The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1244: Wine Road Supreme

Drunk immortal wine means that even the immortals in the sky will be drunk.

However, Jun often laughed and drank twenty altars. Instead of nothing at all, he stood arrogantly holding hands.

The demon head muttered in his heart.

Is it possible that the wine entering the stomach has been dissolved?


He immediately denied, saying: "This wine making method is special, as long as it is incorporated into the body, it will never be broken down!"

in this case.

This is a real encounter with a wine expert!

The drunk head never dreamed that Jun Chang laughed that there were two babies in Dantian, not to mention that the wine that entered the stomach was refined by both of them.

Especially the fire spirit, when the alcohol madly collided with his father's knowledge of the sea and thinking, he suddenly opened his eyes from his sleep, and then turned into a stream of light blocking the road that must pass, one by one, one by one.

As the existence that can purify evil thoughts, purifying alcohol is naturally a breeze.

The evil spirits also performed well. At the other junction, they covered the liquor first, then packed and refined it, occasionally taking two drinks.

When all the wine entering the body was refined, when the little guy returned to Dantian, he pointed at Huo Ling's nose with wine and cursed, venting his previous grievances, and finally ... was beaten.


Jun Changxiao didn't care that the two little guys were arrogant in his body, but looked at the demon head without changing his face.

"Coo coo!"

After a while, the other party drank the remaining wine. Although his face was more flushed, he still stood chicly, which shows that he can really drink it by his strength!

The two stood for half an hour, and they were as stable as each other.


The drunk head laughed: "I have been drinking for thousands of years, or is it the first time I have met a rival with a good fanfare, should I stop drinking dozens of altars?"

"No problem." Jun Chang smiled.

As a native of Shandong, he never bowed his head on the rink.

The wine demon's head raised his hand and was ready to take the sake.

Jun Chang laughed and said, "This time, drink my wine."


The drunkard said: "Do you have wine?"

"As a person who likes drinking, how could it be without alcohol." Jun Chang laughed.

"take it out!"

The drunkard head refreshed.

It is rare to meet someone who has the same interest as himself, so that he finds a feeling of having less than a thousand cups of wine.


Jun often smiled and waved, and several wines were set on the table.

This is Lankang's elaborate drunk dream. As the master of a case, he sometimes needs to entertain guests, so he will be stored in the space ring in advance.

The demon head waved to bring an altar, patted the mouth of the wine and sealed it, then sniffed with his nose, and immediately praised: "Good wine, good wine!"

The scent of wine overflowed the prison.

The prisoners who had good wine all looked up and sniffed, and the wine bugs in their stomachs rolled violently!

"Judging from the taste alone, I'm afraid it's not weaker than drunk fairy wine!"

"If only I could take a sip!"

They were eager to rush over, but because of the drunken demon, they could only stand in place with drool, and prayed secretly. The boss would leave a little bit later for the big guy to taste.

Jun Chang laughed and said, "This wine is called Drunk Life and Death, and it was made by a master brewer of our starry continent from the essence of heaven and earth and the moon and the moon. Just one sip will increase the speed of martial arts intake."


The head of the drunkard was surprised.

Before he was imprisoned, he traveled to countless mortal planes and drank thousands of fine wines. It was the first time that he heard that the fine wines used to boost happiness can help the warriors to improve the speed of cultivation!

"of course."

Jun Chang laughed and said, "The wine is also very strong. Your best to drink carefully, so as not to get drunk and unconscious."


The demon head laughed and said, "Lao Tzu has been drinking since the age of 20, drinking all the fine wines of the universe, and has never been drunk and unconscious!"


Having said that, grab one hand on the mouth of the wine, then lift the drunk life and dream to death, and start to drink like that just now.


Jun often laughed and admired in his heart.

When Zongmen holds a celebration party, he will be drunk and die, but it is nothing more than a bowl. This kind of direct blow to the altar is really dare, because the wine is too great!

"Coo coo!"

The drunk head drinks with pleasure, and the more he drinks, the more refreshing it is. After drinking an altar, he puts it on the table with one hand, Tao Ran said, "I thought that the drunk fairy wine was the best I've ever had. There are people outside, there is wine outside the wine! "


Jun Chang laughed and patted the mud, raised his drunk life to drink.

This was the first time he drank on the altar.

Anyway, there is a fire spirit in the body to help you refine the alcohol, let alone drink an altar, even if you drink the amount like the sea is not a problem!


The drunken head is not addicted to drinking an altar, and then brings the second altar. This must be prepared to lift up, and the body suddenly bursts into a flood-like wine power, and then rushes to the sea of ​​knowledge.

"not good……"

When he was shocked, he needed to set up a defense line, but time was too late, and the entire person instantly lost consciousness, and he passed through the ground like a mud and fell asleep.

The drunken life is too powerful, and the whole altar can't be carried in one breath.

"Oh my God!"

"Boss drunk!"

The prisoners all narrowed their eyes.

The strongest record of the drunken head is that a crowd picks all the prisoners in five layers of **** and ends up drinking them all, sitting on the table and singing how innocent it is.

Nowadays, just drinking a drunken life and dreaming of death, it directly falls to the ground unconsciously, which ... how strong the wine experience has been!

"Coo coo!"

Jun Changxiao drank all the wine soon, then looked at the head of the wine demon, shook his head and said, "Is that all right?"

Mo waited for more than ten minutes, turned his head, and said, "Tell me out loud, who won!"


The prisoners were silent.

Although they wanted to deny it, in fact the boss lost, and he was very embarrassed.

Jun Chang laughed to get the answers they wanted, and then turned his head to shoot the camera. He said seriously, "Drinking alcohol is harmful to your health. Do n’t drink too much. For the safety of everyone, let's not drink and drive."


After two hours.

The drunk head woke up from his drowsiness, clutching his sore head and saying, "I ... I've even had a broken piece!"

"and so."

A voice came to my ear: "From now on, I'm the fifth-floor **** boss."

The drunk head raised his head, and found that the boy was standing in place, with a smile on his face, and an empty wine jar next to him who was drunk and dreaming, so wondered: "Are you drunk?"

"Everyone can testify," Jun Chang laughed.


The drunk head was silent.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the prisoners don't testify. After all, they drunk down. This is a fact that cannot be changed.


He stood up and grinned, "Since you won, naturally you are the boss. I am convinced by the defeat of the drunkard!"

It is no surprise that Jun often laughs.

Those who drink boldly and boldly will not have a bad temper.

"Come on!"

The drunkard waved his head and said, "All come here to meet the new boss!"

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

A group of alcoholic prisoners gathered around, respectfully saluting Jun Chang with a salutation, but his eyes remained close to the unopened altars and drunk dreams ~ ~ Since you recognize me as the boss, I will naturally not treat you. "

"Take these wines."

If Lan Kang knew that he had died of drunken dreams carefully brewed, he would be sent out by the suzerain, and he would faint in the toilet.


The drunk head gave a thumbs up and said, "I have been drinking for so many years, and this is the first time I have met a master like you!"

Jun Chang laughed and said, "There is more to drink than me."


The drunk head wondered: "Who?"

Jun Chang smiled solemnly and said: "On the starfall continent where I live, there is a disciple of Wanzong named Night Star, known as the Supreme Master of Wine Road. I have challenged him 100 times and defeated 100 times."

The system chanted: "The host has begun to persecute Pei Niu daily!"

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