The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1222: The principle of a constant laugh!

After all, the Dark Lord has a human-like body, so pointing at Jiang Shan's nirvana has an effect on it.

However, after the vortex in the sky and the fingers were fused, the invisible force formed was just released and had not reached the designated position, and was caught by the opponent's prediction.

This shows.

As the lord's exclusive magic soldier, it is difficult to shake the median to break through the air.

Jun Chang laughs without surprise or frustration, because pointing to the nirvana is nothing but a trick, the real purpose is to create a better opportunity for himself!


"My sweetheart!"

Under the shameful drinking, Tianyuan Soul Tower finally appeared gorgeously!

The dark great demon who is distracted and grabs the invisible power is difficult to make effective defense in the first time, and it is also inevitable to be smashed.

Of course, with its strength, even if the 100,000 mountains are pressed down, there will be no damage, but the sound of Wanzai, which tortures itself like a nightmare, sounds, and the scalp bursts instantly.

"Little grandson, I'll train you from today."

"Little grandson, I'll call my aunt grandma when I see you later."

"Little grandson, which one do you choose today?"

"Little grandson, I'm here again."

The scenes of the once embarrassing past are presented in the depths of memory, so that the Dark Lord is in deep fear, and eventually loses his resistance, letting the Tianyuan Soul Tower fall down fiercely.


Fifty thousand years ago.

There is an evil spirit in the universal universe, which feeds on the evil thoughts of Cangsheng.

Forty thousand years ago.

The evil spirits gathered together and gave birth to the carcass.

Thirty thousand years ago.

Wisdom is born in the matrix and has self-awareness.

20,000 years ago.

After continuing to ingest the evil thoughts, the fetal body began to evolve into an entity.

Fifteen thousand years ago.

Just as a child, the Dark Devil finally stepped out of the evil. He just appeared a grinning smile and was taken away by a set of soul towers condensed by the upper world. He was pressed into the demon valley of the Tianyuan continent and began to experience the torture in all directions.

It is already a tragedy that the Purple King Demon King died before he succeeded.

As an evil spirit born in the universal universe, it hasn't even begun to show its fists, and it has been dealt without even saying a few lines, which is really more tragic.


Every night, the cry of the Dark Lord can always be heard in the Valley of Seals.

The warrior was horrified when he heard it, and identified it as the most dangerous forbidden land on the mainland. It spread ten times and ten hundred times, leaving all the legends that there are terrible creatures in the valley.

He has been trained by Erya for 10,000 years, from child to adult.

Just before being purified into a beneficial creature, the Dark Lord finally hoped for the light, because the Soul Tower that was pressed on his head suddenly disappeared!

Excited, excited.

It is difficult to describe the mood at that time.

The Dark Lord did not come out for the first time, because he was purified for thousands of years, and he needed to re-cultivate evil spirits and restore the style that a king should have.

Another five thousand years have passed.

It finally retrieved the once lost wind, easily broke the seal, and landed on the Tianyuan continent with an invincible attitude.


After a certain period of time, the disappearing Tianyuan Soul Tower suddenly appeared, and then put it in again.

Looking at the experience of the Dark Lord from birth to the present day, it is completely born, suppressed, unblocked, and then suppressed.



Howling winds shattered space.

After nearly 100,000 black armored warriors fell to the ground in the Tianyuan Soul Tower, they seemed to have lost their souls, staying in place as if they were wooden chicken pestles, and the ones hanging in the sky fell like crazy flies.

Shang has stupid eyes.

The wounded Tianyuan mainland warrior also stunned.

What the **** is going on?

Gradually, the dust gathered around them disappeared, everything became clearly visible, and they saw the Tianyuan Soul Tower standing like a mountain.

"this is……"

Shang Youjin exclaimed: "My Tianyuan continent disappears!"

He has not seen the Tianyuan Soul Tower, but has read relevant records from the literature, so he immediately judged from the momentum and form!

The wounded warriors also widened their eyes.

The artifact that has been mysteriously disappeared for thousands of years will appear again in the world!


Is this dreaming!

At this moment, the rolling black clouds converging in the sky gradually dispersed, representing the bright sun shining on the earth.

Feeling the warmth of a long absence, the wounded soldiers kneeled on the ground, supporting their bodies with both hands, and tears rolled down like rain.



The black armored warriors gathered together and began to explode until they became nothing, and the dark nature of the existence of the Tianyuan continent completely disappeared.

"call out!"

Jun Chang smiled and waved his hand, and the huge Soul Tower flew into the pocket quickly.


Suddenly in front of Shang Youchen who was in a daze, he said, "Everything is over."


Shang Youkeng knelt down on the ground, grateful and said, "Thank you Brother Jun for destroying this devil for my Tianyuan continent!"

Jun Chang laughed and lifted him up with a strong spirit, righteously stunned: "Punishment and removal of evil are things that every brave and righteous person should do."

"Brother Jun!"

I still have a few space rings from where I have no idea, and said, "Please accept these millions of spirit stones!"

"Do not!"

Jun Chang smiled and frowned, "You are insulting me!"

"Very man."

The system has been with him for so long ~ ~ This is the first time I have seen good things without collecting money.

"Some money can be collected, some money can't be collected." Jun Changxiao proudly said: "This is the principle of my Chang Chang laugh!"

Shang Youchen said: "Brother Jun helped me to remove the Devil from the Tianyuan continent. Of course, these spirits should be collected."


Jun Chang laughed unmoved.

"Brother Jun ..."

"Since you are so sincere, I can collect these ten million spirit stones."

Jun Chang smiled earnestly, "But it's not because he helped you destroy the Dark Lord's reward, but the cost of worshipping under this door."

"it is good!"

Shang marks happy.

Because of this, Jun Chang smiled and accepted millions of spirit stones, but just as a disciple's entry fee, it did not destroy the Star Devil's sake, so he frankly said, "I have not violated my principles!"

The system growled: "Which entry fee will cost ten million yuan!"

"my home."

Jun Chang smiled proudly and said, "Eternity is the strongest!"


The system is already powerless and can only be left to the readers.


Inside the Tianyuan Soul Tower.

Zhao Doudou in the surveillance room couldn't bear to look directly from the light curtain.

The prisoners held in the ninth-floor prison shivered in the corner, sometimes closing their eyes and sometimes secretly opening their eyes to the imaging array.


The three stars of the sky swallowed together, shaking their hands violently.

Even the iron-skinned green-skinned brother glanced behind the light curtain, his brow and muscles on his face jumped wildly.

Why do they have such expressions? Because just now a prisoner came and was hung up with ropes. He was being subjected to the cruelest and most terrible torture of the prison director.



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