The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1238: 谛 Listen to the dignity!

Prisoners confined to a layer of **** will be bullied by the first comer, which has become a common practice.

However, after Jun Chang laughed in, the situation changed, because he abused his thousands of prisoners who greeted him, and he also abused the principal.

It wasn't the prisoner that Starry Fortress brought in, but a blue-faced fangs devil.

"But ... hate ..."

The battered and miserable principal had a very strange complexion.

How long have I been the boss in a layer of hell?

Jun Chang smiled coldly and said, "Are you still opposed?"


Suddenly, the principal yelled angrily!


Suddenly, the majestic and full-bodied air wave emerged from the whole body and shrouded him and Jun Chang laugh instantly.

The blindfold man rushed away in shock, and the prisoner who pretended to be dead quickly got up and ran away. The speed was as fast as if he was not injured.


When everyone reached a place that they thought was absolutely safe, a deafening roar came, and the body was eroded instantly, and all of them blew out on the spot.



Ripples of energy frequently ripple in the prison!

In the condensed air waves, a monster like a dragon and a dragon and a dog and a dog gradually appeared, with a horn on its head.


Shang was scared and said: "Really listening!"


Howling winds, extremely cold!

Jun Chang's laughing body gradually appeared.

He stood in front of the behemoth, and his physique was only comparable to the other's toes.


谛 Listening to anger and opening his eyes, he made a low voice: "The dignity of psychic beasts is not something you can profane!"

"Dead to me!"


He lifted his big feet, and stepped on Zhaojun often with a smile, and the power contained was as heavy as a mountain!

After the beast transforms itself, all aspects will be greatly improved, so the current listening is definitely more than one handsome power, definitely one ... five handsome powers.


The strong air waves swept out in all directions.

Fortunately, the prisoners hid far enough, although the impact was unavoidable, but the power was relatively weakened.

"The culprit is crazy!"

The goggles man's gaze panicked.

He knew that Hearing was a beast, but for the first time today, he saw it revealing this seat.

The new prisoner can force the opponent to this, absolutely dead without regrets!

and many more!

The blindfold man's eyes almost stared out of his eyes!

In the field of vision, the huge soles of the feet did not fit together with the ground, because Jun Chang laughed and held his hands in the shape of a sky, and proudly carried it down!


At the same time, the whole body was shrouded in golden light, and after dissipating, Xuanyuan God armor appeared, revealing a daunting momentum!

"how is this possible!"

谛 Listening is incredible.

Although his own strength is not the strongest in the universal universe, but the transformation of the ontology and kicking it down is by no means easy for ordinary subordinates to break through the air!


Jun Chang smiled and frowned, "How long have you not washed your feet?"


After speaking, I could not spit it out.

谛 Listen to Jun Chang smile who is hard to hurt Xuanyuan's armor.

But those feet that haven't been washed for thousands of years have brought a negative attack on the other party, which is ... how stinky.

"piss off!"

The dog was angry, two kinds of infant spirits in Dantian flashed light, two special but powerful forces, rushed up along the left and right arms, and directly lifted the smelly big feet up.

I heard panic in my eyes.

The next second, the giant body fell uncontrollably to one side.


The huge body like a mountain fell to the ground, and the blindfold man and other prisoners were stunned.

Not to mention listening to the power of one's own existence, that weight alone was actually lifted directly, which is too exaggerated!

"call out!"

At this moment, Jun Chang laughed and flew up in the air, stretched out his right hand to face down and listened angrily, "Lao Tzu to help you wash your feet!"


Suddenly, the fiery flames poured out like a fountain.



The flames containing the purification power shrouded the big feet, and then began to burn from the inside out, listening to the screams that sounded like killing pigs, making people's scalp burst!

The spirit of the fire soul can purify the evil spirit, and it also has an effect on the beast, because there will be radon in the body after all!



The hot flames burned madly, even as if sticking, and did not go out no matter how shaking, but with the crazy resistance, it became stronger.

The burning from above and the torture on the soul made Mi listen to the pain, and the screams they made were all changed.


The blindfold men and the prisoners smelled the barbecue.


Jun Chang smiled and flew over, hovering on the head of the listener, and said, "You are not clean all over. I'll wash it for you!"


The more powerful fire soul burst out, like a wave.


The blindfolded men swallowed saliva.

Such a loud momentum and such a strong flame, if it is burned in full shroud, it will definitely be more terrible than the pan!

At the moment when the flames were crushed, I listened and gave up the dignity that a beast should have, and said in pain: "I ... agree! Ahhhh!"


The hot flame suddenly stopped in place ~ ~ and immediately returned to the host and merged with the fire spirit.


Jun Chang smiled and landed on the listening head, touching one hand on the horn, and said softly, "Be obedient, obedient, and sign a master-servant contract with me."


The corners of the mouth twitched.

Signing a master-slave contract is tantamount to betrayal, and even deprivation of liberty.


The flames that exist on the big feet are still burning, and the sound of ‘crampling’ can be heard faintly.

谛 Listening is really uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, no one like Li Fei can tell.

In just 0.11 seconds, it made a decision about whether the future is good or bad: "I ... I agree ..."

"call out!"

The flame that burned the body and steamed the soul disappeared.

The huge hooves have been grilled, and men with blindfolds can come and take a bite to give a taste evaluation.


Without the torture of the power of the fire soul, although listening to it was painful, at least he was relieved from the oil pan, then he relaxed his mind and began to sign a master-slave contract with Jun Changxiao. He shed tears in his heart: "I should not come out ..."


After half an hour.

Jun often laughed and jumped down from his head.

The latter fell to the ground in a respectful voice: "See Master."


Everyone was immediately messy.

In a short time, the main criminal in a layer of **** can listen to the beast of the heart of all things, so he was surrendered by the bald man, and also became his contract beast!

If you hadn't witnessed it, you might think you were dreaming!


Because Xiao Sin was not around, Jun Chang laughed and took out a chair by himself, then sat on it, tilted Erlang's legs, and glanced at the prisoners coldly, saying: "From now on, I am the boss of a hell." Moon Academy

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