The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1257: Ambassador

When Jun often laughed at Yi Feixue with sword skills, there was only one layer left to clear the whole hell.

Looking back, the process made him feel very simple.


The system said silently: "He is so cheap!"

Convinced by Yi Feixue, Jun Changxiao did not forcibly ask for the source of the soul, because he knew that the real Kendo strong is not allowed to trample on dignity.

This should let Qin Linran and others know that she will definitely cry in the toilet.


Can our dignity be trampled on by you at will?

"You all."

Jun Chang smiled at the prisoner and said, "Who are you from the star continent?"

The three men who stood in the crowd without any sense of presence walked out, and they were the three remaining poor emperors.

It really made a reader guess that the Emperor was mainly surnamed, namely, Emperor Zhao, Emperor Qian, and Sun Emperor.


Can it be more professional and serious!

When the old people met the old people, the three emperors learned that Jun often laughed from the continent of stars, but he still burst into tears to understand how to save himself.

Although the nine emperors who were held in **** are pitiful and have no sense of existence, after all, they are related to two epic tasks, so it is very important for Jun Changxiao.

Even said.

Whether or not they can become kings depends on nine of them.


Jun Chang smiled seriously and said, "When I defeat the main criminal in the last layer, I will rescue you."

Since it has long been discovered that there are image array methods to capture at any time, important conversations at any level are conducted by means of sound transmission.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Qian Didao: "The last layer of **** is holding a terrible demon. Don't be reckless!"


Jun Chang laughed and said, "Is it a beast?"

Sun Di's eyes flashed with terror, saying: "It is said that this is an ancient fierce hero who has at least 50,000 years of life. At that time, twelve patrols joined forces to subdue him."

"Isn't it?" Jun Chang smiled and widened his eyes.

Shang Youjin once said that the patrol of the Starry Fortress has a median ability to break through the air, and the whole team was dispatched to get it. The ninth-floor **** is too fierce!

"Want to go down?" Jun Chang laughed and tangled.

There is a charm of heaven and earth, and a suit of the Great Saint. He is not very afraid of the opponent. The question is, if it is a real battle, it will definitely cost the hole card. Is this necessary?

The system said: "The epic mission only rescued the nine emperors, and did not let the host have to clear the customs, so let's find a way to escape and return to the starfall continent."

"Ding! The side mission is triggered!"


Jun Chang laughed and opened the data panel. After seeing the content of the mission, he yelled, "You and his meow are just real poisonous milk!"


The system also crashed.

If it has a substance, it must be crazy to give yourself a few big mouths.

The side mission is to ask the host to defeat the main culprit [Super Elite Mission] in the last layer of Nine Hells.

Jun Changxiao has already cleared the eighth floor. Now comes the task of defeating the main offender in the last floor. What's the difference between the system and the clearance?


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head and said, "For the super elite task, it is not good to go."

If it is still a normal task that rewards 20,000 contribution value just now, he may consider giving up, but this time as a real man, he ca n’t be a shrinking turtle!

that moment.

The late King Wangmen forcibly appeared and blessed him with an iron buff.


Jun often walks with a smile.

"Monarch Sovereign ..."

When the three emperors saw him walking towards the ninth level of hell, their expressions were gradually frozen.

Yi Feixue, sitting on the boulder, looked up and was surprised: "Have you gone to the bottom?"


Jun often laughed.

Yi Feixue held his fist and admired: "A real man!"

He knew that there was a horror detained below, and he had repeatedly considered whether to challenge it, but he finally dispelled it because he was not so sure.


With all the attention, Jun Chang smiled into the formation, and then ‘咻’ disappeared!

"He went down!"

"He really went down!"

"The principal criminal detained at the bottom, but a cruel and ancient fierce!"

"That guy is finished."

The prisoners in the ninth-floor **** have never seen the last principal, but they have heard that the other party is extremely powerful, and there are even legends that one foot has stepped into the upper void.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Zhao Qiansun's three emperors without Li prayed in their hearts: "I hope you can survive!"


Patrol room.

When Jun Chang laughed into the teleportation array, the child who always watched the light curtain frowned, "This guy has the courage to dare to challenge the devil who forced me to wait until I joined forces."

"I'm afraid to kill him," said the ugly.

Zi Shi thought for a while and preached in a special way: "Boss, stop him and try something deep."

Yi Feixue was defeated by Jun Changxiao. He didn't think that because of the dog's remaining strength, he was mainly aware of Kendo and was impressed.

and so.

If it really fights.

The guy refused to reveal more strength, and it was difficult to defeat Yinshi.

"Roger that."


"call out!"

The vision was chaotic, and Jun Chang laughed into the glittering environment, so he was quite surprised: "This is the last layer? How does it feel like a prison, but some kind of illusion?"


"This is a fantasy."

As if in a twisted streamer, the burly yin stepped out, the cloak fluttered behind him, and a wind of naval generals appeared through his body.

"you are?"

Although Jun Chang laughed, he actually guessed his identity from the costume.

"One of the twelve patrol ambassadors of Starry Fortress." Yin Shi stopped, folded her hands together, raised her head gently, and said proudly: "Yin Hu."

"Yin Tiger?"

Jun Chang smiled and grinned, "The other eleven patrolmen, are they called rats, ugly cows, and rabbits?"

"Good," Yin said.

Jun Chang joked: "You shouldn't be called patrol agents, you should be called zodiac agents."

Yin Shi took the other person's amputation into the fantasy while he was teleporting, not for chatting, so he said lightly: "From the first floor to the eighth floor, you are quite capable."

"Luck, luck." Jun Chang laughed.

Yinshi asked: "Is it luck to destroy the Dark Lord?"

Jun Chang smiled slightly.

How did he know about this?


Yin made a grin and said, "Tear off the human skin mask on your face, because we already know your identity."


Jun Chang laughs a little awkwardly.


Yin shook his shoulders, shook the cloak, and showed strong muscles in his arms. At first glance, he was a strength player.


He proudly said, "Play with the messenger!"

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "I have to challenge the main criminal in the last layer of hell."

"If you can't even fight with the envoy, you will be abused when you go to the ninth level of hell." Yin envoy said: "Come and come, win the envoy, and give you a million spirits!"

Jun Changxiao really didn't want to fight with each other. After all, he needed to save energy to complete the side missions, but ... he even used the spirit stone to seduce himself.


Is this humiliating me!


Does this mean that someone sees money open?


Jun Chang smiled and stretched out his hand to remove the easy-to-face mask on his face ~ ~ Restored the super handsome look and shouted, "Come and come!"


Suddenly, there was a roar and a shock in the space, and the impetuous spirits could emerge like waves.

When everything gradually weakened, Yin Hu stood in the position of Jun Changxiao, and his right fist was bombarded and shrouded in layers of energy.

The camera cuts into the distance, and only sees the dog left that has gone through the eight levels, inlaid into the barriers of space with a **** ‘‘ character ’, and the entire face clings tightly, like a piece of plastic wrap.

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