The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1301: You are a good person!

The tattooed man who was madly stung to half-death was healed in a short time, which greatly shocked Jun Changxiao!

The healing dandan in the system can do it, but it is nothing but a plug-in. On the other hand, this guy is lying on the ground and hasn't done anything. He can only recover by ingesting the condensed light of fire. Could it have met his colleagues?

Jun Chang smiled immediately and became alert.


System Road: "The host system is absolutely unique in this book and it is absolutely difficult to replicate."

"So why did he recover suddenly?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.

"This ..." The system considered a little, and said, "Maybe practice a martial art that can quickly recover from injuries."

"That is to say, this is a personal talent?" Jun Chang smiled, his eyes lit up, and his mind rose with bold ideas.

That's right!

Use it as a shield!

The thought of Xiao Gui's backing his personal shield and being able to recover his injuries by himself, the combat effectiveness must have skyrocketed!

What if you don't turn things around?

Simple, get his martial arts at hand!

At this point, Jun Changxiao calmed down and asked, "Why do you ask to die?"

"Because ..." The tattooed man was lowered, his expression pained: "I was obsessed with martial arts all my life, but in the end the woman ran away with others!"

He will not tell others that he has the spirit of reincarnation, and that he will die stronger and stronger, so he just makes up a lie.

Force yourself green.

Such a lie can be said, it is really a super wonderful work!

Jun Chang smiled sympathetically: "Brother, you are so pitiful."


He paused and said, "Where is there no grass in the world, why bother with a single flower?"

"What's more, if you walk away with an unsuitable one, maybe you can meet a better one. There is no need to find death for love."

He can't let this person die, either by recruiting or martial arts.

"Do not!"

The tattooed man said in pain: "My heart is dead, and it doesn't make sense to live."

Judging from every facial expression and every movement of the body, it is sure to be a top performing skill that can only be obtained after rigorous training.

"Really dead?"

"Only death can free me!"


Jun Chang smiled for a moment and said quietly, "Well, I'll do you well."

The tattooed man's eyes flashed with excitement, and then he continued to lie on the ground, posing in a slaughtering manner, saying, "Please don't have any kindness to me, because you kill me and you are doing good deeds!"


This guy is really amazing.

"I have a way to make you die." Jun Chang laughed. "But you need to cooperate and you need to relax!"

"Muff, isn't it ..."

The system was muttering, the tattooed man didn't consider it: "As long as it can make me die, absolutely cooperate to the end!"

He completely relaxed his mind and soul. The whole person disappeared instantly, and then appeared in the prison tower of Tianyuan Town, so he wondered: "What place is this?"


Suddenly, there was light flashing behind him.

A gloomy little face appeared in front of him, saying: "Paradise of love."


Jun Chang, who followed him, said, "This guy wants to die, and I will leave it to you. Remember, he must be dead."


Erya's eyes were hot, but the voice said: "Master, my soul whip can only purify and whipped others, and can't really kill it."

"now it's right!"

Jun Chang laughed: "Master, I need to make him deeply feel the pain of life, in order to change from seeking death to living hard and live bravely!"


System said: "Too bad!"

It can't be said like this, after all, someone is desperate to die, and Jun often laughs to enlighten and builds his expectations for a better future, which is doing good deeds!


Erya Wu realized: "I see!"

Regarding this master of training, Jun Chang smiled very reassuringly, so he patted the tattooed man's shoulder, and said, "Dude, I hope to meet a woman with white hair and old age in the next life to compensate for the grievances I have suffered in this life."

The tattooed man arched his hand, gratefully said: "You are a good man!"

"Take care all the way!"

Jun Chang laughed and left Tianyuan Town Soul Tower, and continued to sit in prison to heal.

Time is a bit tight, he must first recover better than the fortress master, and then dismiss the martial arts soldiers in the city to find a chance to set the bomb out.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

As soon as the dog left with its front foot left, he saw a rope flying out of the void on his hind foot, and instantly lifted the tattooed male into a 'u' shape.


He grinned, "This method of death is very innovative."


Tools such as Soul Whip and Soul Candle appear one by one.


Erya pulled off her pajamas, revealed leather jackets, leather pants, boots, and put on a hat engraved with the word "Prison". She pressed down gently, and the queen fan said fully: "Which way do you choose to die?"

"Little children make choices!"

The tattooed man proudly said, "I want it all!"

He also saw that it seemed that he was going to punish himself, but he didn't care at all, because as long as he could die, he could come back again. What about the crime before the fart!

Erya's eyes widened.

Since following the master, she has personally trained a variety of attributes and many levels of warriors, but has not encountered such a eager desire to be abused, and even the masters of the game are all selected, is it possible to have any special habit?


Erya picked up the town whip, her face turned into a demon, and said, "Grandma Ben fulfills you today, and I will let you die in a way that I have never used before!"

"Hurry up!"

Tattooed man: "I can't wait!"


Erya twitched.

This guy really has any special hobbies, no wonder he will be sent in by the host, good! From now on, I want to let you experience what it means to live in pain and death!


Erya suddenly raised the whip.

The strength from the whipping of the soul gathered in it, and suddenly flashed a dazzling light.

Eyes of Nether curled up next to it and the twelve patrols made the testimony, shocked with perspiration, scalp tingling, and feet with fright!

As people, they can determine the strength from the gloss of the whip. What is blinking at this moment is definitely what they have never tried before. According to the danger level of the nine layers of hell, it is absolutely ... Super Class A!


The crisp whip was rippling in the prison.

The prisoners erected after hearing them, and they were frightened.


The tattooed man who was beaten with a whip ~ ~ The excited expression on his face suddenly solidified, gradually replaced by a cricket, and he bit his teeth and said, "Come again!"



The second girl swung the whip of soul in the air like a dancing girl, and then twitched madly on the other side, and the pain from the soul poured into the sea of ​​knowledge instantly.

The expression on the face of the tattooed man evolved from 狰狞 to 狰狞. The whole person appeared as a fish, was placed on a cutting board, and the chef took the knife to fish scales, and the pain caused was all over the body.




After Erya speeded up the frequency of whipping, the tattooed man finally couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly made a scream like a pig.

This level of torture, I can die!

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