The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1219: Must be obliterated!

Little ... grandson?

Jun Chang smiled suddenly.

This title really despise a big devil!

"the host."

Erya curiously said, "Why would you mention the guy who was bullied by me for ten thousand years for no reason?"


Jun Chang smiled slightly.

Although not tasted by the town whip, although faintly expect.

However, several soul clan halls immediately succumbed to the goods and convinced themselves that the process must be very painful.

The so-called Dark Lord is bullied for 10,000 years by Erya, and that is hard to imagine!


Jun Chang smiled, sat down, waved his hands, and said, "Please tell the story of you and the Dark Lord."

Erya said: "There is a special dark attribute in the universal universe, which slowly gathers together in the long river to gather the evil devil."

"On the day it took shape, it was perceived by the power of the upper world to cast a tower to purify the evil energy of the world, and then suppressed the great devil who wanted to be a curse to the world of heaven.

"This tower is the Tianyuan Soul Tower?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.


Erya said, "And I just purify the evil energy in the world, and finally exist in the tower in the form of instrumental spirit."

Jun Chang smiled suddenly.

He knew that the Tianyuan Soul Tower was strong, but he did not expect it to come from the upper world.

No matter how powerful the equipment in the mortal universe is, it will definitely be overshadowed by comparison with the label of the upper bound.

"It's normal."

The system said: "After all, resist the thunderstorm."

"That's true, too."

Jun Chang smiled with great joy and said, "You and Tian Yuan Soul Tower exist to suppress the Dark Lord?"


Erya nodded.

Jun Chang laughed: "If you meet that guy again, can you fix it?"


Erya widened her eyes and said fiercely, "That little grandson bullied the master?"


Jun Chang smiled and pretended to be pitiful: "It's miserable to be bullied by him!"

"Brush! Brush!"

Suddenly, whip, candles, handcuffs, shackles, ropes and other tuning tools emerged from behind Erya, her eyes became extremely red, and said, "Master, I will help you get revenge!"

Zhao Doudou, who happened to have completed a spiritual counselling course for several prisoners, passed by the inspection room and saw the second girl who was blackened in the whole body, almost shocked to fall to the ground.

I am afraid that the Dark Lord will never think that he clearly does not know Jungou left, so he was arranged.

"Are you sure you can do it?"

"As long as the host smashes Tianyuan Soul Tower on him, leave the rest to me!"

"no problem!"

Defeating the Dark Lord with his own strength, Jun often laughs a little bit, but it should be easy if he just hits the tower.


Jun Chang laughed: "That guy has a group of men."

Erya said: "It must have come from its own dark attributes. As long as you control the deity, you can easily get it."

"So it is."

Jun Chang smiled a little surprised.

This Dark Demon King is already very strong, and he can transform ten low-level breakouts and 100,000 men, which can be called the top big boss in the world.

"If Erya can control it and a group of men, she can save a stamp of printing herself."

Jun Changxiao began to think that the demon king handed it to the Zhenlun Tower, and his men solved it with a difficult knife.

Although the final result will be weak for a long time, but for the 10 million nine-pin spirit stone, for a side mission, it is definitely worth it!

What's more, because of the two side missions that year, even the marriage of the Queen of Roses could be done, what else in the world would you dare not do!

The system murmured: "This is what the host remembered, not what I said!"

"Are you talking less?"


"call out!"

The Tonggu battleship was fully fired and was heading towards Tianyuan mainland at the fastest speed.

of course.

Energy consumption is also fast.

For the side missions and millions of spirit stones, Jun Changxiao totally ignores the cost.

And the closer to the Tianyuan continent, the more worried Shang Shangren was, for fear that the elder brother could not make the Dark Lord.

It doesn't matter if you die by yourself.

If the benefactors are involved, it is a bastard.

Jun Chang smiled to see his sorrow and comforted him: "Relax, in this mortal universe, no one can pose a threat to this seat."

"I hope so," Shang said secretly.


A month later.

After crossing the endless universe, the ancient warship finally flew into the area where the Tianyuan continent was located.


Jun Chang smiled and wondered, "Why are there so many deserted planes?"

After entering this area of ​​the universe, he passed by several planes one after another, but the result was that all of his auras were withered and deserted.

The vast universe contains numerous continents that can be adapted to live. Some will gradually reach the peak, and some will gradually decline. This is a normal law of nature.

However, it is a bit weird that the wasteland appears frequently in a small area.

"Brother Jun."

Shang Youjin clenched his fist and said, "The Dark Lord is born to eat away from the plane, and it's not just my Tianyuan continent."

"These planes are all evil?" Jun Chang laughed.

"No doubt about it!"


Jun Chang laughed secretly: "This powerful and evil creature can be classified as an epic task, at least how can it be divided into side tasks?"

"call out!"

The Tungu warship continued.

A few days later, hovering on a starry sky on a deserted plane.

This continent is very large, and the starfall continent can only be described as a child in front of it.

Look from the outside.

Inside there are many small cracks visible to the naked eye, as if torn apart at any time.

Shang Youjin clenched his fists on the deck, his eyes covered with bloodshots.

Jun Chang smiled and knew that this was the Tianyuan continent. From the perspective of the waste, it was completely worse than the previous one.

"call out!"

The Tungu warship flew in.

When looking through the wall barriers to see everything inside, Jun Chang laughed silently.

The whole world is full of rifts, pits are everywhere, and even the space is still in a state of collapse, as if it has just experienced a doomsday.

"Tick, tick."

Shang Youchen appeared to be standing stiff, his blood leaking down his fists and splashing on the floor.

Jun Chang smiled and didn't go to comfort ~ ~ Because he was thinking that if the starfall continent he lived in would also look like this, the anger and pain produced in his heart might not be weaker than him.

The ancient warship slowed down and flew through the broken mountains and rivers.

Vaguely, there is a long dead body under the ruins of a similar city.

Even in a huge pit, hundreds of thousands of bones were piled up. From the various actions listed, it was obvious that he had struggled before his death.

Not to mention that there are signs of quotient.

Jun Jun always laughs and sees such a picture. The grief memories from the indelible Chinese children and grandchildren swept across the sea, and the anger in the bones, blood, and soul ignited instantly.


"No money."

"This dark devil, I must obliterate!" Baidu please "Throw Book Network" thank you for your support! Reading Network

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