The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1245: Lingdi, Du Yinqing!

The character of the drunk head is very appetizing to Jun Chang, and his martial arts strength is also very strong, and he immediately has the intention of recruiting.

How to recruit?

this is a big problem.

The dog left the heart in mind, and deliberately shaped the night star into a supreme drunk, and then made the other party have a strong idea of ​​wanting to meet for a while!

Why isn't it Li Qingyang, Xiao Xiaoji?

You know, if you just choose a disciple, even female disciples such as Liu Wanshi and Yao Mengying throw a few streets away in terms of alcohol.

If you have to explain it, it may be the suzerain ’s love for his disciples.


Ye Xingchen ’s exclusive magic soldier has evolved into a wine altar. From the perspective of external devices, it is very suitable for the title of ‘drinking supreme’.

The system said: "The host just likes to persecute Ye Xingchen. Until now the people of the soul continent scolded him while eating."


The drunkard's eyes suddenly lighted.

He can drink more than he can drink, making him very tempted!

"Starfall continent? Night stars." The demon head secretly said in his heart: "If one day I can get out of prison, I will definitely ask you for two glasses!"

An Niu, who has just been brought back to the room by Li Qingyang and others, if he knows that he has been titled 'Best of Winery' by the sovereign, he will definitely stand up and drink a bowl of drunk life!


Jun Changxiao grabbed the heart of the wine demon, but it was enough, and then simply asked to leave for the teleportation array.

"Boss, going to six hells?"


"It's better not to go."

The drunkard said earnestly: "The principal offender there is not easy to mess with!"

"is it?"

Jun Chang smiled and said, "Then I will be more interested."


The drunkard's mouth was slightly drawn.

Persuasion also persuaded that if he really wanted to go, he could not forcefully stop him.

Jun Chang smiled and walked towards the teleportation array. As he was about to enter, a voice came from his ear: "Little friend, slow!"

The speaker was the poor worm curled up in the corner, and he summoned the courage to stand up and walked, his eyes full of dread and fear.


"You dare to stand up without my order!"

The drunkard's head was about to roll up his sleeves and prepare to teach each other, but was stopped by Jun Chang smile, and said, "Is something wrong?"

The man came over, paused, and said, "Are you from the star continent?"


"Are you looking for Jiu Emperor?"

Jun Changxiao just asked the head of the wine demon, although he hid in the distance, he could hear clearly.

"you recognize?"

The dog left hurriedly asked.

From the first level to the fifth level of hell, although the author negligently wrote nothing, he always had questions and inquiries, but the news of the nine emperor Wudi was finally lost.


Suddenly, a wave of air emerged from the man, blowing his disheveled hair away, revealing a slightly majestic face and saying, "I am one of the nine emperors you are looking for!"

Jun Chang laughed and heard his mouth open.

This poor worm, who has been bullied in five layers of **** to have incomplete skin, is one of the nine emperors that he is looking for?

Don't talk nonsense!

Shouldn't the nine strongest men in charge of the starfall continent be well-placed and not be angry?

I came across and learned that there are nine Emperors of the Emperor, and Jun Chang laughed and thought that this kind of strong man is definitely more versatile than the emperor. He even dreamed of drinking together and talking about the general trend of the world.

The poor worm standing in front of him is really one of the nine emperors he is looking for, and that is a huge contrast!

Systemically said: "The Nine Emperors are very strong in the starry continent, but they are very common in the universal universe, especially in the ninth-floor hell. It seems normal to be so miserable."

"So too."

Jun Chang smiled and relieved.

The nine emperors are regarded by the world as the supreme strong king on the continent of stars, and their image is also subconsciously associated with tall and mighty.

But it is very common to put it in the whole mortal universe, especially the principal prisoners who are being held in the ninth-floor **** are not only powerful, but also have their own abilities. It is not uncommon for them to be imprisoned and abused to lose their king.


The Baccarat dismissed him: "It turned out to be quite big."

This poor worm who can't drink and drink himself, but can't fight himself, has never looked straight.

The man clenched his fists, his eyes flashed with anger, but after being tortured for thousands of years, he learned to forbear, pretending not to hear the other person's intentional taunts.

"Which one of the nine emperors?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.

The man tidy up his messy hair and dress and said in a formal tone: "Ling Emperor, Du Yinqing!"

The simple words made Jun Changxiao capture the resilience of the king, and he felt a little bit of trust in his heart, saying, "Can there be proof?"


Du Yinqing spread her palms.

On one side, an inlaid gilt token bearing the word 'Emperor' appeared, saying: "This is the emperor's token."

If at this time you replace the dog left with the top of the top ancestors in the mainland, you will definitely salute the token on the spot, because, see the nine emperors, see the deity!


The system said: "The token is produced by the starfall continent."

"Can this be seen?" Jun Chang laughed in surprise.

The system proudly said: "Don't think that only the host is constantly getting stronger, and this system is no longer upgraded all the time."

Since the other party took out the identity token, Jun Changxiao had already believed in 80%, so he kindly stepped forward and shook hands, saying, "Brother, you are wronged!"

Dog left likes daydreaming.

For example, one day when I met the nine emperors, could I be called brothers and sisters with them, or could I stand with them?

It really happened now, and the result is completely different from what I thought, because instead of being noble, he is more pitiful than a beggar!


Du Yinqing sighed.

He didn't speak, because talking too much is tears!


The drunkard put a hand on his shoulder and grinned, "It turns out that you and the boss know each other, and we don't even know each other. From today on, we are like brothers!"

Those who are unrestrained and arrogant will like to smile with gratitude!

Du Yinqing collapsed.

You meowed me for thousands of years, and you have a face that matches your brother?


Jun Changxiao did not rush into the sixth floor of hell. Instead, he talked to Du Yinqing alone and asked, "Boss, how many other emperors are held in hell?"

After thousands of years of torture, Ling Emperor has lost his former edge. It is as if the old vicissitudes drunk his life and said, "We are separated when we are taken to the Starry Fortress."

Jun Chang smiled and asked, "What crime did you commit?"


Du Yinqing drank a big sip of wine directly ~ ~ Knowing the sea suddenly appeared in the past, then shook her head bitterly: "Age the past, not to mention."

Not to mention how.

But I'm very curious about what treasonable things you have committed, will be detained in the Nine Hells by Star Fortress.


As soon as he was about to speak, Du Yinqing fell down, and judging by his facial expressions, he was clearly drunk and unconscious.


Jun Chang smiled blankly and scorned: "I thought the nine emperors were strong, but I didn't expect such a bad one!"

"I bother!"

"I am!"

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