The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1239: He's here, he's here, he's really here!

A layer of hell.

The style of painting has become very harmonious from the fighting and the heat just now.

Men with blindfolds and prisoners gathered around Jun Changxiao. Some of them shrugged their shoulders, some pinched their backs, and specially handed tea. They bowed their knees to the extreme.


The dog left his mouth to gargle with tea, then spit it over his head and spit into the bowl. A gangster said, "Is there a way to go to the second hell?"

Although a layer of **** was settled, there are still eight below, and the road to conquest by the emperor is just beginning.


Blindfold male said: "Hell below is more scary than one, it's better not to ..."

Seeing that Jun Chang's smile gradually grew colder, he hurriedly pointed to the distance and changed his words: "There is a teleportation array in front, which can lead to the second floor!"

"What conditions are needed?"

"No, as long as you are willing to go in, it will be teleported immediately!"

"It's quite simple."

Jun Chang smiled with a smile on his face.

"the host."

Hearing with an illusion of an adult form, lying on the ground with a weak face, said: "If it is not directly sent in by the fortress, all who rely on the formation method to go down will be regarded as a door challenge!"

"It's okay to say that you won."

"Once you lose, you will be held forever in the **** you enter."


In order to show his absolute surrender, the blindfold man said: "Since **** was established, few people dare to take the initiative, the boss must think twice!"


Jun Chang stood up with a smile, and everyone retreated.

"I have to do something that others dare not do." Saying it, striding meteor toward the teleportation array.

"Boss is really a man!"

"Boss is mighty!"

The prisoners watched Jun Chang laugh and walked.

Of course, this is by no means flattery, but really admired. After all, he has been held for so long. For the first time, I saw someone dare to take the initiative to go to the second hell!

In fact, the strength and crimes of the prisoners determine the level at which they are being locked up, and the Star Fortress has a detailed division.

The first layer of **** belongs to the popular prison. The charges are not very large, and the strength is not very high, and they will be held here. As for the second and third layers, one layer is definitely stronger than the other, and one layer is more terrifying.


Shang You marks: "Disciple go with you!"

Although he has just joined the Vanguard Sect, although he has not experienced the Zongmen culture, he seems to have been blessed by the late Wang head.

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "It may be dangerous below, so you stay in a hell."

Coming here is equal to entering the training tower to break through the barriers. The follow-up is bound to become more and more difficult. He really does not want to take his disciples to take risks.

The system said: "Don't you just want to bring a towing oil bottle into it, do you have to build yourself a tall image of the sovereign?"

"Dove kiss!"


Shang Youjin also knew a few kilograms or two. After a short consideration, he said, "The disciples are here to stay, waiting for the return of the suzerain."


Jun Chang laughs and moves on.

Soon, I saw the end of darkness, a pattern of matrix formations that seemed to be ineffective.


The blindfold man said, "This is the teleportation array."

Jun Chang smiled and nodded.

As I was about to go in, I suddenly remembered something and asked, "I have a mark. If you meet your ancestors below, do you have anything to tell him?"


Shang Youjin remembered that his ancestors were still in **** this time, so he hurriedly took out a thing and said, "Zongzhu, this is a token of my Dashang Empire. If you encounter a disciple ancestor, you can transfer this thing to him."

It was a token engraved with the word "Shang". It contained a special power on the surface. After receiving it, Jun Changxiao didn't go to snoop. Then he got up and stepped into the formation. He gazed at the blindfold and said, "You guys, serve your disciples. And the contract beast, if there is a little discomfort ... "

"call out!"

Before he finished speaking, he was teleported away.

In fact, the dog left a bit redundant, because immediately after he left, the blindfold man and the prisoners immediately gathered around, treating Shang Youchen as an uncle, and took him to the chair to pinch his back.


Second floor hell.

Guan Jiu and He Qi stood tremblingly in front of the two stone platforms, and then lay down very skillfully.



Standing behind, Huo Yaoxie raised his hand and smacked them on the buttocks regularly, with a happy expression on his face.

This kind of interest in spanking and listening is also gone.


The strength of the Huo Xie demon is not small, Guan Jiu and He Qi are in pain.

However, during the process of violence, they did not dare scream because it would make the other party worse.

"the host!"

"Come and save us!"

Guan Jiu and He Qi were painful in their hearts.

This 'master' does not refer to the Lord of the fortress, but to the monarch who laughs often.

The brothers were detained in the second floor of **** for a long time, and it is speculated that the reason for the imprisonment may be due to exposure. When they are violent to collapse, they can only ask him for help in their hearts.

of course.

Guan Jiu and He Qi are very clear, but this is only their own fantasy.

In fact, how could the host come to such a dangerous place to save himself, and even accidentally become a prisoner!


Huo Xiong is still waving his palm, his expression is more and more calm.

Hiding in the dark, those prisoners who had been tortured were frightened, all sympathized, and secretly said, "I hope that he can be satisfied, otherwise, the big guys will suffer!"


Suddenly, the teleportation array in the distance flickered, and then a streamer enchantment emerged.


The second-tier **** prisoner was stunned.

"I go!"

"A prisoner on the ground floor has taken the initiative?"

The second-tier teleportation has been around for a long time, because it can only be uploaded and not uploaded, so there is no sense of presence at all. Now suddenly starting, it will naturally surprise prisoners!


Huo Xun Yao stopped the violence, turned his head and grinned, "It has been a long time that the bold and innocent prisoners dare to come from one floor to the other."

Guan Jiu and He Qi were also amazed.

The brothers were former strongholds and had a general understanding of the situation in hell.

This kind of upload is really rare, unless ... someone drinks too much, or wants to pursue more extreme stimulation.

"What are you doing?"

Huo Liyin yelled: "Not ready to prepare yet, welcome the upcoming guests!"

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Suddenly ~ ~ The second-tier **** prisoners marched towards the formation.

Because everyone happens to be facing away from the camera, they can clearly see that their buttocks are swollen and their walking postures become quite weird.


It doesn't seem to be tortured.

Guan Jiu and He Qi were delighted in their hearts.

Suddenly someone went from the first floor to the second floor without fear of death, which just caught Huo's attention, and he could get a short-term relief!

"call out!"

Just at this moment, the light of the teleportation array weakened, a figure gradually appeared, then stepped out, spreading his hands and saying, "Second floor hell, your emperor is here!"

This look, this voice ...

The expressions on Guan Jiu and He Qi suddenly stiffened, and then with an unbelievable look in his heart, he exclaimed: "Here's here, he's here, he's really here!"

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