The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1221: Grandma, grandma.

Who said the villain died of too much talk?

The Dark Lord not only didn't talk much, and he didn't talk about it. He simply didn't go to the program to converge the powerful power and pressed him to laugh often!

With absolute spike power, who will beep if nothing is wrong.


Jun often laughed at the arrogance of that guy, making it look very unpleasant, so he did not hesitate to press it down, it felt like raising a hand to fight an annoying little fly.


The horrifying and evil air wave screamed first, blowing the black robe of Jun Changxiao directly, and exposing the brain that was still bright in the dark environment.

"It turned out to be bald." The Dark Lord dismissed.


Aren't you bald!

Jun often laughs too late, because the situation is very dangerous at this moment.

"call out!"

Suddenly, Xuanyuan's armor was restored to a full-scale eruption, and layers of defensive gas walls converged around it.

He can also sacrifice the Tianyuan Soul Tower to increase strength, but this is equivalent to exposure, which is not conducive to smashing it unexpectedly.

"His Royal Highness!"

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The wounded Tianyuan mainland warrior rushed forward and hugged Shang Shang to fly out of the area covered by the palm prints.

Because the power is locked by Jun Changxiao, although they are inevitably subject to the erosion of evil spirits, they finally escape under the pressure.


The huge palm print was pressed down, and the original broken ground was severely damaged again, and it quickly cracked.

Looking from the starry sky, the tiny cracks that were clearly visible on the plane have expanded a lot, and it is almost as if they are about to collapse.

The huge movement involved the stone room deep in the ground, and the surviving old women and children shivered violently during the tremor, all of which accelerated the speed of prayer.

In the face of a terrible catastrophe, they have no power to stop it, but only pray to heaven to save themselves.




The palm print pressed down the area, and the strong wind still roared.

The sky is surrounded by dust, making the dark world seem to be covered with a demon veil.



Several Tianyuan mainland warriors who brought Shang You mark to a safe area spurted out on the spot, their faces pale and difficult.

They were seriously wounded, and regardless of life and death, they rescued His Royal Highness regardless of evil spirits. At this moment, they have completely lost their combat effectiveness.

of course.

At this time, everyone did not care about themselves, but the dust-filled area.

Just the kind of power just now, the helper invited by the prince, if I can't hide, I'm afraid I will suffer!

"Jun ... Big Jun ..." Shang Youjin was worried.

Gradually, the dust dissipated under the strong wind, and Jun Changxiao appeared, making him happy.


The expression freezes in the next second.

The wounded Yuan continent warrior was stunned.

Even the Dark Lord appeared in amazement.

Everything in the area was clearly visible. They saw that Jun Chang smiled not only standing intact, but also a strange weapon floating around him.

Why strange?

Because no one has seen it, no one has heard it.

If you have to find a contrast from the shape, it is like a broom!

Not a broom.

It is a more advanced vacuum cleaner.

"Good risk, good risk."

Jun Chang smiled calmly, but he was secretly glad.

Just the power that was pressed down by the palm print just now, he may not be able to resist even if he has the Xuanyuan God Armor, so when it is connected, he will directly offer twenty magic vacuum cleaners.

This object has no effect on the handsome man and the starry five fighters, because the opponent can be regarded as a villain, not a demon.

The Dark Lord is different.

This guy is definitely a fighter in the devil's crooked way.

Immediately after the evil palm print was pressed down, Jun Changxiao first used the converged defense to offset the strength that he could bear, and then directly turned on the magic change vacuum cleaner enhancement mode, madly absorbing the remaining power!

To deal with the soul clan in the lurking warrior, a magic vacuum cleaner is enough.

In the face of this kind of big devil who can break through the middle of the air, even if most of the evil power is offset by the first laugh of the king, he cannot guarantee that twenty can be solved!

Fortunately, it worked!

As a cost, all twenty magic vacuum cleaners were exploded.


The Dark Lord said with interest: "What kind of treasure are you that can absorb the power of the King?"

"Lamb fat jade bottle." Jun Chang smiled lightly.


The Dark Lord is stunned.

It couldn't see anything about the broom-like thing to do with the bottle.

"of course."

Jun Chang laughed: "I still have a purple-gold-red gourd with incredible power. Would you like to try it?"


Here comes a spit of blood.


The Dark Lord said with a smile: "Although you have smashed a palm, you are still inevitably injured. Even if you have a treasure created by heaven and earth, how can you hurt the king!"


Jun Chang laughed to wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes resigned.

"come on."

The Dark Lord said: "Sacrifice your gourd and let the King see how unpredictable."

It is now quite certain that the helper invited here is very good. Now he is injured with one palm and can be pinched to death.


Jun Chang smiled and waved softly, and the lord's exclusive weapon pointed out the air.

"This is the gourd you said?" The Dark Lord frowned.

Just now it was obviously a broom-like weapon called a bottle, but now it is obviously a tickle-like weapon called a gourd. Does he bully himself without IQ?

Jun Chang smiled and pointed his finger toward the sky, and said, "Don't you think it looks like a gourd?"


The corner of the mouth of Shangyou is slightly drawn ~ ~ This weird thing is not like a gourd at all, but more like a special gesture.

"Less nonsense."

The Dark Lord sneered: "Hurry up and let my King see and see, how unpredictable!"


At this moment, Jun often laughed and drew a hand on the pointing mountain button. His eyes were wider than the bull's eye. First he locked the oss and then the surrounding black armored warriors. Look at you more in the crowd! "



Suddenly, the dark clouds in the sky were stirred, and then split into two strands, a cluster of giant finger patterns and a giant swirl pattern.

I'm coming!

The dog's most shameless indifference full screen aoe big move!


After being glanced at, the dark devil frowned, and at the moment when the dark clouds merged, there was a slight coolness coming from his butt!

"not good!"

His face changed suddenly and he waved his hand.


The invisible power suddenly appearing behind was tightly grasped, sneer: "Good boy, even use damage ..."

"call out!"

At this moment, Jun Chang smiled above his head, put on a difficult and enchanting pose only in jojo, and then pushed out in a heart shape, and said, "Go, my sweetheart!"


The Tianyuan Soul Tower appears out of thin air, and quickly grows infinitely from the pocket form, and then presses hard against the Dark Lord.

"Little grandson!"

"Aunt Grandma is here too!"

Erya's voice rang out of her ears, and the horror of the Dark Lord was exploded!


The huge Tianyuan Soul Tower fell to the ground fiercely, and the rolling dust rolled around, adding a bit of majesty and weight to it! Magic Moon Academy

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