The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1240: Protect me ...!

Although Jun Chang laughed easily, the low-pitched voice was not intentionally changed, so when he stepped out of the teleportation array and spoke, Guan Jiu and He Qi were immediately heard.

I was still praying for the owner to save myself, but it did n’t take long for me to come down from a layer of hell. It was simply ... if it wasn't for the pain in the buttocks, the brothers might think it was a dream.


Jun Chang smiled and frowned.

After entering the second level of hell, he loved to capture two extremely familiar breaths instantly, so he looked at it and immediately discovered Guan Jiu and He Qi!


How could the two of them be in prison?


Why do the two of them lie on the table, and why their **** is so swollen that it is almost heavenly!

The questions in my head instantly gathered into a problem, that is, being beaten and abused!

Guan Jiu and He Qi were also watching Jun Chang laughing, and every day after he was in prison was fast forwarded, his eyes suddenly became wet.

They couldn't care less about hiding, and were distraught: "Master ... save us!"

The six words full of endless grievances made readers cry and let Jun Chang laugh and listen to his face gloomy.

"Who hit?"


Huo Xiong grinned.

He secretly said, "This little guy is fine-skinned and tender-skinned, and it must be very comfortable if hit on the butt."

In a short time, he had sketched various pictures in his mind, the more he smiled the more he thought about it.

Readers who change into normal novels will definitely tag this person with villains, and it will be more difficult to tolerate the protagonist being bullied. I ’m afraid readers of the dogs will collectively say, let that kind of picture come, we ca n’t wait!

After seeing the word "Principal Offender" written on the prisoner's uniform, Jun Chang smiled coldly and said, "You are the boss of the second floor hell?"


Huo Xun demon laughed.

Jun Chang smiled a little unexpectedly.

I didn't expect to come directly to the boss in the second floor hell, it can be done directly, save effort and time!

"His first name?"

"Huo Hao Yao!"


Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "Isn't the name the other way round?"

He pointed to Guan Jiu and He Qi, and said lightly, "The two you hit are yours."

"So what?" Huo Xunyin grinned.

"The sayings are good." Jun Chang laughed. "You still have to watch the owner when hitting the dog. Your wife has abused my two men so miserably, it is ..."


Suddenly disappeared, appearing in front of Huo Yaoxie, the powerful force gathered suddenly fists in the fist.

"call out"

The powerful fist passed directly through the opponent's body and then dissipated like a cloud of smoke.

Jun Chang smiled and frowned, "Clone !?"


At this moment, the sound of cold wind came from the side, and the strength he carried suddenly made him feel bad.

Although Jun Changxiao is cheating all the way, the actual combat experience is still very rich, so when you feel the danger, you can't effectively avoid it, and immediately gather the defense enchantment on the side!

At this point alone, there is a fan of martial arts master!


The force pressed from the side, Leng Buerer changed his position, first bypassing the defensive air wall, and then banging at a tricky angle that Jun Chang laughed at unexpectedly.


The crisp voice sounded in the second floor of hell. After hearing the prisoners and Guan Jiu'er, the muscles on the buttocks became stiff.


Jun Chang screamed, then rolled back, covering his hit buttocks, with a sullen and angry expression on his face!

He was based on the thinking of a normal person, and laid out the defense at the fastest time, but he never expected that the other party was not a normal person, and the attack was still the hip, and he was inevitably hit!


Huo Xiong raised his hand and smiled: "The **** is quite tender."

Seeing the weird smile on that guy's face, Jun Chang laughed and growled, "You're a metamorphosis!"

"the host……"

Guan Jiu hurriedly whispered: "This guy likes spanking other people, you ... you have to be careful!"

Like spanking?

Jun Chang smiled slightly.

No wonder both of them and the nearby prisoners have swollen to varying degrees!

Just now, I take it back!

This is a downright metamorphosis!

Let's not talk about the worst things you haven't done. If you have such a bad taste, you should be detained in prison!

Although Jun Chang laughed in anger, he didn't rush up, because he just made it clear that the opponent's strength is definitely better than that of Hei Ting, and he was a little troublesome to get him.


Huo Xunxiao laughed: "Hurry up your butt."


Jun Chang smiled and clenched his fists.

This lead criminal is really a dazzling product, really embarrassing!

"Ding! The side mission is triggered!"

There was a sound in his ear, and Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "Willn't it let me solve him?"

Open the data panel and click on the sideline task. The dog left just glanced at it and passed out, because the content is

The host is not allowed to be spanked 1/10 times by Huo Shao Yao within 30 minutes, otherwise the mission fails.

"He meows!"

"What a ghost mission!"

The side missions either defeat or kill, or belong to a time limit. This kind of protection from being spanked by the target is simply amazing!

Moreover, what makes Jun Chang laugh most unacceptable is that even if the task is not played before it comes, the Nima is shameless!

The system vomits: "May be infected by the host."


Suddenly, Demon Huo appeared behind him!

Although Jun Changxiao found and tried to defend the first time, he still couldn't help, and his right buttock was hit again.

The task panel immediately became 2/10 times.




At this moment, Huo Xie Yao used his left and right hands in succession, hitting Jun Changxiao's **** with a tricky angle one after another, and the value soared to 6/10 times.

One minute has passed, half of the task has been exceeded, and I persist for 29 minutes without any hope!


Jun often yelled with a smile.


Huo Xiuhao took another opportunity to strike again, a Tao Ran smile appeared on his face, apparently more comfortable than Daguanjiu and Heqi.


Jun Chang laughed and couldn't sit still, hurriedly displayed his body and ran.

Since the task keeps you from being beaten 10 times, as long as you safely spend 29 minutes, you are done!

If you are going to win against Huo Yaoxie, Jun Changxiao may need to use your hole cards, but if you choose to avoid, there should be no problem.

"My **** is really personal ..."


With full speed, Jun Chang laughed and was beaten on the **** again. His opponent's hands seemed to be magical, and he could suddenly come out in an area where he could not spy!

"the host!"

Guan Jiuzhuan said: "This person has special ability, can hit the buttocks 100%, even if the layout is no matter how strong the enchantment!"

"I'll go to his uncle!"

Jun often laughed and scolded in his heart.


At this moment, Huo Xun Yao once again hit the dog's left buttocks, the number of times increased from 8 to 9 times.

Jun Changxiao's mentality exploded!

He had been beaten nine times before he had meowed for a minute!


Suddenly ~ ~ came the funny smile of Huo Yaoxie in his ear, and said, "I am here, I am really here!"


The palm print containing some power, waved through the defense enchantment condensed by Jun Changxiao, is close to the buttocks!


Just before the mission was about to fail, Jun Chang laughed that the attributes of the small universe Chakra ’s armed color were completely solved, and then the roar of the blue muscles shouted: “Look through!


The picture of the second floor **** seems to freeze instantly.

Slightly ...

"Oh oh oh oh oh"


ps, there is more in the afternoon, for tickets.

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