The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1218: Don't question a handsome guy

Although Shang Youchen is the queen of distress, he is really rich.

This money refers to the spiritual stone. The intensity of the spiritual stone in the Tianyuan continent is much higher than that of the Jiutian isotope.

Jun Changxiao has long understood it, so it will allow Wan Guzong to change from the assessment method to the new ship model with qualifications and money to get started in an instant.

of course.

No qualifications, money must be!

"Are you sure you want to join me forever?" Jun Chang smiled solemnly.


Shang noted: "However, it will take some time."


Jun often asked with a smile.

Shang traced his anger and said, "I want to redeem my ancestors and revenge for the destroyed plane!"

"Sure?" Jun Chang looked at him with a smile.


Shang Youchen was a little silent, and said, "If you are not sure, you should try it."

"How much does it cost to redeem your ancestors?"

"I heard others say it seemed like 10 million spirit stones were needed."

"So expensive?"

Jun Chang smiled suddenly.

The spirit stone that reaches nine grades is worth ten million yuan, which is comparable to fifty million six star stones!

When hurrying, Gouyu has learned that there is a hierarchy of spirit stones.

Star meteor continent spiritual stones can be summarized as the lowest grade, nine-day continental spiritual stones are five grades, and Tianyuan continental spiritual stones are the highest nine grades.

If it does n’t matter if you redeem someone, it ’s critical that you have a time limit and you have to be locked in again.

"How about this."

Jun Chang smiled seriously and said, "Give me the money, and I will help you get revenge."

He never advertised himself as a chivalrous man, and would never help revenge for someone who doesn't care, but if enough commission is given, then he can consider it.

not to mention.

Ten million spirits are not small numbers!

in short.

As long as the money is in place, there is nothing that the young master Jun often laughs and dares not to do!

"Brother Jun."

Shang noted: "Although you are strong, my enemies are stronger."


Do you believe this seat?

Jun often laughed and put a hand on his shoulder, and said, "Don't question other people easily, especially don't question a handsome man easily."

"Say it."

"Who is your enemy?"

Looking at his arrogant expression, Shang Youchen was immediately said to be tempted, so he said, "The Dark Lord!"


Jun Chang smiled slightly.

Why didn't he call Bick the Devil!

"What strength, how many men, where are people?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.

Shang Youchen said: "The Dark Lord was once suppressed by the Soul Tower of Tianyuan in the Valley of the Seal, and the seal was broken and rushed out after the artifact disappeared."

His face grew painful.

Because after the devil broke the seal, the mainland ushered in disaster.

Various countries, including the Dashang Empire, were attacked by the demon army. At one time, the entire corpse of the plane was swept across the land, and its souls were coated with charcoal.

Although he was able to escape safely in the end, before seeing the broken mountains and rivers before leaving, he would often appear in a nightmare way, and the tortured him was anxious.

"On Tianyuan Continent?"


"What about strength?"

"I'm not in a good situation, but after listening to the guard's speculation, it's probably infinitely close to the upper level of broken air."

"It doesn't seem too strong." Jun Chang laughed.

He has just learned about the new realm system, and hasn't seen much difference between the lower and middle positions.

Shang Youchen said: "The strong man who has reached the middle of the airspace has already controlled the power of the universe and can easily kill the next airspace!"

Jun Chang smiled rather surprised: "It seems a bit strong."

"You can kill the second with one punch, don't you know the power of the median to break through the air?" Shang Youchen muttered.

"of course."

He said: "The Dark Lord is still infinitely close to the upper mid-airspace, and his strength will only be more horrible. Dozens of lower land-airspaces in China are still easily wiped out.


Jun Chang smiled slightly.

He doesn't know how good the median is to break through.

But it can easily wipe out dozens of subordinates. It is absolutely strong enough to explode. It must be very hanging with him now.


Shang You sighed, "If the Tianyuan Soul Tower is still there, my Tianyuan continent will not be destroyed."

"How to say?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.

Shang Youchen said: "The Tianyuan Soul Tower can suppress all the evil things in the world, and just restrain the Dark Lord from the evil forces!"

Jun Chang smiled and frowned.

Before going out this time, I brought Tianyuan Soul Tower to my body!

This kind of treasure that becomes smaller and bigger at any time can be placed in the underground for a prison in the first second, and the next second can be taken out to smash walnuts for Xiu.

"Give me ten million spirit stones, I'll help you get revenge." Jun Chang stood up with a smile, his face earnestly serious.

"Brother Jun."

Shang Youchen said: "The Dark Lord also has ten subordinates who break through the air, and nearly 100,000 trained subordinates!"


Jun Changxiao, who has just cultivated magnificent momentum, suddenly feels a little discouraged.

Whether the Tianyuan Soul Tower can absolutely restrain the Dark Lord, he is not sure now, and now that he knows that there are so many subordinates, it feels a bit difficult to engage.

"Ding! The side mission is triggered."

At this moment, a sound came from the ear.

Jun Chang opened the panel with a smile, and saw that the branch mission is--

Please host within three months to obliterate the dark devil who is a curse to the universe and all his subordinates [Time remaining: 89 days] [Super elite mission].


I just had a little thought on the side, the task immediately forced myself to be tough!


Jun Chang smiled and straightened up, and said, "How does Tianyuan continent go?"

"Is Brother Jun going to avenge me?"



Shang marks are a little tangled.

After all, it was just that he passed by alone, facing a lot of dark great demon kings, which was a bit unrealistic.

"Do not worry."

Jun Chang smiled and put on Xuanyuan Sacred Armor, proudly said: "There are only things that this seat does not want to do, nothing that this seat cannot do!"

Under the blessing of his equipment, his imposing manner reached his peak in an instant, which made Shang feel safe, so he stood up and pointed in a direction: "Go here!"

"How long can I get to the location?"

"At the current rate, it will take at least a year."


Jun often smiles and falls down.

The time limit given by the task is only three months. One year has passed, and daylily is so cool!

No, no!

In order to achieve 10 million spirits, speed must be increased to the extreme!

"call out--------"

There are faint ripples in the starry sky ~ ~ The ancient warship disappears in the place like a shuttle space.

"Can a hard-to-reach knife get through the midfield?"

On the way, Jun Changxiao has been thinking.

Although the arrival of the sideline task made him decide to punish and eliminate evil, but if the biggest hole card could not compete with this level, it would definitely be sent to death.

"Ask Erya," the system said.


Jun Chang smiled and patted his brain, and his soul merged into the prison tower of Tianyuan Town. He called the second girl who was managing the prisoner into the surveillance room and said, "Girl, have you heard of the Dark Lord?"

"the host."

Erya said disgustedly: "This young grandson, of course I have heard of it." Please Baidu, "Throw Book Network", thank you for your support! Reading Network

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