The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1286: The Nozomi of the First Class is here forever!

At the foot of the mountain, there is an open-air venue with a large area, which gathers the Zongmen bosses and powerful men with strong faces and faces in the three star states and overseas countries. They are anxiously waiting for the organizer of the Wumen Conference, Wan Guzong.


"The monarch is here!"

Suddenly someone shouted.

In the meeting place where hundreds of thousands of heroes gathered in the world, a spirit of thoughts suddenly emerged, rushing to the north entrance, and saw the senior officials and disciples of Wanzong headed by Jun Changxiao.

They held their heads up.

They are stingy!

"very handsome."

A smile appeared on the face of Yun Jingxuan sitting in the VIP seat.

After careful consideration, Chang Fanghua and Leng Xingyue still forcibly notified the retreat's palace master and asked if they would come to the Wumeng Conference. The return was to go straight to the customs.

I haven't seen it for many days. This woman with glasses is more attractive and attractive than before, and she seems to have improved a lot.

"Yan Yao."

Zhen Dejun in the background spoke.

Shangguan Yunyao nodded, immediately integrated into the formation, and instantly established contact with other imaging hubs.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

For a split second, within each city and town of Starfall Continent.

The enchantment, which was originally closed, was fully opened, and a scene of Jun Changxiao taking his disciples into the venue emerged.

"it has started!"

"Finally started!"

The ordinary people and warriors who had heard the news early and came to the squatting point in advance all looked intently.


In the spotlight, Jun Chang smiled at the high platform in the center of the venue, leaned his mouth against the microphone prepared in advance, and said loudly: "Sincerely welcome friends from the south and the north to participate in the Wumeng Conference, which was exclusively named by Vanguard."


The mouths of the people across the continent are slightly drawn.

Does this familiar opening remark need to be advertised again?

The disciples have already recruited over 100,000, and Jun Chang smiles naturally and will not continue to beat with a sullen face. He took it seriously and said, "Before the Wumeng Conference opens, please testify."


Surprises appeared on the faces of the big brothers.

At this moment, the senior officials and disciples of Wan Guzong were standing neatly under the stage of the suzerain's speech. Of course, it was impossible to bring Shiwanquan, but only 10,000 elites.

Jun Chang smiled and lifted up the microphone, and said, "Witness me that Wan Guzong became a first-class sect today."


"Wanting to be promoted ?!"

"It doesn't seem long to be promoted to the second-rate school!"

When the voice of the dog is transmitted through the light curtain on the starfall continent, the eyes of the world are widened, and the sea is stirred up!

On the contrary, they were at the scene, and Han Chengzhu, who was sitting in the VIP area, was not too surprised. After all, in their view, with the strength of Wanzong, they could afford to be first-class.

Jun Chang turned and smiled, and stretched out his hand and said, "Thank you for your friends and forces such as the Lord of the City, Lord of Ai, Lord of the City, Holy Spring Sect, Lily Sect, Sacred Temple, Mosha Sect, etc. Without your support and trouble, there will be no me Zong is strong today. "

Xie Guangkun and Ai Shangzhang smiled on their faces, their eyes flickered with pride, because they and friends of Wan Guzong witnessed the rise of the legend.

The lord of the shrine and the lord of Mosha were ashamed, because they and Jun Changxiao were enemies, and they had made trouble in the growth of this sect.

"of course."

Jun Chang smiled and said, "I also want to thank the Cangshan faction, the Miaohua Palace, and forge alliances when I was weak in the ancient times."

Qi Jingxuan's little face blushed because the monarch was looking at herself and everyone in the venue was looking at herself, making her very shy and at a loss.

The old face of the Cangshan faction was also red, not shy, but ashamed, because although it was allied with the Eternal Sect, in fact, except for the beginning, the rest was covered by others.


In the face of the current Wan Guzong, let alone four or five, and one or two is not worth mentioning, but Jun Changxiao is still very grateful, because these two gates have been in trouble and see the true love!

"Thanks a lot."

Jun Chang laughed: "Jun is not mentioned one by one."

"Then, with the applause, please ask the owner of the certification hall, Yi Tianxing, to authenticate the first-class ancestral gate for me."

The venue was silent, after all, this was an award ceremony, not a concert, but applause!

When the atmosphere was embarrassing to the extreme, Yi Tianxing had appeared on the stage, and then quite uncomfortably picked up the microphone. The manuscripts that were prepared in advance were forgotten all at once, and he only squeezed out a sentence: "Start certification!"

The certification requirements for the first-class Zongmen are at least 100,000 disciples, and then ... no more, because the voice has just fallen, the senior officials and disciples of Wangu Zong no longer suppress the cultivation, and all the realities are released!



Suddenly, the entire venue was shrouded in strength and power, and the doormen of various sects stood up in surprise, even the nine emperor Wudi sitting at the highest point widened their eyes!

"Oh my God!"

The Emperor Ling couldn't tell the truth: "This 10,000 people, the lowest is the King of Wu!"

That's right.

The disciples brought by Jun Changxiao are all Emperor Wu Xiuwei.

So when they all released their realm breath, they immediately caused the second big sensation before and after the start of the Wumeng Conference!

You know, looking at the entire continent of stars, even if you gather all the forces to disperse forces, you may not be able to make up the realm of 10,000 martial kings.

There is so much for just one eternal ancestor, and how strong the shock can be imagined!

"It's more than King Wu."

Jingdi said: "There are five hundred emperors, fifty and a half holy ..."

He couldn't say any more, because after roughly glimpsing the strength of Wanguzong disciples, he was shocked and unable to speak.

"How is this cultivated!"

"Unbelievable, incredible!"

The corners of the mouths of several other emperors were twitching violently.

Coincidentally, the camera was always aimed at them, all the warriors on the mainland saw it, and they were thinking about what exactly would cause the nine emperors to have such exaggerated expressions.



The realm and momentum of the disciples of Wanguzong are still being released.

Each of them held their heads high, each of them pushed the iron bones to the extreme, becoming the most glorious existence in the venue.

Jun Chang smiled on his face.

With years of development and efforts, Zongmen has gradually stepped from a weak chicken to a strong one. Today, finally, I can shout out in front of the warriors all over the world. Who can compete with me in this world!

No now, no later.

Because in this open way, in less than ten years, a king of martial arts has been created to walk around. The emperor's top gates, as many as dogs, are doomed to no one to surpass.

Standing next to Yi Tianxing picked up the microphone and said, "I was going to go through the program to authenticate, now ..." He paused and smiled bitterly: "It seems that this is no longer necessary."

"First class!"

"First class!"

The martial artists sitting in the auditorium shouted aloud, showing that Wan Guzong became the top sect.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Yi Tianxing took out the first-class Zongmen authentication token prepared in advance, and then passed it under the eyes of the warriors across the continent, with a solemn tone: "Congratulations to Guizong for being a first-class Zongmen."

"Thank you."

Jun Chang smiled to take over.

"First class!"

"We are all first class!"

The disciples watching through the light curtain in Wan Guzong shouted, and the boiling sound was rippling in the sky for a long time.

"Old boy."

Wei Lao, who was sitting in Yaotian Pavilion, took a sip of tea, and put the tea cup down with trembling eyes. Yang Tian with turbid eyes and tears said, "I have done something for you!"

At that moment, Li Qingyang, Xiao Guiji, Su Xiaomo and others ~ ~ in the lens were presented with pride and pride, because they all joined when the sect was weakest, and gradually followed the growth of the lord. Step by step and witness!


There was a cue in my ear.

The second-level system property panel has officially changed to first-class.

Jun Chang laughed and put his hands on the podium, his head was slightly lowered. All the efforts and efforts that have been made are now being rewarded. The excitement brought by them cannot be expressed in words. Only two men gathered with tears in their eyes.


System said: "Congratulations, you did."

He didn't ridicule his words, didn't ridicule him, and didn't utter his words. He congratulated him completely.


Jun Chang took a deep breath, took the microphone, and said loudly, "The Wumeng Conference officially started, and the theme of the meeting was the ears of the powerful forces in the world. I always laugh as the Wumeng leader. Whoever agrees, who opposes!"

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