The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1237: untitled

The prisoner held in a layer of **** is not too strong, and it is a handsome force in the sky.

This level is common in prisons, even outside.

To be honest, it's a bit of a dish.

Jun Chang smiles and fights with a variety of hole cards.

The fortress defined him as the principal offender, not because of the realm, but because of the ability to eavesdrop on others' hearts.

the words said.

Pass the sound.

Even the thoughts in my heart can be easily stolen.

This special skill is very powerful. Especially in the battle, you can gain insight into the enemy's thoughts.

This is indeed the case.

Before he came in, the main culprit was rarely defeated until he was spotted by ...

This shows that the ability to pry into the heart is not absolutely invincible, and he can only be a grandson in the face of a stronger martial artist than himself.

However, the principal has now collapsed.

The bald man who just came in and solved the thousands of prison uniforms, the overall strength is barely touching the lower threshold of breaking the air, why can't he hear his heart?

In front of the same level and even lower levels, the special skills are definitely tried and tested. Now it seems like a failure, it must be unhappy, and it must be understood.


The blindfold man said, "Here is the guy!"

Prisoners stacked together, can't care about body pain at this moment, because the sea of ​​knowledge is dominated by fear!

The principal offender in the first floor of **** sits like a monk all the time in the area where the lights cannot cover. Although there is no sense of existence, the inmates are still very jealous. After all, being a fortress is defined as the main offender, it is definitely a mess!


Everyone almost vomited blood on the spot!

Jun Chang laughed and said that it was because he was handsome and he was not spied.

How shameless he is to say such shameless words? And it ’s so natural and smooth? Even the facial expressions have a ‘I ’m so handsome’ feeling!

The principal offender was also stunned.


He grinned, "Your cheeks are thick, I'm afraid they're not weaker than the guy locked up below."

"It's not thick-skinned, but ... it's true." Jun Chang smiled and said without a red face.


The system said: "I first declare that the host has not been heard to have any relationship with himself. This is most likely because the skin is too thick to penetrate!"

The principal guilty smiled: "Listening to what you said, want to be a **** boss?"


Jun Chang laughed: "Do you agree or disagree?"

"He ~ tui!"

The principal spit a sputum, raised his head, looked at the dog left with his nostrils, and proudly said, "I, against."


Suddenly, a loud noise came!

Jun Changxiao had already appeared in front of the main criminal, and the psionic energy gathered in his right fist exploded on his stomach. The air wave erupted instantly, sweeping the blindfold male and others away.


There will be sanctions!

On the battlefield, Jun Chang laughed, and when he came to a prison that pays more attention to strength, as long as someone dared to oppose himself, he would surely carry out the madness!

Your emperor is here.

This sentence is really not just a dog left.

Especially in the prison, not only must the nine emperors trapped be rescued, but the prisoners here must be uniformed!


My eternal ancestral Tianyuan town prison tower, need them to infuse the soul!

Before entering the ninth-floor hell, Jun Chang laughed and thought that if the fortress offends himself, he releases all the prisoners inside and keeps them busy.

After coming in, I saw so many prisoners of extraordinary strength and suddenly changed their plans.

He is also jailed in fortress hell, and jailed in eternity. Since they are all jailed, why not transfer them all over and then raise good food and dishes for disciples?

This idea is very dead.



The attacked principal stepped back a few steps.

With only a handsome force, he couldn't capture the heart of Jun Changxiao, which is equivalent to being abolished half of his martial arts.


The main criminal covered his chest and said angrily, "Stealing ..."

"call out!"

Jun Changxiao suddenly disappeared in place, and immediately behind him, his right fist was shrouded in mechanical arms, with the dual blessing of the realm and props, he suddenly gathered more powerful power!

Don't say it.

This God-changing prop that has been purchased for a long time, with the dog's remaining strength continues to improve, is still on the verge of being eliminated, and strive to release its own value!


There was a stronger roar again in the first layer of hell, and then the main offender pulled out of the ground and took off, hitting the prison wall severely in a positive posture.

"Oh my God!"

The blindfold man's eyes stared round.

The main criminal in the first layer of hell, not to mention having special abilities, alone has reached the lower level of breaking through the air, and he has lost to the bald man!


The prisoner's face lying in the distance was a little exciting.

Such a fierce guy, even running out of his brain, ‘enter’ him, it ’s really a long life star!


At this moment, Jun Changxiao rushed back and clasped a hand on the back of the principal criminal, and then repeatedly walked towards the wall. He immediately heard the sound of 'Boom Boom'.

The blindfold man and the prisoners were numb with scalp.


Too cruel!

Is it because of the terrible ill-treatment that the principal said that I objected?

Xin Wei himself chose to agree with the situation at the time ~ ~ Otherwise, by the way, the two previous readers who opposed in the chapter review are okay now?




In the first layer of hell, the intense collision sounds frequently came, and it sounded cold to the back, and it was creepy!


Although the main offender breaks through the air, if you don't rely on special abilities, it is really very ordinary.

Does Jun often laugh?

A long time ago, the handsome man was solved. Although he used various hole cards, it was not high at that time. Now he not only breaks through the Great Satisfaction, but also triggers the epic task!

Whenever a state reaches its highest point, an epic task is triggered?

This also shows that Jun Changxiao has reached the extreme in the level of great consummation, which is a small step away from entering the Emperor Wudi.

The enemy is a handsome male, and the dog left himself has been greatly improved. Later, he was also tempered by the spirit of the fire soul, and Dantian kept two baby spirits.

So when it comes to real strength, even if there is no blessing of the sword and the power of the stone statue, you can completely break through the air with the power of a handsome man, and even cruelly savage it.


After more than ten minutes of violent violence and hundreds of violent abuses, the ‘I ’m against’ culprit lay on the ground like mud, because his head hit the prison wall with a swell to an indescribably miserable level.


Jun Chang squatted with a smile, holding his prison uniform, his voice was somber: "I am the boss of a layer of hell, do you agree or disagree?"


The blindfolder in the distance and the prisoner lying on the ground pretending to cry in unison: "This is not a prisoner who comes in, a terrible devil!"


ps, took a day's car, and finally came home, tired physically and mentally, today 1 more, tomorrow will start to adjust more and more. Magic Moon Academy

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