The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1243: How many dishes do you drink like this?

Jun Chang laughs well, but the poems and songs are a lot worse.

However, this does not prevent him and Xingyunzi from competing with each other in writing, because when they got up and leaped, chicly waving ink, various ancient poetry selections were presented in the sea like a barrage!

Dog left is really not fighting alone!

The paintings are dusty, and the dots depict the sky.

Poems of ten thousand volumes, thousands of wines, and several times looked at Wang Hou.

The previous sentence fully expressed the tendency of Xing Yunzi to swallow the mountains and rivers, and even put himself at the top, drawing sentient beings with strokes, and taking the palms with ink.

Jun Changxiao is selected from the Northern Song Dynasty poet Zhu Dunru's 鹧鸪 天 · 西 都 for the segment, which shows a kind of wild uninhibited.



After carefully tasting Xingyunzi, she was quite ashamed and said, "My husband is not as good as my friends!"

Poetry can write a person's state of mind, such as the two paragraphs he wrote, consider himself to be the king, and reach the pinnacle of arrogance.

On the other hand, Jun Changxiao wrote that it means transcendence, even disregarding all the rich and powerful, and only obeying the will.

"The old man is still obsessed with the world, and the little friend has surpassed the world. This state of shame is not as good." Xingyunzi staggered and waved: "Please!"

Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "This won?"

It is a bit of a surprise to just copy an ancestor's poem and let the principal criminal in the fourth floor of **** confess his defeat.


Jun Chang smiled with a graceful arch, and then stepped towards the teleportation array leading to the fifth floor of hell.

If the bosses in the back are all fighting, not fighting, that's great.

"You think too much."

Systematic Road: "After all, there are very few strong people who can learn from the text."

Just before Jun Chang laughed and came to the teleportation circle, Nebula was still standing in place, carefully evaluating every word and every stroke written on the Xuan paper, sometimes falling into thought, sometimes like awakening.


Five levels of hell.

Jun Chang laughed out of the streamer formation.

It's no different from the previous few times. A large number of prisoners have come to 'welcome'. Although some of them are not too high in rank, their overall strength is obviously stronger than the previous layers.


At the end of the prisoner, a middle-aged man with a bare upper body was lying on the ground, grinning, "Are you going to fight with Lao Tzu?"

There are many empty wine jars around him, and the whole face is flushed, which shows that he drank a lot and even talked with a bald mouth.


Jun Chang laughed and found that the prisoners around him exuded a strong taste of wine, and some of them were standing steadily, so he muttered, "How many dishes are you drinking?"

"Give you two choices."

The middle-aged man drank a booze and stretched out three fingers: "Either fight with Lao Tzu or kneel down and call Grandpa."

Jun Chang smiled and asked, "How do you fight for wine?"


Forty altars of unopened wine flew in, neatly aligned.

The middle-aged man flew up, then lay on it, holding his head with one hand, and smiled, "You and I are half of you, whoever can drink can still stand, even if anyone wins."


Jun Chang murmured in his heart, "This is to replace wine with wine. I knew I had brought Aniu."

I do n’t know if the dog is left. At the moment in the ancient ancestors, Li Qingyang and others are looking for the night star in Manzongmen, because the latter drank several bowls of drunk life and dreamed of death.


In the spirit beast peak, there was a roar of the purple prince demon king, and then Pei Niu, who had been drunk and unconscious, was dropped.

"Is there any benefit to winning?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.

Middle-aged humanity: "Since you dare to come from four layers of **** to five layers of hell, it means that you are confident in your strength. If you win me, you will be considered the boss."

Jun often laughs and his eyes light up.

First of all, it is replaced by wine, and now it is replaced by wine. There is no need to fight, so you can save the psionic energy very well and cope with the follow-up prison boss!

"of course."

The middle-aged man yawned and pointed at the prisoners curled up in the dark and said, "If you lose, you will become the exclusive sandbag of Lao Tzu just like him."

Jun Chang smiled and pervaded his thoughts, and found that the person's strength was okay, but his face was blue and purple, and it seemed that he was not bullied.

"it is good."

The dog left: "Punch!"

In terms of drinking, Jun Chang laughs, although he is not particularly good at it, but if he can force alcohol out of the body with psionic energy, he can completely get a thousand cups without getting drunk!


In the center of the five-floor hell, there is a large round table on which not only are dozens of altars placed, but also many below.

Jun Changxiao and middle-aged people sit in east and west directions, a few meters apart.

Thousands of prisoners were all around, apparently intending to do it.

"I said……"

Jun Chang smiled and said silently: "Oh, what a nice dish of peanuts!"

Middle-aged humanity: "The real master of alcoholics does not need to order food."


Jun Chang smiled.


The middle-aged person pushed a jar of wine over and said, "Lao Tzu allows you to force the wine out of your body. If you can stand up after drinking, then you win!"

Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "This wine is by no means easy!"

"Little friend ..." Suddenly, the sound of the voice sounded in his ear: "The drunk fairy wine in front of you, as long as you drink it, you can't be forced out!"

Jun Chang smiled without expression, but in fact, he knew that the speaker was the poor worm curled up in the dark.

"Can't force it?"

Dog left secretly said: "No wonder it will be so confident."


While talking, pat the mud seal away.

The rich wine fragrance came out instantly, Jun Chang sniffed and praised, "Good wine!"


The middle-aged laughed: "It looks like a middle-aged fellow!"

"I'll do it first!"

Jun Chang smiled first, stood up, grabbed the wine with one hand, raised it high, and the wine flowed out like a waterfall.

Middle-aged people are a little shy.

The prisoners in the distance were dumbfounded.

Even the immortal couldn't carry the wine. He even lifted it up and drank directly. He wasn't afraid to get up instantly and then lay on the ground like mud.

"Still too young!"

"If he knows how strong the boss's drunk fairy wine is ~ ~, he will never drink it so brazenly."

"No, I can't stand the smell of this wine!"

The principal prisoner of the fifth floor **** is extremely fond of drinking, and likes to drink with others, so over time, all other prisoners become alcoholics.

"Coo, coo!"

Jun Changxiao is still drinking from the back of his head. After the wine enters the body, it spreads out instantly, then merges into the blood and meridians, and launches an impact on the sea of ​​thinking!


After the middle-aged person is unwilling to take the rest, he pats off the sealing mud of the wine jar around him, and then lifts up and drinks.

"Coo coo!"

"Coo coo!"

They were all standing, stepping on the chairs with one foot of each other and drinking wildly.


Jun Chang laughed and drank one altar first, then skillfully opened the other altar and raised it again for a drink.

The prisoners opened their mouths.

After drinking a jar of drunk fairy wine, do not change the color, this guy can drink!



Jun Chang laughed and drunk a lot of drunk immortals, and the whole process didn't stop at all, not even the wine goblets.


Another time later, the dog left smashed the empty wine jar on the table, wiped the wine stains from his mouth, and laughed, "I'm done."

Nineteen empty wine jars lined up behind and behind him!


The middle-aged person put down the half-drinking altar, and his face was a little bit exciting. After all, the guy drank 20 altars, and then he drank only 10 altars. Looking at the speed alone, he was already inferior.


He grinned, "You can't stop drinking, you have to stand still."

"no problem."

Jun often laughed and clasped his hands together.

Judging by his complexion and intonation, he couldn't see drinking at all.

The middle-aged man couldn't help whispering, "Might ... he can dissolve the drunk immortal into the body?"

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