The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1287: Respect for all ancient ancestors, respect for monarch and always laugh

Because Zongmen was upgraded to first-class level, which made Jun Changxiao fluctuate greatly, I hope to end soon without any ink, and directly cut into the theme of the meeting.

My eternal ancestors want to be the head of the mainland ancestors. I always laugh and want to be the top leader, and I ask you whether you agree or not, and whether you agree or disagree!

However, when he finished speaking, the entire venue was silent, and the entire continent was silent, like a painting.

Many people do n’t know what it means to hold the Wumeng Conference, but now they all know that the original Gu Zongzong not only promoted to the top, but also led the entire continent!

Before this change, it must have been swearing. After all, who wouldn't want to be the boss, but from ancient times to the present, is there really another one?

But now, warriors are tangled, and ordinary people are also tangled.

Who wants to be the boss? Elder Suzerain! He stepped into the battlefield of the plane first, and opened up territory in it, turning the deadly situation into a tourism trip.

Who knows this kindness?

The venue fell into silence and the atmosphere became serious.

Jun Chang smiled on the podium with one hand, learning the tone of Secretary Dakang, and said, "Nine Emperor Wu Emperors, take a stand."


Emperor Ling and Jing Di looked at each other.

They knew that holding the Wumeng Conference was an alliance organization, but they didn't expect that Jun Changxiao would simply go through the process and become the boss, which was a bit too much time.


Suddenly, a soft cough came from the venue.

Emperor Jiuwu looked up, his eyes suddenly panicked.

Because some of the main criminals in the fortress nine hells were smiling at themselves.

What does this mean?

The threat of red fruit!

"The monarch is the talent of heaven, and of course he is the leader of Wumeng League, and Dumou agrees!" Lingdi first stated.

Eight other emperors also supported.

In fact, Jun Changxiao sent Yi Feixue and others to come over, a little bit worried, he just rescued from hell, the other nine would agree, not to mention, people also have hard power.

"You all."

Jun Chang smiled and looked at the masters of the first-class ancestors and said, "What do you think?"

"In a short period of time, I can develop a ninth-class sect to the top sect. This ability is extremely ancient. I ’m Taixuan Shengzong willing to follow Wan Guzong as the head and respect the monarch as the leader of the Wu League!" Get up and archway.

No one can start this matter, because it is easy to take rhythm together, so the top sects have expressed their approval.

The second and third class schools did not wait to take the initiative to ask, they agreed.

For a time, the patriarchs at all levels agreed to honor the Emperor Zong as the leader of the mainland, and agreed that Jun Chang laughed as the leader of the military alliance.

"Representative of Southwest Yangzhou, do you agree?"


"Representative of Northeast Quzhou, do you agree?"



After continuously asking the representatives from Kyushu, Jun Chang laughed and said, "Representatives from overseas three states, do you like it?"


Qiu Gongzhu and others expressed their positions.

Twelve states passed in full. Then, Jun Changxiao turned his eyes to the Emperor's Gatekeeper and laughed, "Do you agree?"

"Ten thousand and eleven in favor!" Said the merchant hurriedly.

The renown decent and state representatives agreed because Van Gonzong had helped the starry continent, and he agreed that it was so urgent because he was afraid of being robbed again.

"You all."

Jun Chang smiled at everyone at the venue, then looked up and looked at his own mapping method, saying: "You like it!"


"We agree!"

Any cities and towns on the starfall continent, wherever there is a light curtain, chanted loudly, their words were consistent, and no objection was found.


The nine emperor Wudi and the top ancestors agreed, how could they sing anti-show?

"Since there is no objection." Jun Chang smiled and picked up a stack of documents, and said, "Please go to the ancestors here, regardless of the true evils, to sign the Wu League agreement made by this party."


The corners of the warriors twitched.

Even the agreement was written, and it was prepared!

Each contract was sent to the patriarchs, and when they signed their names, it represented the official establishment of the Wumeng League, headed by the Wanzong ancestors, and all the scribes who signed the name were one of the members.


At the meeting place, Qin Haoran sighed as a little transparent.

He has created a hundred alliances, but compared to this organization covering all the sects, he is simply not worthy of mentioning shoes.

"The agreement is effective immediately."

Jun Chang laughed and sorted out all the contracts. He put his hands on the podium and fastened them together, and said, "I am the first generation leader of the Wu League."

"See the lord!"

"See the lord!"

No matter the nine emperors, no matter the patriarchs, or the crowds who came to join the crowd, all stood up and saluted King Chang with respect and salute.

"Since everyone recommends me to be the leader of the Wumeng League, I will certainly perform my due diligence and make the starfall continent stronger!"

"and so!"

Jun Chang laughed with a snapping finger, and a small light curtain appeared behind him.

A complete map of the starburst continent is drawn above. Each area has eye-catching spots and densely covers nine states.

Gou left the channel: "This is a super-transport array arranged by my eternal ancestors, which can carry out two-way transmission. It will be officially put on the market starting today and is committed to making everyone's travel more convenient!"

The Emperor Wudi's eyes widened again.

The matrix method that can transmit in both directions is very powerful!

"of course."

Jun Chang laughed: "The Wangu Transmission Network was originally only used internally by my ancestors. Now that it is announced to the public, everyone needs to transmit, and they must pay the corresponding spirits."

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Someone asked, "How far can this teleportation pass?"

Jun Chang smiled and pointed at the map behind him, saying: "Anywhere in Kyushu, you can teleport as long as there is a teleportation array, and it only takes a blink of an eye."


"Is that amazing?"

"Look, look, there is a formation at the crossroads!"

Many warriors in the big city have successively discovered that the most crowded and lively streets have matrix formations, and there are reminders to tell everyone how to pay for the stone, how to choose a place, and how to teleport.

"When was it laid out?"

Of course, it was secretly arranged by the Eternal Zongzhen Formation Hall, and there is a high-level hidden formation method, even if passers-by pass through it, they would not expect the existence of a teleportation formation.

Jun Changxiao was elected as the leader of the Wumeng League. Naturally, he needs to prove himself, so all the teleportation arrays are unhidden. Users only need to pay an artificial spirit stone, and they can enter and exit any state and county at will.

"I'll try!"

A warrior put an artificial spirit stone in the groove according to the prompt, chose the corresponding place, obtained the teleport token, and walked in. The whole person instantly teleported from West Yunzhou to Northeast Quzhou.


"It's amazing!"

"Going out in the future, you don't need to spend a lot of time to rush!"

"This move by the monarchy will undoubtedly benefit our stars and continents!"

When everyone was amazed by the convenience brought by the teleportation array, a majestic momentum suddenly emerged from the sky, and then it seemed to be torn apart by some force, and gradually presented a colorful and transcendental coercion. Here comes the throne.

"this is……"

The world was startled in shock: "Throne!"

Whenever the strongest person is born on the plane, heaven and earth will raise various visions.

The astral continent vision is that when someone enters the Emperor Wudi, he will gather in the sky to represent the supreme identity of the emperor.


Because of the battle of the ancient emperors, the world and the world imposed restrictions on it. Only ten people could achieve Emperor Wu, and only ten people could ascend to the throne, until one of them was replaced.


"The Emperor Wudi has appeared again!"

"When the Emperor reached the summit that night, this scene appeared!"

"Unfortunately, I sat down before I sat down, and the only vacant throne was never inherited!"

People in the world are shocking to discuss, even some martial artists choose to kneel and bow to the supreme emperor.

So here comes the problem!

who is it? Reach the level of Emperor Wudi and cause the emperor to be born!

"Look at the light curtain!"

Suddenly ~ ~ Some people shouted frequently in various cities.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

The warriors from all continents looked at the image formation method, and found at a glance that the monk standing in front of the podium smiled, and his whole body was shrouded in colorful streamers, exactly like the light of the emperor who gathered in the sky.

It's him!

It's the monarch!

Going to the top!


ps, 4th more.

By the way, can someone figure out how much Yedi's psychological shadow area is now.

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