the bow of the ship.

"You just persuade!"

System said: "Don't make so many excuses!"

Jun Chang laughed too much to ignore it, and put all his thoughts on the starry fortress. As for the passing plane, he had no interest in going around.

However, it is not safe to drive in the vast universe, let alone the existence of various undercurrents and meteorites, and there are many star-like robbers like handsome men.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Just when Jun Changxiao stopped the ship to change the energy, several warships came from a distance, carrying hundreds of warriors on it, with strengths ranging from high to low, and the leader was a middle-aged man with strength comparable to Wudi.

"This kind of starburst continent is the strongest layer and it is very cheap in the vast universe." Jun Chang smiled secretly.


Systematic Road: "I don't know how many planes exist in the universal universe, and each plane sends a huge number."

"That's true, too."

Jun Chang smiled as he stepped out of the cockpit and said, "Is there anything wrong?"

The gangster who has been in this cosmic region all year round laughed coldly: "Boy, see if your warship level is not low, should you understand the rules of this line?"

"I don't understand." Jun Chang smiled.

The gangster laughed: "Then let you know today."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A few moments later, a series of explosions appeared in the starry sky. Several starry battleships turned into nothingness, and the twinkling light illuminated the darkness.

"call out!"

The ancient warship flew out.

Jun Changxiao, standing on the bow of the ship, held a lot of space rings in his hands and shook his head. "I'm still worried that there is no place for robbery. Instead, they will come to their door."


For a powerful force such as Wuliang Jinggu, the dog left does not want to provoke it because of hurrying, but those robbers who are scattered in the universe, as long as they dare to provoke themselves, will definitely take appropriate anti-robbery, and even take the initiative to obtain resources.

After all.

On the way to the Star Fortress, all the existing Star Bandits ushered in a nightmare.

"Give, give!"

A desolate plane, robbed the robber leader for hundreds of years, endured the badly wounded body, and contributed all his belongings. Hundreds of men lying behind him, some were obliterated and some were pretending to be dead.


Jun Chang smiled and accepted it politely, and said indifferently: "I'll come to take your life at any time for the killing and robbery business."


"call out"

The ancient battlefield cuts through the void and merges into the endless universe.


Lying on a chair, Jun often grinned.

He has rushed for ten days, during which he looted more than ten robber sites and obtained countless martial arts resources. In particular, there were many high-level spiritual stones that could barely be used as fuel.




One day, Jun Chang walked to a certain area of ​​the universe with a smile, faintly heard the movement, so the spiritual thoughts were released, and there was a faint flicker of light in the distance, like the explosion scene of a starry battleship.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Several streamers rushed out in the fire.

Those are the four strong men who are no worse than handsome men.

They were embarrassed at the moment, but still released psionics to form a group, shrouding a teenager about thirteen years old.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Dozens of streamers flew in the firelight, wearing uniform black battle armor, among them the first few, the strength is equally strong and unusual.

Two groups of people showed up one after the other, staged a hunt in the cosmic starry sky.


Jun Chang laughed: "It's a big battle."

On the way before flying, he encountered the strong man who fought because of some kind of grudges, but the number of people was not limited to two or three. This level and quantity were the first time he saw them.

In particular, the shrouded teenagers are dressed in extraordinary clothes and extraordinary temperament. At a glance, they are powerful people. Now they are hunted down by a large number of soldiers like soldiers. Can they be the sons of a certain face?

"Little brother!"

At this moment, a slightly urgent voice sounded in the ear: "The old man is willing to pay a lot of spiritual stones, hoping that the son can leave this place safely on your warship!"

It was the white-haired old man who protected the young man. The paleness of his face showed that the injury was very serious. It would be cold if he was caught up behind.

Seeing unevenness, the road helped.

Jun Chang laughed without asking and asked, "What qualities, how many spirit stones?"

"One million nine-grade spirit stones!" Said the old man, and judging from the extremely fast speed, it was clear that he could not wait to throw the protected youngsters over.

No way, he and the other three were already wounded, and the warship was destroyed. It was impossible to get rid of the chase behind him. He could only pin his hope on the outsider passing by the ship.

Afraid of being partners with each other?

That's it, we can only bet!

The old man bet right, Jun Chang laughed really passing by.

Moreover, this guy is not the kind of heroic warrior, but as long as he gives sincerity, he will definitely be very emotional.

Gouyu didn't understand the concept of Jiuping Lingshi, but he also said, "Throw it."

"My son!"

The old man with white hair said: "We must live, we must recover the Tianyuan continent!"


Speaking, and the other three exhausted all their energy, threw the energy group that wrapped the boy from the space torn on the warship flight route ~ ~ woohoo! "

With a big wave, Jun Chang laughed, and the powerful psionics turned into a substantial one. He caught it like a baseball, and then dragged it forcibly.


The energy mass was completely exhausted, and it suddenly burst into nothingness.

The teenager who was in it fell to the ground, then hurriedly stood up and shouted sadly outside the boat: "You also come up ..."

With that said, it came to an end.

Because the four strong men resolutely turned around and rushed towards the group of black armor strong men, a little bit of fluorescence gradually gathered.


Jun Chang smiled and changed his face, and said, "This is for the soul to explode!"

"call out"

The ancient warships flew by at an extremely fast speed, and the energy in the cabin was consumed instantly.



The next second after the warship left, a huge blast suddenly came from the previous area, shaking the universe and shaking it violently.

"They are crazy!"

Seeing the huge mushroom cloud caused by the self-explosion of the soul, Jun Chang laughed with a wonderful expression.


The boy knelt down on the deck, crying like rain: "It's gone ... the last loved ones are gone ..."

Jun Chang laughed over, reached out and took off the two space rings on his waist, and found that there were indeed one million spirit stones stronger than the six-pointed star stones, so he comforted: "Little guy, people ca n’t die. Resurrection, please change your grief. "


The teenager shook his fist, blood flowed out, and his eyes were broken: "I will avenge my father and king, and I will avenge the people of Tianyuan Mainland!"

Fainted with anger, he passed out on the spot.

"Tianyuan mainland?"

The name of this continent reminded Jun Changxiao of Tianyuan Town Soul Tower instantly, so he murmured, "Are there a connection between the two?"

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