The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1215: The queen of disaster, the business is scarred

"I swear!"

System said: "Tianyuan Soul Tower was never stolen from someone else!"

"What do you say about the scraps?"

"That ... just a special existence!"

Jun often smiled suspiciously.

The system states: "Except for the residual volume, any goods purchased in the goods are obtained through legal channels. There is no doubt about the host!"

"I believe you a ghost."

Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile, then grabbed the teenager, placed it in the cabin, and replaced the energy to continue on his way.

Take money for disaster relief.

In this regard, the dogs are still very honest.

However, it has always been considered whether there is any connection between the Tianyuan mainland and the Tianyuan Soul Tower, or that the latter is the former treasure and was stolen by the system.

Understanding this is actually quite simple.

Just wait for the teenager to wake up and ask directly.



A day later, the boy woke up from a coma, thinking of the four strong men who exploded, and sat down with great frustration, tears dripping down.

He fled in the universe for a long time, has been protected by four guards, and has long established a relationship beyond master and servant.

Jun Chang smiled and understood, and put down a pile of paper towels.

The teenager tried to calm down his emotions, and said politely, "Thank you for your help."

"No thanks."

Jun Chang laughed: "Receive money, it should be so."

The young boy froze slightly, and then said bitterly: "Friends are very honest, unlike some people who are on the surface and behind the other."


Jun Chang smiled and said, "Who knows whether good or bad is across the belly."

The teenager stopped speaking.

"Are you from Tianyuan mainland?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.


"Have you heard of Tianyuan Soul Tower?"

As soon as this statement was made, the boy looked painfully: "This is the artifact of my heavenly continent!"


Jun Chang laughed and yelled in his heart, "He said he didn't steal it!"

"Not stolen!"

The system insists: "It's not stolen!"

"That's grabbing!"


The system is speechless.

The boy gritted his teeth and said, "If the Yuanyuan Soul Tower disappeared strangely for thousands of years, our Tianyuan continent would not be destroyed!"

"Disappeared for thousands of years?"

The expression on Jun Chang smiled suddenly appeared.

The system finally seized the opportunity and roared angrily: "It has been only a few years since the host bought it, and time can't be matched at all. Now I understand it!"


Jun Chang smiled lightly: "Maybe the system can steal the past and the future."


The system was speechless by him.

"and many more!"

The boy suddenly looked up, and looked stunned, "How do you know the Tianyuan Soul Tower?"

"Uh ... this ..." Jun Chang smiled and thought for a while, and said, "I often travel to various planes, naturally I listen to others."

"So it is."

The teenager did not take it seriously.

Jun Chang smiled and wondered, "What is this artifact in your Tianyuan continent?"

He can't be 100% sure now that the Tianyuan Soul Tower in his hand is the artifact of the Tianyuan continent. After all, the duplicate name rate is common in all, let alone on the level of the Great Dust.

"I have not seen."

The boy said, "Just heard about it, it looks like ..."

When Jun often laughed and listened to the description, he had absolute certainty in his heart that the Tianyuan artifact was his own Tianyuan Soul Tower.

Regardless of how the system gets it, traveling in the vast universe, and encountering the warrior where the artifact is located, is this God's own will in the legendary meditation?

"His first name?" The boy asked.

Jun Chang laughed: "Jun Chao is handsome."

"He ~ tui!"

The expression on the teenager's face was a little more exciting, but he saluted again: "Although the money was collected, Brother Jun saved me, I still want to thank."

Jun Chang laughed, "What's your name?"

"Shang has marks."

"What is your status in Tianyuan?"


Shang has a trace of silence.

Jun Chang smiled and shrugged: "I'll just ask."

It doesn't matter if the other party is the son of the plane or the relatives of the imperial family. He only needs to send him safely to the next plane to complete the task.

Shang Youchen said: "My identity is the emperor of the Great Shang Empire in the Tianyuan continent."

"No wonder it's so temperamental." Jun Chang laughed without surprise.


Shang Youjin laughed at himself: "What is the temperament of a homeless person who has broken his home?"

Jun Chang smiled and didn't ask him carefully, because from the situation, I guessed that the empire had been changed, and then, under the protection of several strong men, he broke out of the encirclement and began to live in the wandering universe.

Very poor.

But similar things must happen from time to time.

"I will send you to the next plane." Jun Chang smiled.

Shang Youchen said: "Brother Jun, those who chase me will never be easy ..."

Jun Chang smiled and interrupted: "I'm only responsible for helping you out of danger, and I'm not responsible for your personal safety in the future, so it doesn't matter to me whether they come to hunt you down."

This is very realistic and cruel.

Shang Youchen also saw it from the conversation just now, so it's not surprising, but he said seriously: "I will continue to spend money to hire you."


Jun Chang laughed and said, "I am the master of a case, not the mercenary king."


"Do you still have money now?"

When the dog left the ring, he searched his body with spiritual thoughts and found no other space rings, so he didn't think that the other party had the ability to ask himself to be a bodyguard.


Shang Youjin raised his hand, the space suddenly waved, and then went in to take out a ring, saying: "There are five million spirit stones in it, I hope Grandpa will keep me safe."

As a former prince, I have long realized that this warship is unusual. Since the other party holds it, the strength must be strong, and it may help him to get rid of the enemy.


Jun Chang smiled and sat beside him, with one hand resting on Shangyou's shoulder, and said, "Meeting in the universe is fate, and I will take responsibility for your safety immediately."

At the same time, he reached for the ring.

"Thank you Brother Jun!" Shang Youran said.

After inspecting the goods, Jun Chang smiled and said, "Of course, I can't protect you all year round. Say a place, I'll send you over."

"I'm going……"

Shang Youku was a little silent, and his eyes were firm: "Star Fortress!"


Jun Chang laughed and said, "I'm going too. I can take you a ride."

Shang Youchen was quite surprised: "What is Brother Jun going to the Starry Fortress?"

"Look at an old friend." Jun Chang smiled perfunctoryly.

Shang Youjin was even more surprised, saying: "Brother Jun has a friend who lives in the Starry Fortress. He must be the strongest man in the universe, can you say the next name?"


Jun Chang smiled and wanted to say that he and the Lord of the Fortress were friends, but felt that the pretense was a bit big, so he shifted the topic and said, "What about you? Why go to the fortress?"



Jun Chang smiled suddenly.

Shang Youchen's face was slightly painful: "The ancestors who created the Dashang Empire were detained in nine levels of **** for violating regulations. I want to revenge for the people of the mainland, and only redeem his old people."

Jun Chang laughed: "Hell?"

"Xingkong Fortress was formerly known as Xingkong Hell. This **** is actually the meaning of a prison, mainly for detaining various types of prisoners." Shang Youchen said.

Ay Ya I gi!

That place has a prison system just like my Wanguzong.

Jun Chang laughed with interest, and said, "Tell me more about this nine-layer hell."

Shang Youchen whispered in his heart, "Isn't he a friend in Star Fortress? Haven't you heard of any well-known things?"

The dog has a fart friend.

Little is known about Star Fortress.

Otherwise, the situation will not be explored from far away.

Shang Youjin told him about the nine layers of **** ~ ~ After listening to Jun Changxiao, he secretly said, "He must have plagiarized my prison system of Wanzong!"


The system crashed and said, "People have been around for a long time! Who is plagiarizing?"


Jun Chang laughed with his right hand and smashed his left hand, and suddenly realized: "This starry fortress can certainly cross time and space and steal from the future to the past!"

The system growled: "Who would be bored to the contrary, just to plagiarize a **** prison system!"


Jun Chang smiled with his hands crossed, and looked around vigilantly, saying, "If you don't, there will be big brothers using magical powers, peeping at me now from the future!"


The system is powerless: "Come on everyone, here is a big sand sculpture!"

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