The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1256: Please enlighten me!

The real strength is that Wu Shengda's successful monarch always laughs, why can he break through the air with his subordinates? Although there are equipment and other reasons, but the more important thing is Jianshuang Shuangxiu.

The integration of the two is huge.

Therefore, although Jun Changxiao along the way also repeatedly encountered strong enemies, as long as it is not crushing, even if he may not win, he will not be too embarrassed.

Moreover, he fought with others with either bare hands or with a knife, but rarely used a sword, so it was easy to be ignored. In fact, it was the sword repair that was forcibly raised by the qualification liquid!

There is not much martial arts in the unique kendo martial arts of Wan Guzong. The only things that can be said are Ling Jianshenjue and Wan Jian Guizong. Jun Changxiao majors in these two majors.


I did n’t practice much, so I mastered it.

It is difficult to compare the burst of liver with gold, and it is difficult to compare with gold.

Since crossing the other world, the dog left to get the system is just open and hung up all the time.



The second style of Wanjian Guizong is exhibited by the sword. Jun Changxiao exudes a majestic sword, covering all the available stones, soil, and other objects, and then converging them into a vortex in the air!

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of sword trick is this!"

"Every grass and tree can contain sharpness!"

The prisoners with swollen noses and swollen eyes in the distance all glared their eyes and opened their mouths.

that moment.

Jun Chang laughed in front of the center of the vortex. The special effects are extremely extreme, just like the supreme master who can manipulate everything in the world.

Here comes the problem.

Why do dogs rarely use swords?

Because the more you do n’t need too much description, there are extremely high-definition pictures, and even a little pose is burning the funds crazy, and the producers ca n’t carry it if they play more.

However, this time Jun often laughs and misses so much, because the middle-aged man carrying the nine swords on the opposite side is not only the sword repair, but also has the strength to break through the air. You must use the sword skills in the big scene!

"Not bad!"

The man's eyes glowed.

As a top player in kendo, judging from the sword sentiment, this young man from the seventh floor is not easy!


With his **** pointing towards the sky, the ancient sword with nine handles behind him flew up, like a peacock opening up in the sky, revealing a strong sword, expressing his lofty sentiments: "Come on, let Yimou receive your sword!

This person was named Yi Feixue, the eight-tier **** leader, obsessed with swords since he was a child, and finally proved with a sword.

This is definitely the top Kendo master in the universe.


Star Fortress dispatched four patrols to successfully win this person. At first, one or two of them were all defeated.

The principal offenders of the first few floors may be able to esteem each prison because of their special skills, and Yi Feixue relies on the actual combat effectiveness, and the degree of danger is evaluated as 'A'.

The ancestors of the merchants are also very strong. They are only a small step away from breaking through the median, but they have been evaluated as 'B'.


The first few layers of the fight may not be a warm-up for Jun Changxiao, but in the face of these eight layers of hell, you must take it seriously!


The sword will continue to strengthen, and the pervasive area will be more extensive. Stones, sand, and dirt will be drawn, and they will continually gather in the vortex to form a more exciting feast of thousands of swords.


Jun Chang smiled and hung in the air, and said loudly, "Please enlighten me!"

"call out!"

Raised Yulong to ask Tian Jian in front of him, and countless sword lights rotating behind, like a tornado, pressed towards Yi Feixue.

The high special effects and strong picture directly stir the space!

Although Jun Changxiao has never practiced kendo with all his heart, as the realm continues to improve, his understanding of this area becomes more and more profound, especially the ‘Wan Jian Gui Zong’ has reached a level of fire!

This sword.

Definitely amazing!

Even the patrol watched through the light curtain was deeply shocked by the sword's momentum like the storm.

"Which kind of horrible exercise has this sword experienced to such an extent?" Zi frowned.

The strong in martial arts are common in the universal universe, but the strong in martial arts need to be enlightened day after day. Those who can become a climatic person have hardships that ordinary people cannot imagine.

For example, Zhou Hong.

Since joining Wan Guzong, he has been practicing sword and Wujian every day. It can be described as devoting himself, which is difficult for many warriors.

No one can casually succeed. Behind the glorious bloom are numerous trials.

of course.

Jun often laughs at him, except.



The second form of everything is a sword, like a tornado in a horizontal position, and a barbed dragon with a full body. The outbreak of the sword has become stronger than ever.


The space was marked with sword marks, as if it might be split at any time.

Yi Feixue put his hands together, his beard fluttered in the wind, his eyes solemnly said, "Nine swords are one, only I have exclusive respect!"



The nine-handed ancient sword with a peacock opening screen behind them quickly moved closer together, then a huge sword shadow emerged, and the sword group flew down with the strong sword intention.


"Kaka Kaka!"

Another sword exploded, and the space suddenly couldn't support and began to burst in a large area.

However, just as the two Xeon sword intentions were about to collide, the sword awns condensed by various debris suddenly turned to zero, dragging the sword awns from all directions.


The swordsmanship eluded the sword from the pressure, and passed by Yi Feixue like a locust.

"Ding! Ding!"

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Jian Mang swept past and stuck on the prison wall.


At the same time, the strength gathered by the nine swords smashed to the ground like a mountain peak, smashing the unseen sword awns.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

After the powerful sword gradually dissipated, the ancient swords with extraordinary quality of Jiushan flew in, and then drew into the sheath of Yi Feixue's back.

Jun Changxiao is still floating in the air, with a smile in his mouth.

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere was peaceful.


A gust of wind blew, Yi Feixue had to fall off a pinch, and then arched: "Although your strength is not strong, your control of Kendo has reached its peak and Yi has lost!"


Jun often smiled and arched.



"It should be over."

"Master Yi seems to be stronger in terms of momentum. Why would he give up?"

"You know the fart, the real Kendo strongs showdown, it doesn't matter who is stronger, who cares more about the understanding of Kendo!"

"Does this seemingly young guy ~ ~ Kendo understand better than Master Yi?"

"How else would you give up!"

The prisoners talked and did not hear the sound of Jun Chang's ear.

"Ding! The spur mission is completed and you get 20,000 contribution."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 30,000 / 100000."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the side missions, triggering the hidden rewards, and obtaining Lingyan Pavilion's exclusive soldier transforming stone x1, which has been delivered to the space ring."

After entering the eighth level of hell, Jun Changxiao got the task of conquering Yi Feixue with sword skills, and it is now complete.


Falling down, Yulong asked Tianjian to take it back.

Jun Chang smiled and turned to look at the teleportation array, and then looked up at the camera that captures everything inside at any time, grinning: "The last layer is left."

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